USBTiny Mkii Programmer

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New USBTinyMkII Rev 1.1a boards now available.

Reference Board layout.


This AVR programmer is LUFA powered which emulates AVRISP-MKII functionality, supporting the programming of the entire 8-bit AVR range via ISP as well as the PDI (for the newer XMEGA AVRs) and TPI (for the 6-pin TINY AVRs). Works with AVR Studio 4 in Windows and Avrdude 5.10 in Linux.

* ISP, PDI and TPI Protocols Supported
* .5MHz ISP Rescue Clock (for mis-set fuses)
* Fast, native USB operation
* Switchable Target power (USB-VBUS or target powered; tested from 1.8v to 5v target)
* Target must be 5v tolerant for USB VBUS power
* I/O is Buffered for lower voltage devices 
* Led indicators for Ready and Busy conditions
* Works under Studio4 in Windows and avrdude 5.10 in Linux
* Avrdude 5.10 support for ISP, PDI and TPI
* Comes with 6-pin Atmel-standard pinout connectors and cable.
* USB updateable firmware

News and Updates

Single Button Firmware Program Modification
(Note: Rev 1.1a programmers come with this mod.)

LUFA-100617 AVISP-MKII Firmware updates available for:
* Windows Studio 4 version(.rar)
* Windows Studio 4 versioh(.hex)
* Avrdude-5.10 version (.rar)
* Avrdude-5.10 version (.hex)

Fixed broken PDI EEPROM Section Erase functionality in the AVRISP-MKII project.

LUFA-100807 AVISP-MKII Firmware updates available for:
* Windows Studio 4 version(.rar)
* Windows Studio 4 versioh(.hex)
* Avrdude-5.10 version (.rar)
* Avrdude-5.10 version (.hex)

See LUFA Changelog for Ver 100807 for firmware updates to this version.

Note: Due to inconsistencies between the jungo and libusb drivers, using Avrdude with Windows requires libusb-filter installed after libusb.

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USBTiny Mkii User Guide

Note: This product incorporates one or more components from the LUFA USB library, written by Dean Camera, and released under a modified MIT license. See for project information and updates.