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 Return the number of the last DOS error
 C Prototype

     #include "filesys.api"
     USHORT _fsError(void)


     _fsError() returns the DOS error code (summarized in the table below)
     for the last Filesys function.  If there is no error, _fsError() returns

     _fsError() Return Values
     Error    Meaning
     0        Successful
     2        File not found
     3        Path not found
     4        Too many files open
     5        Access denied
     6        Invalid handle
     8        Insufficient memory
     15       Invalid drive specified
     19       Attempted to write to a write-protected disk
     21       Drive not ready
     23       Data CRC error
     29       Write fault
     30       Read fault
     32       Sharing violation
     33       Lock Violation


     This function returns the last DOS error that occurred.  Each of the
     Filesys functions saves its error status to a static variable that is
     retrieved by this function.  This function is equivalent to the
     CA-Clipper function FERROR().


     .  The following code fragment illustrates the use of _fsError()
        to determine if the last operation resulted in an error:

     #include "filesys.api"

        FHANDLE hFile;

        hFile = _fsCreate( "Foo", FC_NORMAL );

        // Check for an open error before using the file

        if (! _fsError() )
           _fsClose( hFile );

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Filesys.api.

See Also: _fsClose() _fsCreate() _fsDelete() _fsOpen()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson