# linuxcnc-live-build git clone https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc-live-build sudo apt install live-build cd linuxcnc-live-build ###### to build with the mate desktop: edit /config/package-lists/desktop.list Remove: xfce4 xfce4-terminal task-xfce-desktop Add: caja mate-desktop task-mate-desktop mate-terminal mate-tweak mozo ###### ###### edit 3 lines in: /auto/config to reflect linuxcnc version 2.8.3 instead of 2.8.2 --iso-application "LinuxCNC-2.8.3" \ --iso-volume "LinuxCNC_2.8.3" \ --image-name "LinuxCNC_2.8.3" \ ###### ###### for english only docs: edit /config/package.lists/linuxcnc.list Remove: linuxcnc-doc-es linuxcnc-doc-fr ###### git checkout buster sudo lb clean lb config sudo lb build Puts the .iso file in linuxcnc-live-build directory ###### before plugging in the sd card: sudo fdisk -l after plugging in the sd card: sudo fdisk -l make note of the sd drive. for me: (/dev/sdb) copy the iso to the sd: sudo dd if=/home/tom/live-build/LinuxCNC_2.8.3-amd64.hybrid.iso of=/dev/sdd bs=4096 status=progress ######