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 Saves all ON/OFF switch settings

     CSETALL([<cNewSwitchList>]) --> cOldSwitchList


     <cNewSwitchList>  Designates in a specific format (shown in the
     tables on the next page), which switches are to be on or off.


     CSETALL() returns the current setting of all ON/OFF switches when no
     parameter is specified.  When the parameter is specified, the function
     returns the previous setting.


     This function allows you to query the current setting for all CA-Clipper
     ON/OFF switches and change them.  Since you can save 21 different
     switches, the function returns a 21-character string made with 0's and
     1's, rather than logical values.  This function makes it easy to save
     all the ON/OFF switches in a CA-Clipper error trap, and reset them when
     you exit.  The following switches are contained in the character string
     (in the order they occur in the returned string):

     Table 11-1: Clipper Switch Status
     Byte    Function      Clipper Switch
     1       CSETALTE()     SET ALTERNATE
     2       CSETBELL()     SET BELL
     3       CSETCARR()     SET CARRY
     4       CSETCENT()     SET CENTURY
     5       CSETCONF()     SET CONFIRM
     6       CSETCONS()     SET CONSOLE
     7       CSETCURS()     SET CURSOR
     8       CSETDELE()     SET DELETED
     9       CSETDELI()     SET DELIMITERS
     10      CSETDEVI()     SET DEVICE
     11      CSETESCA()     SET ESCAPE
     12      CSETEXAC()     SET EXACT
     13      CSETEXCL()     SET EXCLUSIVE
     14      CSETFIXE()     SET FIXED

     Table 11-2: Clipper Switch Status
     Byte    Function       Clipper Switch
     15      READINSERT()   INSERT Mode
     16      CSETINTE()     SET INTENSITY
     17      CSETPRIN()     SET PRINT
     18      CSETSCOR()     SET SCOREBOARD
     19      CSETSOFT()     SET SOFTSEEK
     20      CSETUNIQ()     SET UNIQUE
     21      CSETWRAP()     SET WRAP


     .  If you specify an invalid parameter, the function returns a
        null string and does not reset any switch.


     Display the current bell status:

     cSwitches  :=  CSETALL()         // 010000000000000000000

     IF SUBSTR(cSwitches, 2, 1) == "1"
        ? " BELL is on!"

See Also: CSETxxxx()*
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