#robotics Logs

Jan 22 2022

#robotics Calendar

02:23 PM Malvolio is now known as Guest4709
08:25 PM ns12: enleth: No, not in Germany. The IP probably points to Germany because of Libera's cloak.
08:26 PM enleth: ah, ok - look here then: https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/List_of_Hacker_Spaces
08:28 PM enleth: you might also try looking at makerspaces, but those tend to be a lot more about money/paid training/controlled access/no *real* fun allowed
08:34 PM enleth: ns12: there are "FabLabs" too, which are typically a bit more about serious prototyping and actual manufacturing technologies (welding, machining, etc.) than lasercutting thin plywood and hotgluing it together like in a makerspace, but they're also more of a commercial venue than a community-driven one
08:35 PM enleth: although, I can see a FabLab taking in someone who has the drive to go look for machines and get them operational for others to use
08:36 PM enleth: (as you can probably see, I *am* biased against both of those, make of it what you will)
09:41 PM rue_mohr: https://twitter.com/RueNahcMohr/status/1485069935789285378
10:07 PM enleth: rue_mohr: looking good despite problems, sensorless brushed DC is tricky
10:11 PM rue_mohr: I'm pretty amazed at how well that went
11:10 PM rue_mohr: esp fro a brushed motor