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     There are a number of ways that the serial port can be used.  Modems,
     bar code readers, and many other devices deliver data over this port or
     are regulated by it.  Although standards do exist, in the final
     analysis, the type of communication is different every time.

     The functions in this chapter offer possibilities for data transmission
     and allow you to influence control signals.  These functions do not
     support any particular protocol or any specific instrument.  For a few
     expanded applications, like the XMODEM protocol, you should find
     sufficient information in the example programs for CA-Clipper Tools.

 Port Parameters

     All the parameters for the port, like baud rate, parity, file length,
     and stop bits, are fully adjustable.  It is possible to change the
     settings for a port without closing it.  In this way the transmission
     speed can be changed without losing the contents of the buffer or
     terminating an existing connection (DTR-signal).

 Data Transmission

     Using CA-Clipper Tools, you can use up to four serial ports
     simultaneously.  You can create a sending and a receiving buffer of up
     to 64kB in size.  The characters for the background transmission mode
     are placed in the sending buffer, while characters received through the
     port are stored using an interrupt handler.  You can determine the
     number of characters in the receive buffer from your CA-Clipper program,
     and as many of the available characters as you like can be read.
     Additional special control functions exist for the sending buffer that
     give the governing program full control.  It is also possible to engage
     a software or hardware handshake that is performed completely in the


     As previously mentioned, CA-Clipper Tools functions support both a
     hardware and software handshake.  As soon as the receiving buffer
     threatens to overflow by at least one page, a special handshake
     character is transmitted that tells the other side that no further data
     should be transmitted.  Whether you implement the hardware or software
     handshake depends upon the type of data transmission.  Hardware
     handshakes use physical port controls.  These port controls are usually
     RTS and CTS, so within the scope of CA-Clipper Tools functions, these
     control ports cannot be used for modem transmission.  Modems are
     generally not able to reproduce port controls directly over the
     transmission route (i.e.  telephone connection).  A software handshake
     must be implemented in such cases.

     A software handshake uses characters from the ASCII character set to
     control the data flow.  The ASCII character set is a standard which
     defines the XOFF (stop data, transmission off) as CHR(19) and the XON
     (continue transmission, transmission on) as CHR(17).  (You will
     recognize the similarity to your keyboard since CHR(19) corresponds to
     Ctrl-S, and CHR(17) corresponds to Ctrl-Q).

     If one of the handshake processes is implemented, the software must test
     both sides to see if the receiving buffer has been filled.  The software
     then either deactivates the CTS controls or sends an XOFF character.  By
     contrast, when sending data you must constantly test to see if the RTS
     input from the remote station has been deactivated or if an XOFF
     character has been received.  In both cases transmission must stop

     Since you can never be sure if the remote stations stop immediately
     after receiving an XOFF character, the internal handshake becomes active
     when the buffer is 75% full.  If the remote stations ignore the
     handshake, the 75% limit is probably insufficient at a set buffer size
     of 100 byte (which equals a 25 byte reserve).

     The techniques described here for the handshake are managed completely
     by the CA-Clipper Tools routines.  They do not concern themselves with
     the interface cards or the Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitters
     (UARTS).  It is sufficient to activate the selected method, which allows
     your program to regulate the status of the sending and receiving buffers
     on an ongoing basis.


     As previously mentioned, remote data transmission is, as a rule,
     implemented only through a software handshake.  A significant
     disadvantage to this method is that the characters used for flow
     control, CHR (19) and CHR(17) can no longer appear in the original data.
     Because these characters appear in binary files, remote data
     transmission is not possible -- transmission protocols must be used.
     You find XMODEM routines written in CA-Clipper in the example programs.
     Using the CA-Clipper Tools port functions and this example as a basis,
     other protocols can be developed fairly simply.

     Firm protocols are not provided within CA-Clipper Tools because their
     realization in CA-Clipper code presents no real advantage.  It is more
     important that you have the ability to create your own protocols so that
     you are not locked into whatever protocol is within CA-Clipper Tools.

 Control Signals

     You can set or query all important port connector control signals, like
     CD (carrier detect), DTR (data terminal ready), etc..  To simplify your
     programming, there is a separate function for each signal.  For all
     other status and control information, which is seldom required in serial
     communications, you can read or describe the corresponding UARTS
     register of the port directly.

 Direct Hardware Access

     All CA-Clipper Tools port functions directly address the hardware.
     Working over BIOS or even DOS calls would be impractical or even
     impossible.  We therefore presuppose 100% hardware compatibility with
     the established IBM personal computer industry standard.

     In order to guarantee that everything is functioning properly, both
     ports must be equipped with either UART 8250 or the compatible 16450.
     When you use the 8250, interrupt controlled transmission is only
     possible up to 2400 baud.  Technical details regarding the ports and the
     UART registers can be found in the corresponding technical instructions,
     like the IBM Technical Reference Manuals.

 I/O Addresses and Interrupt Requests

     CA-Clipper Tools assumes the following basic settings for the four

     Table 1: Standard Port Settings
     Port    I/O Address    IRQ
     COM1:   3F8H           4
     COM2:   2F8H           3
     COM3:   3E8H           4 - Not specifically defined
     COM4:   2E8H           3 - Not specifically defined

     In contrast to COM1 and COM2, the I/O addresses and IRQs for other ports
     are often different.  If you want to use hardware that is not entirely
     compatible, CA-Clipper Tools has additional functions that you can use:
     COM_SETIO() and COM_SETIRQ().  When you use these functions, the I/O and
     IRQ settings for the port routines can be changed to the selected
     values.  However, please notice that incorrect settings can have a wide
     range of consequences when they come in conflict with other hardware.
     These consequences include data loss or damage to hardware.

     The correct settings for your hardware can be found at any given time in
     its accompanying documentation.

 Possible Hardware Conflicts

     CA-Clipper Tools recognizes the four addresses mentioned above for the
     ports COM1 to COM4.  The COM_NUM() function uses these addresses to
     determine the number of available ports.  For example, if the PC has a
     built-in ArcNet adapter, you can have a conflict between the I/O
     addresses.  The CA-Clipper Tools routine addresses 02EAh, which is
     defined totally differently for the ArcNet adapter than for a serial
     interface.  In this case an existing network connection would probably
     be disconnected.  The COM_SETIO() function can provide assistance by
     designating the second parameter as 0:


     The corresponding standard address within the internal address table is
     deleted and access to other hardware is avoided.  However, this is only
     possible if the COM_NUM() function has not previously been called within
     the program.  (In this case the interface would have already been marked
     "in use.")

 Important Notes

     As the table of default settings indicates, it is possible for multiple
     ports to use the same IRQ -- a procedure known as interrupt sharing.

     While CA-Clipper Tools functions support these procedures, standard port
     hardware usually does not.  Specialized multiple port cards are
     available from different manufacturers for this purpose.

     Generally we cannot guarantee that interrupt sharing can be

     CA-Clipper Tools supports up to four ports, each with sending and
     receiving buffers of up to 64kB and speed of up to 19200 baud.  This is
     not to say that all this could be used at the same time to its highest
     limit.  Eight buffers at 64kB are not possible.  The buffers must be in
     conventional memory because the buffers are handled by interrupt
     routines.  The number of ports and the speed with which they can
     function correctly is dependent upon the computer being used.

 Differences from BASIC

     In contrast to other programming languages (like BASIC),
     COM_OPEN()/COM_INIT() do not influence control signals.  If you want to
     address a modem over the serial port using CA-Clipper, you must set DTR
     and any other signals yourself, using the corresponding CA-Clipper Tools

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson