#robotics Logs

Mar 04 2022

#robotics Calendar

09:43 AM Urawa is now known as Awaru
10:13 AM Miyu is now known as hackkitten
10:32 AM veverak1 is now known as veverak
07:03 PM explore: hey may i ask a newbie question, sorry if this is non-sensical.. i assume that robotics programming can both be of real world robotics but.. perhaps also simulated robots in virtual world?
07:03 PM explore: if so.. is there a proper industry terminology to say "virtual robots" and "physical robots"
07:03 PM explore: i'd like to google for virtual robots material so i thought i'd pick your brain and try to get the terminology right
07:14 PM Jak_o_Shadows: explore, constructive models?
07:15 PM superkuh: Bots.
07:15 PM superkuh: Although I guess that covers things without physical models too.
07:17 PM Jak_o_Shadows: The damn problem is that everybody uses their own terminology for modellign and sim
07:25 PM explore: has programming robots in the physical world taught programmers ways to better write bots in the virtual world?
07:25 PM Jak_o_Shadows: modelling is hard sometimes