#robotics Logs

Mar 30 2020

#robotics Calendar

01:06 AM goppo: Tom_L but those don't actually generate all of the possible coordinates, right?
01:12 AM goppo: ultimately I'm trying to generate a point cloud of the poses
08:16 AM netwoodle is now known as noodle
09:07 AM rue_mohr: why dont you make a realtime controller and have it record the motion, then edit it and have it play it back
09:08 AM rue_mohr: are you going for a cycle or a dynamic generated path?
10:57 AM eryc is now known as e--
12:44 PM e-- is now known as e---------------
02:35 PM SpeedEvil is now known as Guest78542
04:54 PM BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil
05:45 PM e--------------- is now known as e--
10:17 PM goppo: rue_mohr after looking around a bit more, i *think* ROS's reuleaux does what i want
10:18 PM Tom_L: why do you need such a point cloud?
10:23 PM goppo: Tom_L well i'm trying to design a 6 axis arm, but it's not clear what the closest reachable positions are for a certain orientation of the end effector. so i thought a point cloud would help
10:26 PM Tom_L: if you map them all it will be a huge file
10:27 PM goppo: something like this would be ideal https://demonstrations.wolfram.com/RobotManipulatorWorkspaces/
10:27 PM goppo: but i don't think it accepts custom arms
10:29 PM Tom_L: looks like source is available
10:29 PM goppo: but what's the canonical approach to determining the workspace of arms?