#robotics Logs

Aug 29 2019

#robotics Calendar

02:42 AM goppo: are the IR cameras on RGBD cameras meant to be very noisy?
02:47 AM goppo: this is what I get on my Astra Pro: https://i.imgur.com/2GtX3A9.png
02:47 AM goppo: i'm using a separate IR light source but there are heaps of speckles
03:21 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Can you get a different depth field camera?
03:21 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Like, the leap motion has been a thing for ages
03:21 AM Jak_o_Shadows: or do you need a depth field camera? They make little radar gesture chips?
03:21 AM Jak_o_Shadows: crazy 70GHz things
03:22 AM goppo: Jak_o_Shadows yeah i'm trying to make use of a depth field camera
03:23 AM goppo: it's just strange that the IR camera is so noisy
03:23 AM goppo: is the one on kinect just as noisy?
05:21 AM Jak_o_Shadows: BTW, what's a good use for 2x 400F 2.8V super caps?
05:24 AM Tom_L: tongue tasting
05:25 AM Tom_L: overnight yard lights with solar cells to charge them
05:52 AM Jak_o_Shadows: TBH, sparks was my main thought
05:52 AM Jak_o_Shadows: which you get some.
06:51 AM fling is now known as surfaceflinger
06:55 AM surfaceflinger is now known as fling
06:59 AM fling is now known as swiftshader
07:06 AM swiftshader is now known as fling
02:47 PM marder is now known as katsumi
06:31 PM flyback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ib0GbYhWVs
06:31 PM flyback: BMCC
06:31 PM * flyback cuntpunts rue_mohr
11:10 PM goppo: i have a question about depth cameras that use structured light. these cameras all have a minimum depth, but the IR camera can actually detect objects within the minimum depth range. what is it that limits the minimum depth to such a relatively high value?
11:11 PM goppo: is it because the IR speckles can be overexposed at that depth?