#robotics Logs

Apr 22 2019

#robotics Calendar

12:19 AM Guest43244 is now known as wildlander
02:59 AM Jak_o_Ombroj: Grr, when did my usb-serial adaptor break
03:41 AM Jak_o_Ombroj: I wonder if GPS in the alarm clock is too much scope creep
03:41 AM * Jak_o_Ombroj is not having much luck with the bluetooth serial module
01:37 PM gaze__: yo I want like... the simplest interface I can cook up between a USB device and a host. No custom drivers... but I want framing and guaranteed delivery
01:37 PM gaze__: I think CDC serial uses bulk endpoints so that has checksumming
01:37 PM gaze__: I guess I just need to add packet framing?
01:37 PM gaze__: or maybe there's something even simpler that has all this built in.
01:38 PM gaze__: maybe HID or something
04:48 PM rue_mohr: modem technology developed a lot of that stuff
04:48 PM rue_mohr: you could use PPP :)
05:05 PM eruditass_ is now known as eruditass
05:12 PM Atomsk is now known as ace4016
08:56 PM Jak_o_Shadows: gaze___, I have done something like that, maybe? You can just shove data down an endpoint
08:56 PM Jak_o_Shadows: You don't need to write a proper driver or anything, but obviously you need to write your own user code to handle it. But doesn't need installation as a driver