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Changes the base address for a port
COM_SETIO(<nComPort>,<nIOPort|cIOPort>) --> lChanged
<nComPort> Designates the port (1 to 4) for which a new I/O address
is selected.
<nIOPort|cIOPort> Designates a valid I/O address for the selected
port. The parameter can be a decimal or hexadecimal string. For
information about the default value, see the Introduction this chapter.
COM_SETIO() returns .T. if the new I/O address is successfully set.
As is the case for other interface card settings, no true standard
exists for I/O addresses. This is particularly true for the COM3 and
COM4 ports. By using COM_SETIO(), CA-Clipper Tools software can be
adapted to the I/O addresses of the most eccentric interface card.
. The function tests to see if there is a port available at the
selected I/O address. COM_SETIO() returns .T. or .F. accordingly.
. This is an example of a setting for port 2, with the I/O
address as a decimal:
COM_SETIO(2, 504) // Address 1F8h
. This is an example of a setting for port 4, with the I/O
address as a hexadecimal:
COM_SETIO(4, "1F8") // .T.
. This is an example of an invalid I/O address; the value
exceeds 1023:
COM_SETIO(4, "10F8") // .F.
See Also:
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Written by Dave Pearson