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  Monday March 10th 2025 03:58:06 AM

USBTiny MkII Programmer

New USBTinyMkII Rev 1.1c boards now available.
Rev C features include dedicated ISP recovery clock output.

New USBTinyMkII Rev 2.0c now available.
Rev C features include dedicated ISP recovery clock output.


The 'Original' USBTinyMkII Programmer Revisions

USBTiny_Mkii.jpg (226595 bytes)

USBTiny_MKii_Rev1-1_top.jpg (107894 bytes)

USBTinyMkII_1-1a_top.jpg (115289 bytes)

USBTinyMkII_1-1b_top.jpg (176485 bytes)

Original MkII

Rev 1.1

Rev 1.1a

Rev 1.1b

USBTinyMkII_1-1c_top.jpg (169780 bytes)

Rev 1.1c

Reference Board layouts.


This AVR programmer is LUFA powered which emulates AVRISP-MKII functionality, supporting the programming of the entire 8-bit AVR range via ISP as well as the PDI (for the newer XMEGA AVRs) and TPI (for the 6-pin TINY AVRs). Works with AVR Studio 4 5 and 6 in Windows, Avrdude 5.10 and above in Linux and avrdude in crosspack under OSX.

  • ISP, PDI and TPI Protocols Supported
  • 4MHz ISP Rescue Clock (for mis-set fuses)
  • Fast, native USB operation
  • Switchable Target power (USB-VBUS or target powered; tested from 1.8v to 5v target)
  • Target must be 5v tolerant for USB VBUS power
  • I/O is Buffered for lower voltage devices 
  • Led indicators for Ready and Busy conditions
  • Works under Studio in Windows and avrdude 5.10 in Linux
  • Avrdude 5.10 support for ISP, PDI and TPI
  • Comes with 6-pin Atmel-standard pinout connectors and cable.
  • USB updateable firmware
  • NEW on ver1.1b is a LED indicator for USB powered target

Now Available

This board is designed to work in combination with the USBTinyMkII shown above on the new 6pin Attiny 4, 5, 9 and 10 allowing recovery from programming the RSTDISBL fuse when using the Reset pin as an IO. The switch selects between normal TPI and 12v modes. It simply plugs between the USBTinyMkII TPI plug and your target Tiny chip. The adapter has not been approved to work on any other chips.

Above is the bottom side showing the switch settings. "Normal" mode is a simple pass thru signal from the programmer. 12v setting applies 12v to the 'reset' pin on the target chip to enable reset fuse recovery. Notice below, the direction of the recovery board when plugged in to the programmer.

News and Updates

Single Button Firmware Program Modification
(Note: Rev 1.1a and newer programmers come with this mod.)
Rev 1.1c does not require the 'rescue' hex file for the recovery clock.

Note: Newer programmers may ship with the atmega32u2 chip instead of the older at90usb162. Recompiling the firmware for the atmega32u2 is not required as the at90usb162 firmware will work on it. You will however need to select the proper chip in your firmware download software (FLIP or DFU Programmer).

Firmware updates
NOTE: You can always find the latest update of LUFA and build the AVRISP-MKII project yourself if you prefer.

LUFA 13-10-27 AVISP-MKII Firmware update available.

Files as of 10/27/2013:

Changes include:
Increased PDI (xmega) program clock from 250Khz to 2Mhz. Firmware update to work under studio 6.1 up to 1.19 firmware.

* 131027 Windows Studio version(.hex)
* 131027 Avrdude-5.10 version (.hex)
* 131027 Windows Studio version rescue (.hex)
* 131027 Avrdude-5.10 version rescue (.hex)

* 131027 update (.rar) file.

LUFA 13-06-14 AVISP-MKII Firmware update available.

Files as of 06/14/2013:

Minor changes include:
Firmware update to work under studio 6.1 with 1.16 firmware.

* 130614 Windows Studio version(.hex)
* 130614 Avrdude-5.10 version (.hex)
* 130614 Windows Studio version rescue (.hex)
* 130614 Avrdude-5.10 version rescue (.hex)

* 130614 update (.rar) file.

Note: Due to inconsistencies between the jungo and libusb drivers, using Avrdude with Windows requires libusb-filter installed after libusb.

USBTiny Mkii User Guide

Note: This product incorporates one or more components from the LUFA USB library, written by Dean Camera, and released under a modified MIT license. See for project information and updates.

Copyright © Tom_L 2009-2020