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 Restore a screen region previously saved with _gScreenSave()
 C Prototype

     #include "llibg.api"
     void _gScreenRest(
                        int iTop,
                        int iLeft,
                        int iBottom,
                        int iRight,
                        ITEM itmSavedScreen


     iTop is the row coordinate of the top left corner of the screen

     iLeft is the column coordinate of the top left corner of the screen

     iBottom is the row coordinate of the bottom right corner of the
     screen region.

     iRight is the column coordinate of the bottom right corner of the
     screen region.

     itmSavedScreen is an item containing a screen region previously
     saved with _gScreenSave().

 Files   Library is LLIBG.LIB, header file is Llibg.api.

See Also: _gScreenSave()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson