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 Converts seconds into a time string

     SECTOTIME(<nSeconds>, [<lHundredth>]) --> cTime


     <nSeconds>  Designates the number of seconds since midnight to
     convert into a character string in time format.

     <lHundredth>  If this optional parameter is designated as .T., the
     resulting time string contains hundredths of seconds.  The default is no
     hundredths (.F.).


     SECTOTIME() returns a time string that corresponds to <nSeconds> in the
     "HH:MM:SS" or "HH:MM:SS:hh" format.


     This function can be applied in two areas -- to convert numeric time
     spans in seconds, and to convert a point in time into the "HH:MM:SS" or
     "HH:MM:SS:hh" format.

     If hundredths of seconds are also desired in the time string result,
     then designate the second parameter as .T..  The portion of the value
     for <nSeconds> to the right of the decimal is also converted.


     .  Seconds since midnight are in the range of 0 to 86400.  With
        larger values, the function internally executes the operation
        % 86400 and then uses the result value.  86400 seconds corresponds to
        an entire day.

     .  There is no rounding when values like 45366.98 are converted
        without hundredths.


     .  Calculate the span between two times.  The result is displayed
        in the "HH:MM:SS" format:

        nBeginning  :=  170
        nEnd         :=  3656
        ? SECTOTIME(nEnd - nBeginning)     // "00:58:06"

     .  With hundredth seconds:

        ? SECTOTIME(45873.22, .T.)         // "12:44:33:22"

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson