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 Retrieve the memory allocated for character parameters passed by reference
 C Prototype

     #include "extend.api"
     unsigned int _parcsiz(
                            int iParamNum
                            [, int iArrayIndex]


     iParamNum is the one-based ordinal position of the parameter in the
     parameter list.

     iArrayIndex is an array index that specifies a particular element if
     the iParamNum parameter is an array.


     _parcsiz() returns the number of bytes of memory allocated for the
     specified parameter, including its null terminator.


     _parcsiz() is included for compatibility with previous releases of
     CA-Clipper.  It is not designed to work with STATIC and LOCAL variables,
     and its use is not recommended.

     Warning!  Obsolete items are not in keeping with the current
     CA-Clipper programming philosophy, and we strongly discourage their use
     as they may not be supported in future releases of CA-Clipper.


     .  From C:

        unsigned int len;
        len = _parcsiz(1);

     .  From Assembly language:

        EXTRN __parclen:FAR
              mov   ax, 1
              push  ax
              call  __parcsiz         ; length returned in AX
              add   sp, 2             ; reset stack pointer

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Extend.api.

See Also: _parclen()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson