#robotics Logs

Nov 03 2021

#robotics Calendar

08:03 AM gp5st: Where would be a place to start to visualize/learn/play around inverse kinematics programming?
08:43 AM gp5st: veverak, I don't have one. I've never done graphics. (I mostly do math and data processing software.)
09:01 AM veverak: IK is just calculating math and visualizaing in a way that it can be verified
09:01 AM veverak: so find something
09:02 AM veverak: I use openscad
09:09 AM gp5st: I've just never done the visualization part. I'll look into openscad
09:42 AM veverak: gp5st: the idea is that you generate openscad code that visualizes what you are computing
10:02 PM Awaru- is now known as Awaru