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 Tests if a specific year is a leap year

     ISLEAP([<dDate>]) --> lLeapYear


     <dDate>  Designates whether or not the specified date is in a leap
     year.  The default is the system date.


     ISLEAP() returns .T. when  <dDate> lies in a leap year; otherwise, it
     returns .F..


     A number of technical financial calculations need to know if a year has
     365 or 366 days.  ISLEAP() determines this.


     .  When parameters are missing, the function automatically uses
        the system date.  You must adhere to all rules for leap year tests.
        In the rare occurrence of a century change, the function also returns
        a correct result.


     Determine if the following dates are in a leap year:

     ? ISLEAP(CTOD("01/01/1901"))      // .F., No leap year
     ? ISLEAP(CTOD("09/30/1988"))      // .T., leap year
     ? ISLEAP(CTOD("01/01/2000"))      // .T., leap year

See Also: Introduction
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson