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 Retrieve a date as a character string
 C Prototype

     #include "item.api"
     BYTEP _itemGetDS(
                       ITEM itmDate,
                       BYTEP fpBuffer


     itmDate is the item from which to retrieve a date string.

     fpBuffer is the 8 character buffer to place the date string within.


     A zero-terminated string of the format yyyymmdd representing the date
     value contained within the item passed.


     _itemGetDS() allows you to retrieve the value of a CA-Clipper-level date
     as a character string.  The returned string is a copy of the date, so
     any changes to the string cannot be reflected to the CA-Clipper level if
     the item is a parameter.

     Note:  The date string returned is zero-terminated.

     Warning!  You are responsible for allocating and freeing the buffer
     where the date string is placed.  Note that the recommended destination
     memory address is the stack, since values returned from _itemGetDS()
     will always be 8 characters long.


     * Quarter( dDate ) -> nQuarter
     * Given a date, determines what quarter it lies in

     CLIPPER Quarter( void )
        ITEM itmDate, itmQuarter;
        BYTE sDate[8];               // Date buffer: YYYYMMDD\0

        if ( PCOUNT == 0 )
           _ret();                  // Withhold service!

        itmQuarter = _itemPutNL( NULL, 0 );
        itmDate = _itemParam( 1 );

        if ( _itemType( itmDate ) == DATE )
           _itemGetDS( itmDate, sDate );

           sDate[6] = NULL;

           if (sDate[4] == '1')
              itmQuarter = _itemPutNL( itmQuarter, 4 );
              switch ( sDate[5] )
                 case '1':
                 case '2':
                 case '3':
                    itmQuarter = _itemPutNL( itmQuarter, 1 );

                 case '4':
                 case '5':
                 case '6':
                    itmQuarter = _itemPutNL( itmQuarter, 2 );

                    itmQuarter = _itemPutNL( itmQuarter, 3 );


        _itemReturn( itmQuarter );
        _itemRelease( itmDate );
        _itemRelease( itmQuarter );


 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Item.api.

See Also: _itemPutDS()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson