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 Retrieve the current mouse state
 C Prototype

     #include "llibg.api"
     ERRCODE _mState(
                      BOOL bReset,
                      LLG_LPMOUSESTATE lpMState


     bReset is a flag that resets the number of left and right mouse
     clicks if you specify true (.T.).  If you specify false (.F.), these
     values are not reset.

     lpMState is a pointer to an LLG_MOUSESTATE structure that you must
     allocate prior to calling this function.  _mState() writes information
     regarding the current mouse state to this structure.


     SUCCESS if successful; otherwise, an error code.

 Files   Library is LLIBG.LIB, header file is Llibg.api.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson