pere: Tom_L: I can guide you through the build process. do not have a good place to put 3 GiB ISO image. 09:16 AM pere: Start with this: sudo apt install live-build && mkdir live-build && cd live-build && lb config --config sudo apt install live-build && mkdir live-build && cd live-build && lb config --config sudo lb config -m --parent-mirror-chroot-security --parent-mirror-binary sudo lb build Puts the .iso file in images{desktop} pere: Tom_L: once you got the git repo, you should witch to branch bookworm and follow the README instructions. pere: Tom_L: just do 'git checkout auto/config' to get rid of the change done by lb config, and switch to the correct branch after this. not sure why I did not get this during my testing. git checkout auto/config git checkout bookworm pere: sure, but config/build should say bookworm. 12:01 PM pere: lb config as instructed in the README should set up the build for bookworm, if on the bookworm branch. 12:01 PM Tom_dev: git branch shows bookworm selected 12:01 PM pere: if it was wrong, you will have to do sudo lb clean to start over. 12:01 PM pere: linuxcnc-uspace is in bookworm (or at least was in bookwork yesterday), so it should be found. pere: Tom_L: do you have bookworm listed in /usr/share/live/build/data/debian-cd/? pere: Tom_L: oh. I forgot created a symlink to sid as a workaround for live-build in buster not knowing how to handle bookworm. perhaps that is the problem you are facing? I ran into the lack of lilo in bookworm, so I did not expect that issue. pere: sudo ln -s sid /usr/share/live/build/data/debian-cd/bookworm pere: Tom_L: I got live-build version 1:20190311. Which is your version? 02:54 PM Tom_L: how do i check? 02:55 PM pere: dpkg -l live-build pere: try sudo chroot chroot perl -V Tom_dev: sudo chroot chroot perl -V 02:57 PM Tom_dev: perl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory pere: Tom_dev: so the directory where the live environment was built is somehow broken. :( 02:58 PM pere: do you have a build.log file? pere: Tom_L: this make me belive the 'sudo lb clean' step has failed: 03:00 PM pere: P: Begin bootstrapping system... 03:00 PM pere: W: skipping bootstrap, already done 03:01 PM pere: if sudo lb clean do not remove the chroot, try doing it manually. Tom_dev: how to do it manually? 03:02 PM pere: sudo rm -rf chroot DO THIS FROM THE INSTALL DIRECTORY NOT HOME/TOM!!!!!!!!! pere: the only step I can thing of that would be more 'start from scratch' is 'rm -rf config; git checkout config; lb config' :) pere: Tom_L: it look like you get buster installed in your chroot, and then try to upgrade to bookworm. :( pere: Tom_L: nope, I build on buster like you. pere: Tom_L: I do not understand what it can be. What do you get from 'sudo chroot chroot lsb_release -a'? Tom_dev: chroot: failed to run command ‘lsb_release’: No such file or directory Tom_dev: gah 03:22 PM Tom_dev: cat: chroot/etc/debian_version: No such file or directory pere: wow. then the base-files package is not installed either, and that is in the base set created by debootstrap. hm, perhaps debootstrap do not understand bookworm... pere: Tom_dev: I got debootstrap version 1.0.114. Do you have /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/bookworm ? Tom_dev: pere, yes pere: but try 'sudo debootstrap bookworm testchroot 2>&1 | tee debootstrap.log' and share debootstrap.log if it fail. pere: Tom_dev: Release changed name to InRelease, so that is not fatal. pere: Tom_dev: try dropping the url, ie only debootstrap bookworm testchroot 03:36 PM pere: perhaps your local apt source is messed up. It is a CDN backed http source. 03:37 PM pere: or perhaps I made a typo. confused. :) 03:37 PM Tom_dev: now it's running 03:37 PM pere: My test run of 'sudo debootstrap bookworm testchroot' worked, at least. 03:37 PM Tom_dev: :) 03:37 PM pere: and cat testchroot/etc/debian_version return bookworm/sid as expected. pere: Tom_dev: right, so deboostrap is able to create bookworm chroots. good. Tom_dev: cat testchroot/etc/debian_version 03:39 PM Tom_dev: bookworm/sid DO THIS FROM THE INSTALL DIRECTORY NOT HOME/TOM!!!!!!!!! DO THIS FROM THE INSTALL DIRECTORY NOT HOME/TOM!!!!!!!!! pere: Tom_dev: ok, last idea: sudo rm -rf *; git checkout . ; lb config; sudo lb build' DO THIS FROM THE INSTALL DIRECTORY NOT HOME/TOM!!!!!!!!! Tom_dev: that was violent! removed all my desktop icons :) 03:41 PM pere: Tom_dev: wipe everything, start from scratch. yeah. pere: Tom_dev: why did you have your desktop icons in the buster-live-build directory? Tom_dev: now try to build it? 03:45 PM pere: the sudo lb build' part from above should already have tried to build it. 03:46 PM Tom_dev: it's gone now, i'll have to start fresh i think 03:46 PM pere: ah, the .git directory went too? 03:46 PM Tom_dev: everything in /home/xxx 03:47 PM pere: mkdir live-build && cd live-build && lb config --config && git checkout . && git checkout bookworm' 03:47 PM pere: and then lb config && sudo lb build pere: git remote add pere && git fetch pere 03:49 PM pere: I did cut-n-paste from the README, and forgot it is pointing to the official repo.