#robotics Logs

Mar 04 2020

#robotics Calendar

12:23 AM marder is now known as cloudia
01:47 AM i-make-robots: When you feel like you're on a roll but you have to stop in order to stay balanced and continue the roll tomorrow. :T
08:13 AM Erops: hi everyone
09:31 AM rue_mohr: hi
10:27 AM Erops: How goes it?
10:47 AM Erops: shame this channel doesnt seem to be very active :/
02:41 PM i-make-robots: decimate a 2k part robot model. Fusion is craaaaawliiiiiing....
02:42 PM veverak: :D
02:43 PM i-make-robots: I'm also trying to make selection sets in case i ever have to do this again, but wow.... i select everything visible on screen and make a set, instead of the 10 visible parts is includes all 1629 parts, even the hidden stuff. gg.
02:46 PM i-make-robots: Hide all parts. select the parts I want. shortcut key 'v' to make visible. won't appear because "hide all parts" just hides the parent assemblies, lazy style. ffffuuuu....
06:27 PM i-make-robots: oof. finally done with these part exports. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9VMSlRnk0W/
06:29 PM logb0t_ is now known as logb0t