#robotics Logs

Mar 31 2020

#robotics Calendar

01:30 AM Jak_o_Shadows: goppo that's difficult
01:35 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Difficult in that there's no simple way of doing it
05:45 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Or maybe I mean elegant
06:19 AM goppo: Jak_o_Shadows but is it a common problem? don't designers need to know what the workspaces are like?
10:07 AM aggrav8d: rue_mohr - what controller did you use for your joystick? I'm trying to add a grip sensor to mine and I'm all out of analog inputs.
11:28 AM mumptai: mhmm, PCA9685 board 0,99€ and 30,99€ shipping
11:32 AM Tom_L: tell em you'll pick it up :)
11:32 AM mumptai: or order 100
12:50 PM aggrav8d: here in vancouver we have one local electronics store. They're officially no pickup. $1.20 part? $18 shipping.
12:50 PM aggrav8d: uh, no thanks.
12:56 PM aggrav8d: one hour spent finding a value initialized wrong in EEPROM that made a while() loop take 2 seconds instead of 5 microseconds.
01:00 PM veverak: only one?
01:01 PM aggrav8d: lots of practice bug hunting :)
01:01 PM aggrav8d: "that took you ten seconds!" "....and the ten years of practice."
01:01 PM veverak: :D
01:01 PM aggrav8d: and that's how you justify your consulting fees :)
01:04 PM aggrav8d: used a ton of micros() and diffs to narrow down the slow bit. once the cause of the symptom was found, the cure was easy.
01:29 PM mumptai: a nice profiler would be great, but an led, scope or LA gets one a long way
01:58 PM rue_mohr: aggrav8d, lees wont do at-the-door eh?
02:53 PM weyland|yutani: veverak, hows your LUA project going?
02:55 PM veverak: got stuck
02:55 PM veverak: read their entire doc on C API
02:55 PM veverak: got an idea what I need
02:55 PM veverak: but's the feeling that I took in a lot of information and got complex desicion in me
02:55 PM veverak: so I am stuck a bit