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 Converts NN/NN or CC/CC color values into numeric values

     COLORTON(<cAttr>) --> nAttr


     <cAttr>  Designates the alphanumeric color attribute that is
     converted in NN/NN or CC/CC form.


     COLORTON() returns a number that corresponds to the combined numeric
     color attribute.


     COLOR TO (N)umeric
     The function changes an alphanumeric color attribute from NN/NN or CC/CC
     into a combined numeric attribute.  These combined attribute values are
     useful with the CA-Clipper Tools functions STRSCREEN(), SCREENMIX(),
     SCREENATTR(), and the CA-Clipper commands SAVE/RESTORE SCREEN.

     COLORTON() makes it easy to create numeric attributes for the
     CA-Clipper Tools functions.


     .  If you specify an invalid attribute string, COLORTON() returns
        the numeric attribute 0, meaning black on black (invisible).


     .  Show the "normal" display (white on black); all alphanumeric
        forms yield 7:

        ? COLORTON("07")
        ? COLORTON("07/00")
        ? COLORTON("W/N")

     .  Display red on white; all alphanumeric forms yield the numeric
        attribute 116:

        ? COLORTON("04/07")
        ? COLORTON("R/W")

     .  If the foreground color is missing,  0 is assumed.  Here it
        corresponds to an inverse video display:

        ? COLORTON("/7")

     .  High intensity (+) and flashing (*) are also recognized:

        ? COLORTON("BR+")
        ? COLORTON("BR+*")
        ? COLORTON("G/BR+*")
        ? COLORTON("+G*/BR")

     .  An invalid parameter returns 0:

        ? COLORTON()

     .  Parameters of the <cAttr|nAttr> type are allowed.  A numeric
        attribute remains numeric.

        ? COLORTON(112)         // Result:  112

See Also: NTOCOLOR() Introduction
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson