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 Copy a single row (record) to another work area

     ERRCODE transRec(
                          AREAP wa,
                          LPDBTRANSINFO lpdbTransInfo


     wa is a pointer to self.

     lpdbTransInfo is a pointer to a structure containing information
     about the transfer of data.


     transRec() copies a single row to another table.

 Default Behavior

     Copies the current row from wa to the database specified by

     Note:  If an error occurs, the new record in lpdbTransInfo->lpaDest
     is deleted by a call to SELF_DELETE().

 Implementation Notes

     .  If your RDD supports relations, update them in the source
        work area with a forceRel() prior to attempting to perform the copy.

     .  You should append the new copy to the target work area.

     .  A reimplementation of transRec() should check locks and read-
        only status in the target database.

 Files  Header file is Rdd.api.

See Also: AREA DBTRANSINFO forceRel() trans()
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