./mesaflash --device 7i90 --epp --addr 0x378 --write bitfile.bit --verbose do you still include the file in the .ini even though it's uploaded to the card? No, you remove the firmware stanza from the ini (or hal) file you have to write the firmware to the on card flash with mesaflash (just once) it now works on all cards and can make pinout documentation files it make the .pin files that document the pinout/module info To print out the Pinfile: sudo ./mesaflash --device 7i90 --epp --addr 0x378 --readhmid To Write a bitfile to the 7I90: sudo mesaflash --device 7i90 --epp --addr 0x378 --write bitfilename.bit sudo mesaflash --device 7i90 --epp --addr 0x378 --write SVST2_4_7I47S_MILL_A_72.bit mesaflash --help gives brief instructions sudo ./mesaflash --device 7i90 --epp --addr 0x378 --readhmid sudo ./mesaflash --help