#robotics Logs

Aug 04 2019

#robotics Calendar

01:18 AM katsumi_ is now known as katsumi
06:16 AM katsumi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKAWBNl4MeA&list=RDMMZ06gUeqUpeo&index=5
06:16 AM * katsumi wishes a bunny bunday to all!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111
07:13 AM marder: well rue, nice website, but lookin as be a funural card ;)
07:14 AM marder: will stumble in
07:15 AM marder: http://ruemohr.org/%7Eircjunk/not_public_dont_open/
07:15 AM marder: lol
07:15 AM marder: funny
07:16 AM marder: hrhrhr you'r a funny guy
10:13 AM logb0t_ is now known as logb0t
10:52 AM marder is now known as katsumi
11:33 AM logb0t_ is now known as logb0t
12:00 PM mrdata_ is now known as mrdata
12:40 PM rue_mohr: ;)
12:40 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/freqGen/p1130229.jpg
12:40 PM rue_mohr: check out the bezel for the freq gen!
12:40 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/freqGen/slide.htm
12:40 PM rue_mohr: see the slideshow if you want
12:46 PM gartt: You have some awesome projects
02:53 PM rue_shop3: I need to fix up the website to make them a little easier to find/follow
03:48 PM veverak: it's rue
03:48 PM veverak: he has projects that hackerspaces won't build intheir lifetime
04:30 PM justan0theruser is now known as justanotheruser
04:54 PM gartt: rue_shop3: I use igal - the very simplest possible thumbnail generator I could find. It just generates an index.html file for the photos in a particular directory
04:55 PM gartt: Then you won't have people just flipping through full-size photos in the directories and wasting time/bandwidth
04:55 PM gartt: But then you'll lose the plain jane directory navigation so you'll have to make a little page with links to the dirs
05:17 PM rue_mohr: veverak, heh
05:18 PM rue_mohr: gartt, I don't want to take up the storage space for thumbnails or the bandwidth for loading a whole page of images
05:18 PM rue_mohr: gartt, I have a slideshow for some dirs
05:19 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm10/slide.htm
05:20 PM gartt: Thumbnails are pretty small though. igal works the same way as that - you can go forward and back exactly the same way when you're on a full size photos, but when you go back to thumbnail view, you can see what photos you want to navigate to without going through all of them
05:21 PM gartt: For example I can't view your page with my noscript JS blocker on, but with igal, it's no problem and no JS
05:23 PM gartt: Ain't nothing more easierer
05:26 PM rue_mohr: its free space, I'm trying to make the most of it
05:26 PM rue_mohr: I didn't know anyone still got around with js off, I gave up like 4 years ago
05:27 PM gartt: I'm a web developer and we have to use a REST-decoupled JS front-end at work. I hate JS passionately. I'm a 34 year old dinosaur
05:28 PM gartt: I still find JS blocking extremely useful in web browsing
05:35 PM superkuh: Not leaving JS off by default and executing all arbitrary code you encounter is about is smart as opening every executable attachment you get via email.
05:38 PM gartt: But what about the cute cat pics promised in said emails?
05:46 PM * Tom_L snickers at the dinosaur part
05:47 PM gartt: Tom_L: When you get to the ripe old age of 34, you'll understand how easy it is to be set in your ways too
05:47 PM Tom_L: mkay you little whipper snapper
05:47 PM Tom_L: i watched the entire space program from mercury live.
05:48 PM Tom_L: watched kennedy get shot in dallas
05:48 PM gartt: Yeah, well I watched Clinton get elected
05:48 PM Tom_L: need i go further?
05:49 PM gartt: "If old age but could, if youth but knew..."
06:05 PM rue_mohr: gartt, yea, the difference in just the ad stripping makes removal of js worth it, but I was having too many prooblems with sites that just coulnd't be used without it
06:06 PM rue_mohr: I just wrote a hosts.conf that includes the top 20? ad servers
06:07 PM rue_mohr: no more ads
06:07 PM rue_mohr: http://paste.debian.net/1094374/
06:07 PM rue_mohr: a few get in, but their usually locally hosted off the site, and I'll accept that
06:09 PM zhanx: gonna test the host.conf
06:12 PM rue_shop1: just hosts
06:12 PM zhanx: well i know that
06:12 PM rue_shop1: /etc/hosts
06:12 PM zhanx: i knew you were gonna do that
06:13 PM rue_shop1: it works great, I have a local http server that serves an image of a cat rolled up in a newspaper as a 404
06:13 PM rue_shop1: sometimes I hit 12 cat sites!
06:15 PM rue_shop1: its 4:pm, I forgot to have lunch
06:15 PM gartt: rue_mohr: I lose patience with those sites and just leave them on principle or blast through them
06:22 PM rue_mohr: I'm planning to add a "recent additions" thing to my site, not sure how I want to tie it in.
06:22 PM zhanx: works fine for me and the sites don't warn about the add block, added 5 of yours to my list
06:23 PM rue_mohr: do you know if your blocker works on javascript IN an svg?
06:23 PM zhanx: it was just adblock plus, never looked into it
06:23 PM rue_mohr: I mean gartt
06:24 PM rue_mohr: in true microsoft style, everything can be compromised, you can put javascript in an svg
06:25 PM gartt: I guess. Containerization of applications for security is interesting. Compromised the browser? No problem
06:26 PM gartt: But blocking a lot of JS can't hurt
06:28 PM gartt: I even view some websites in lynx (more to do with the crispness of the text on the screen in my terminal though and not having to deal with stupid fonts and clutter)
07:07 PM rue_shop1: I'm playing with an SVG thing that will link to all the different places I exist
07:09 PM rue_shop1: I dont want to clutter up my front page, but I cant see a way of adding functionality
07:14 PM gartt: What do you mean by the hosts file with the top ad servers?
07:18 PM rue_shop1: linux
07:19 PM rue_shop1: /etc/hosts
07:19 PM rue_shop1: you list the top ad servers as
07:19 PM rue_shop1: it overrides the dns lookup
07:19 PM rue_shop1: the world today uses like 12 ad servers
07:19 PM rue_shop1: like, the WHOLE WORLD uses like 12 ad servers
07:19 PM rue_shop1: makes them REALLY EASY to block
07:20 PM rue_shop1: if everyone hosted their own ads, it would be almost impossable to block them
07:20 PM orlock: when you say AD
07:20 PM orlock: do you mean
07:20 PM orlock: advertising?
07:20 PM orlock: or
07:20 PM rue_shop1: yes
07:20 PM orlock: active directory?
07:20 PM rue_shop1: advertizing
07:20 PM rue_shop1: web servers that server advertizments
07:21 PM gartt: rue_mohr: I got the hosts thing, but how are you using the file to block them?
07:32 PM KimK: gartt: http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Blogs/Productivity-Sauce/Block-Ads-and-Malware-Sites-with-a-Unified-Host-File
07:32 PM gartt: KimK: Thanks
07:32 PM KimK: rue_mohr / rue_shop1 : Thanks for reminding me of a great tip
07:34 PM KimK: Apparently Windows has a hosts file too. Maybe due to the alleged BSD origins of Windows' TCP/IP stack?
07:35 PM gartt: Windows does in the etc dir as well, too
07:39 PM orlock: eh
07:39 PM orlock: pretty much ANY os with a functioning IP stack has a hosts file
07:39 PM orlock: and what "alleged" BSD origins?
07:40 PM rue_shop1: when a page tries to load an ad from one of those servers, it gets a 404 page from my server instead
07:40 PM orlock: I don't think anybody has ever attempted to deny the fact?
07:41 PM rue_shop1: yea, remember that windows just stole its whole networking stack from *nix
07:42 PM orlock: yeah
07:42 PM orlock: well, not stolen
07:42 PM rue_shop1: half my Z axis slider weighs 6kg
07:43 PM orlock: i also remember sending people copies of a tcp stack on floppy when i worked at an ISP in the 90's
07:43 PM gartt: I wonder if a huge hosts file like this would actually slow things down: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts
07:43 PM rue_shop1: I think I should make a lighter Z axis
07:44 PM rue_shop1: its only a 6" slider
07:44 PM rue_shop1: using 1/2" steel plate might have not been a good idea
07:44 PM orlock: gartt: it's more about maintenence
07:45 PM gartt: orlock: How do you mean? I mean, wouldn't parsing that huge file every time cause delays?
07:47 PM orlock: it's only 1.2M
07:47 PM orlock: and computers are fast
07:48 PM orlock: real 0m0.005s
07:48 PM orlock: user 0m0.003s
07:48 PM orlock: sys 0m0.001s
07:48 PM rue_shop1: yea, pile on the code! we will just get a faster computer, there are NO consequences!
07:49 PM gartt: I wonder if it just gets loaded into memory anyway
07:51 PM gartt: And might still be faster than actually loading those pages
07:56 PM orlock: the alternative is
07:56 PM orlock: that your queries go across the network
07:56 PM orlock: to another host that then has to do something similar anyway
07:58 PM gartt: rue_mohr: That's what I dislike about modern web design. "Oh, that Ruby doesn't scale well? Just throw more resources at it"
07:58 PM orlock: rue: why not just load all this into your local resolver?
07:58 PM gartt: Older smartphone can barely render the JS-heavy page? Well, people should be using smartphones with higher specs anyway, so...
08:28 PM gartt: Any reason a current university student would need to have windows on their laptop? With openoffice and forks of it and other free software, could the average business student let's say get by with linux on the laptop only? If they didn't game?
08:28 PM gartt: Wrong channel, sorry
08:44 PM rue_shop1: ok, I have 2.5inches to implement the Z axis
08:44 PM rue_shop1: definitly calls for a different approach
08:54 PM Tom_L: 2.5" travel?
08:54 PM Tom_L: on a 8' cnc?
08:54 PM Tom_L: something went wrong there
08:55 PM zhanx: yea i thought it was 12" before
09:22 PM rue_mohr: no z is 6" travel
09:22 PM rue_mohr: but I can only let it build out 2.5"
09:26 PM Tom_L: gantry?
09:26 PM Tom_L: yeah you don't need alot of overhang with a gantry design
10:08 PM rue_shop1: ok, I made a mounting plate for the router
10:08 PM rue_shop1: I'v preped about 35qt of sand for new casting greensand
10:08 PM rue_shop1: came out pretty nice
10:09 PM rue_shop1: just dug out of the clay behind the shop