#robotics Logs

Jul 05 2019

#robotics Calendar

03:03 AM mrdata: making things that can be assembled is a good idea
03:08 AM mrdata: but so many things fail or nearly fail on that
03:08 AM mrdata: including a bunch of high-end cars
03:19 AM marder: mrdata: remove engine and change the lamp :)
03:22 AM mrdata: it's total madness
03:23 AM mrdata: i owned such a car
03:23 AM mrdata: limited edition mercedes with a porsche engine
03:23 AM marder: nice
03:23 AM mrdata: quite a smooth ride
03:24 AM mrdata: but murder to repair
03:24 AM mrdata: collectable at $50k tho
10:18 AM veverak: making my custom gdb
10:18 AM veverak: because why not
10:18 AM veverak: (kidding, debian stretch gbd simply does not work with 9.2 gcc)
12:54 PM marder is now known as katsumi
01:33 PM Atomsk is now known as ace4016
06:30 PM logb0t_ is now known as logb0t