#robotics Logs

Apr 01 2020

#robotics Calendar

01:56 AM zhanx_ is now known as zhanx
02:11 AM Jak_o_Shadows: goppo, I think it is. Like, robot arm manufacturers have custom code to do it. Robot arm purchases trust the manufacturers
02:11 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Hobbyists do it through trial and error
12:11 PM marder is now known as cloudia
02:43 PM gaze__: anyone know of any good encoders that support 20k counts per revolution (that order of magnitude or so) available for a reasonable price second hand?
02:43 PM gaze__: maybe the heidenhain absolute encoders...
02:43 PM gaze__: but those are like 300 bucks or so... pricy.
03:17 PM mumptai: consider a multipole magnetring and some magnetic encoder chip
03:17 PM mumptai: AMS has some
03:18 PM gaze__: where do you get the magnet rings?
03:19 PM gaze__: I saw some for maybe 60 bucks and then a packaged encoder for 40... the AMS chips are maybe 10 or so. So 70-100 or so per encoder. At that point I may as well buy a used encoder on ebay. Just found some for maybe 100-150 or so that'll work. Just trying to beat that.
03:28 PM mumptai: AS5311 + https://ams.com/documents/20143/36005/AS5311_AD000129_1-00.PDF/7ac24232-5c18-4404-76e8-394a97bb3733
03:29 PM gaze__: where can I purchase that ring in qty 1?
03:29 PM gaze__: in the US
03:29 PM mumptai: that would be 12bit sensor + 7bit/128Poles
03:31 PM mumptai: https://www.bomatec.com/kontakt/nordamerika/
04:27 PM katsumi is now known as master_bunny
04:35 PM veverak: so
04:35 PM veverak: I want little simple project
04:35 PM veverak: (I believe that I will achieve this one day)
04:35 PM veverak: is there some board to control two dc motors that accepts RC PWM as input?
04:35 PM veverak: most of them are Hbridges which expect the E[1-4] pins control
04:35 PM veverak: which can't be controlled directly by rc receiver :/
04:36 PM veverak: PWM/PPM/SBUS
04:40 PM katsumi: rc = remote controller?
04:41 PM veverak: yup
04:43 PM katsumi: mo race car ;)
04:44 PM veverak: ?
04:44 PM katsumi: rc
04:44 PM katsumi: ;)
04:44 PM veverak: Sabotage the Deadlock Empire's factories!
04:44 PM veverak: fuuu
04:44 PM veverak: not this
04:44 PM veverak: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32904941021.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.5f8e20ceQiff60&algo_pvid=8f181915-4e6d-4326-84b3-1e3ad224f757&algo_expid=8f181915-4e6d-4326-84b3-1e3ad224f757-6&btsid=0be3764515857774543245915e2a8f&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
04:44 PM veverak: this
04:46 PM katsumi: tooo mucj js
04:46 PM veverak: just small esc for rc cars
04:53 PM katsumi: hmm
04:53 PM veverak: and now I found version for dual motors
04:53 PM veverak: <3
04:57 PM Tom_L: gaze__, use a resolver
05:00 PM katsumi: hmm..
05:03 PM katsumi: dor a simulation SW existx?
05:08 PM JPau1 is now known as JPaul
06:57 PM rue_mohr: no
06:57 PM veverak: yes
06:57 PM rue_mohr: you do not want to simualate, unless never building a real device is acceptable
06:57 PM veverak: you do want to simulate in case it makes sense
06:57 PM rue_mohr: if its for school and never needs to be made EVER, yes, simulate it
06:58 PM rue_mohr: simulations are generally worthless to tell you if a device will work in the real world
06:59 PM rue_mohr: you end up being like boeing, that cant make planes that can fly in the real world
06:59 PM rue_mohr: I'm sure they fly in simulators just fine
06:59 PM rue_mohr: maybe beoing can respin itself as a video came company
07:00 PM veverak: that's over-simplificatio
07:02 PM rue_mohr: simulation -> does not work in real world
07:02 PM rue_mohr: ^^ simplified
07:03 PM veverak: simulation -> can catch part of the problems that can happen in the real world
07:03 PM Tom_L: most simulators aren't built to the extent flight simulators are
07:03 PM veverak: with the nice properties such as: it can be automatide, it can be replayed with new code (so you can test that it's fixed), it won't damage your harrdware
07:04 PM Tom_L: without them pilots wouldn't be able to fly the planes
07:04 PM Tom_L: this problem was more miscommunication
07:05 PM veverak: it does not imply that it works in real world, it's just makes debugging what it can catch much easier
07:05 PM Tom_L: and cheap clients
07:05 PM Tom_L: "budget concious" clients
07:05 PM veverak: boeing just became cheapasses and did not do their work correctly