#robotics Logs

Sep 28 2020

#robotics Calendar

01:35 AM mun: anyone know why Amazon's robots would rather lift shelves off the ground when moving rather than have castors under the shelves and let the robots push them around?
02:45 AM mrdata: mun, fewer moving parts?
02:45 AM mrdata: plus, if your motor has a low-power hold, youre good
02:45 AM mun: mrdata but the load on the robot would be lower
02:46 AM mrdata: it's a complex trade off; all moving parts wear down
02:46 AM mun: yeah i suppose
02:46 AM mrdata: is it easier to replace a broken castor?
02:47 AM mrdata: maybe call jeff bezos and ask him
04:55 AM Jak_o_Shadows: It vaguely annoys me that esp8266's are cheaper than other RF modules
07:13 AM ReformedGeek1 is now known as ReformedGeek
09:31 AM rue_mohr: what prices are you seeing?