#robotics Logs

Oct 01 2019

#robotics Calendar

03:39 AM Miyu is now known as hackkitten
05:39 AM yakiza: Hello people I am interested on using the following product from intel https://www.mouser.co.uk/ProductDetail/Intel/82635DSASRPRQ?qs=wd5RIQLrsJiEemLPCE4EiA==&vip=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8svsBRDqARIsAHKVyqFu2noruGDMlbhbXCdstzgQvLEBAwUrqla4F6Kd2NrS3TRnWJOKvOEaAntHEALw_wcB but i am not sure if this can work by it self if i just connected to my rapsberry pi or not any of you have any experience with it
05:40 AM veverak: have this in laboratory
05:40 AM veverak: or, the D415 kit
05:41 AM veverak: ehmm
05:41 AM veverak: aaand there it ends
05:41 AM veverak: it works pretty well with default app, and other guy used it on his project
05:41 AM veverak: astonished by the quality of data compared to old kinect
05:41 AM veverak: (but that is to be expected I suppose)
05:41 AM veverak: on raspberry pi: only '4' can support it, as it needs USB3.0
05:42 AM yakiza: I can see this module costs 50 and the development kit costs 150 if i can use just this with a usb connector to my rapbserry id do that instead
05:42 AM veverak: aaaand it is quite ... hard to work with the datasite computationally
05:42 AM yakiza: okay so what board would you suggest veverak
05:42 AM yakiza: https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/123429908428?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=123429908428&targetid=538581646454&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9046786&poi=&campaignid=1669190339&mkgroupid=67214011160&rlsatarget=pla-538581646454&abcId=578896&merchantid=114930159&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8svsBRDqARIsAHKVyqHNJ4t3EZU7GyIuSe3WMgSF0dGDdWOgtGZK4V6KK2HSADcOWLtDkEAaAsRrEALw_wcB I have found this too
05:43 AM veverak: later, now has to catch up meeting :)
05:45 AM yakiza: okay will be here
06:36 AM veverak: yakiza: so, first thing first
06:36 AM veverak: the D415 kit is two boards
06:36 AM veverak: one with cameras
06:36 AM veverak: one with the module that does the calcualtions
06:36 AM veverak: you afaik linked only one of the boards
06:37 AM veverak: which is useless without the other
06:37 AM veverak: yakiza: as of rpi4: I know that it's challenge to process the data on rpi3
06:37 AM veverak: on rpi4 it may be doabe
06:37 AM veverak: but that depends heavilly on what you are doing
06:37 AM veverak: and in a lot of cases, you can simply drop resolution or framerat
06:37 AM veverak: e
06:37 AM veverak: P.S: D415 can do fullhd at 60fps
06:38 AM veverak: hmm, depht image is hdready and lower fps I think
06:52 AM yakiza: veverak: I see i want to do pattern recognition and depth mesurements
06:52 AM yakiza: so i do need the whole 150 kit that one will not do it by its self
06:52 AM yakiza: i see
07:27 AM veverak: you need both boards
07:28 AM veverak: but we were thinking about it
07:28 AM veverak: and the amount of problems you need to solve is not worth the (150 - two boards price)
07:35 AM yakiza: veverak: so what would you suggest, I am a bit lost with this to be honest i am reading the datasheet but I believe i am drowing
08:07 AM veverak: depends on what you want to do :)
08:07 AM veverak: I preffer the entire kit for development
08:07 AM veverak: if you want to make it into a product, than use the boards directly
03:28 PM SpeedEvil is now known as Guest63641
05:09 PM BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil
06:42 PM logb0t_ is now known as logb0t
11:44 PM yaqwsx_ is now known as yaqwsx