#robotics Logs

Sep 11 2020

#robotics Calendar

04:47 AM Jak_o_Shadows: DnzAtWrk, who is not here, dunno
05:31 AM Jak_o_Shadows: the pro servos have like, not just the pulse position/width modulation I reckon
12:03 PM Donitzo: oh I'm here
12:03 PM Donitzo: as far as I understood
12:03 PM Donitzo: digital servos us PWM, analog use voltage
12:03 PM Donitzo: is that correct?
12:06 PM Donitzo: ah, apparently not
12:06 PM Donitzo: they both use pulses
12:06 PM Donitzo: *shrug*
12:07 PM Donitzo: oh
12:08 PM Donitzo: so digital servos are actually limited by the firmware?
12:08 PM Donitzo: or hardware
12:08 PM Donitzo: that's why I saw so many reprogrammers for servos
12:08 PM Donitzo: so you can increase the mapped range
12:08 PM Donitzo: for digital servos
12:45 PM veverak: depends on the servo
12:45 PM veverak: it's more like, analog/digital servos describes how they work internally
12:45 PM Donitzo: that too
12:45 PM Donitzo: but as far as I read a digital servo can handle higher frequencies
12:45 PM Donitzo: for PWM
12:46 PM Donitzo: should still work fine with arduino pwm pins, right?
12:46 PM veverak: yeah, "can handle" does not mean you have to do it
12:47 PM veverak: it always should work with standard 50Hz pulses
12:47 PM veverak: anyway, it's only about internal workings
12:48 PM Donitzo: I'm just assuming that digital works with some kind of microcontroller
12:48 PM Donitzo: and analog works using regular electronics
12:48 PM Donitzo: components*
12:49 PM veverak: yes
12:49 PM Donitzo: I also assume you can break analog servos more easily
12:49 PM Donitzo: by going beyond the recommended limits
12:50 PM veverak: what limits?
12:50 PM veverak: you can limit the movement range
12:50 PM veverak: os for the power limit, I suppose that can be done too
12:50 PM Donitzo: aren't servos like SG-90 limited by the gears?
12:50 PM Donitzo: like, it physically can not rotate that far
12:51 PM Donitzo: or is the limit really just the supplied signal?
12:52 PM veverak: well, in case of that one I suppose it's limited by gears mostly :D
12:52 PM veverak: but sg-90 is super cheap
12:52 PM Donitzo: yeah, got a bunch of them for some cheaper stuff before
12:52 PM Donitzo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p2d0ukf9esswbhy/quadruped.mp4?dl=0
12:52 PM Donitzo: and here most of them are
12:53 PM Donitzo: but they're damn unreliable
12:53 PM Donitzo: they get stuck extremely easily
12:54 PM veverak: yeah
12:54 PM veverak: that happens with cheap stuff
12:54 PM veverak: I mean, I like them for a lot of things, but ...
12:54 PM Donitzo: so hopefully the hitec servo I bought for 30 euro will be good enough for a real application at work
12:54 PM Donitzo: it has metal gears after all
12:54 PM Donitzo: can't be that crap
01:02 PM veverak: should be okish
03:22 PM SpeedEvil is now known as Guest34463