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 Place a character value into an item, ignoring null terminators
 C Prototype

     #include "item.api"
     ITEM _itemPutCL(
                      ITEM itmChar,
                      BYTEP fpChars,
                      USHORT uiLen


     itmChar is the item into which you want to place the string.  If
     itmChar is NULL, _itemPutCL() will create a new item.

     fpChars is the zero-terminated string to place into the item.

     uiLen is the number of bytes to place into the item.


     A new item reference containing the string passed.


     The _itemPutCL() function is used to associate any string with an item,
     ignoring embedded nulls.  Any previous value in itmChar will be

     The data located at fpChars is copied into a new space associated with
     the item that is returned.  It is the programmer's responsibility to
     free the allocation of fpChars in whatever manner it was allocated.

     Note:  _itemPutCL() must copy the intended string from your buffer
     at fpChars.  If fpChars is unusually large, _itemPutCL() may cause a VM
     failure due to insufficient real memory to accomplish a large copy.
     Typically, this error would manifest itself as an internal error 5302.

     Caution!  Do not assume that the address in itmChar will be the
     same address returned by _itemPutCL().


     * BootSector( [nDrive] ) -> cBootSecBuff
     * Read the boot sector from drive nDrive,
     * if there is no drive specified, BootSector()
     * reads drive A.
     * (0=A, 1=B, 2=C, etc...)
     * Warning: Does not check for errors.
     *          Needs dos.h & LLIBCA

     CLIPPER BootSector( void )
        ITEM   itmDriveN, itmBuff;
        BYTEP  bufferP;
        HANDLE vmBuffer;
        USHORT uiDriveN = 0;            // Default: A
        USHORT uiLen = 1024;

        union  REGS  preCallRx, postCallRx;
        struct SREGS theSegs;

        if ( PCOUNT > 0 )
           itmDriveN = _itemParam( 1 );

           if ( _itemType( itmDriveN ) | NUMERIC )
              uiDriveN = (USHORT) _itemGetNL( itmDriveN );

           _itemRelease( itmDriveN );

        vmBuffer = _xvalloc( uiLen );
        bufferP  = _xvlock( vmBuffer );

        segread( &theSegs );

        theSegs.es     = FP_SEG( bufferP );
        preCallRx.x.bx = FP_OFF( bufferP );
        preCallRx.x.ax = 0x0201;            // BIOS 02 / 1 sector
        preCallRx.x.cx = 1;                 // Track 0, Sector 1
        preCallRx.x.dx = uiDriveN;          // Side 0, Drive uiDriveN

        int86x( 0x13, &preCallRx, &postCallRx, &theSegs );

        if ( postCallRx.x.cflag )
           ERRMSG( "\r\nERROR on read!" );

        itmBuff = _itemPutCL( NULL, bufferP, uiLen );

        _xvunlock( vmBuffer );
        _xvfree( vmBuffer );

        _itemRelease( _itemReturn( itmBuff ) );


 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Item.api.

See Also: _itemGetC() _itemPutC()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson