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 Queries/sets the read-only mode switch

     CSETRDONLY([<lR/O-NewMode>]) --> lR/O-OldMode

     *  This function is retained in CA-Clipper Tools II/5.0 for
        compatibility purposes.  Use the READ-ONLY clause of the
        CA-Clipper  USE command to develop future applications.


     <lR/O-NewMode>  Designates the new switch status.  .T. turns the
     read-only mode on; .F. turns it off.  The default value is off.


     If no parameter is passed, the function returns to the current switch
     setting; otherwise, it returns the previous setting.


     Important!  Please note the changes in the CA-Clipper USE command!

     This function was implemented in the CA-Clipper Summer 1987 release to
     allow you to open files in read-only mode.  This function was also
     useful for CD-ROM access and the enabled you to open a network database
     if you lacked write permission.

     However, in CA-Clipper READONLY you can append to the USE command and do
     not have to implement CSETRONLY().  The switch has been retained in this
     release to insure compatibility with previous versions of CA-Clipper
     Tools.  You can still use it to query, but it no longer has direct
     impact on the open mode.

     This switch functions in the enclosed CA-Clipper Tools CT.CH definition


     .  For new applications, use the read-only key word in
        conjunction with the USE command.


     Set the read-only mode switch (it only functions when you use the CT.CH
     header file):

     ? CSETRDONLY(.T.)         // Returns old setting
     USE ....                  // Open with READ ONLY access

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson