WinAVR Open source software development tools for the Atmel AVR microcontrollers for Windows.
Procyon AVRlib C-language function library for atmel AVR processors.
Examples of using AVR 8 bit timers
AVRfreaks a good source for information on AVRs.
Wormfood's Baudrate Calculator
Avrdude Downloads Release and download information for AvrDude
Avrdude Downloads Directory for Linux
Avrdude Precompiled for Windows (Japanese site)
Avrdude Atmega328 support Code to add to the avrdude.conf file
AvrdudeGUI A simple Windows GUI for avrdude (Japanese site) requires 2.0.50727 dot net framework
Avrdude for Windows and the GUI (In case you don't read Japanese)
NEW! USBTinyMkII - USB programmer using LUFA
Software only AVR low speed USB device
Atmel AVR Parallel port ISP programming dongle
Alternate Parallel port program dongle
How and Why to Solder correctly