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 Determines the numerical value of the character at a particular position

     VALPOS(<cString>,[<nPosition>]) --> nAsciiValue


     <cString>  Designates any string.

     <nPosition>  Designates which character to convert into numeric data
     format.  The default value processes the last character.


     VALPOS() returns the numeric value of the character at <nPosition>.


     VALPOS() converts a particular character in a string to its numerical
     equivalent.  You do not have to nest functions if you use VALPOS().


     .  This function works a bit differently than the CA-Clipper
        VAL() function.  VAL() terminates the conversion when a non-numeric
        character appears.  VALPOS() only processes a single character.

     .  If <nPosition> is past the end of <cString>, or the character
        selected through <nPosition> is not a number, VALPOS() returns 0.


     Determine the value of the character at position 3:

     cString  :=  "AX4B"
     ? VALPOS(cString, 3)      // Result: 4

See Also: ASCPOS()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson