#robotics Logs

Jul 22 2019

#robotics Calendar

01:24 AM rue_bed: gonna need a power supply and some motor drivers for this cnc... hmmm
02:09 AM katsumi: moin
05:32 AM marder is now known as katsumi
08:23 AM rue_bed: !!!!
09:17 AM rue_mohr: does that still happen?
10:10 AM mrdata_ is now known as mrdata
03:53 PM Mikeee: I had no idea the roomba was designed for interfacing
03:54 PM Mikeee: I thought I'd have to redesign the entire control board, but instead I can just plop an esp8266 on it and send it serial commands
03:54 PM Mikeee: they have documentation on each of the commands, their addresses, everything
06:47 PM logb0t_ is now known as logb0t
07:58 PM rue_mohr: oh and its not one of the development roombas?