#robotics Logs

Feb 03 2019

#robotics Calendar

12:49 AM rue_shop1: well lets see!
12:54 AM rue_shop1: damnit man
03:01 AM flav0r: python does my head in !
03:30 AM rue_mohr: zhanx, http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/images/p1110207.jpg
03:31 AM rue_mohr: had to modify the power supply, I have a bunch of 32V ones, keep needing 24V, so I converted it :)
05:32 AM squirrel1 is now known as veverak
09:32 AM anelito: hi guys
09:33 AM anelito: I would like to build a 4 wheel rover to test a CV based navigation algorithm. Looking at most ready-made kits, almost all of them lack a proper suspension system, is it a standard to have motors directly attached to the chassis?
09:34 AM veverak: unfortunetly
09:34 AM anelito: should I use a camera stabilisation system or build a chassis with proper suspensions?
09:35 AM veverak: depends
09:35 AM veverak: do you need proper odometry?
09:35 AM veverak: if not, go for RC vehicle
09:35 AM anelito: http://www.alsrobot.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=535
09:36 AM anelito: that is my reference design, but the chassis should be higher and allow more space for a RPI and batteries
09:36 AM anelito: veverak at the moment GPS is enough but I plan to add encoders to each wheel
09:37 AM veverak: hmm, in those matters tamyia sucks :)
09:38 AM veverak: but there is this thing
09:38 AM * veverak can't remember
09:39 AM anelito: well there is this rover here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU_0M1_TvD0
09:40 AM anelito: it seems pretty stable but totally sacrifices chassis and motor space
09:41 AM veverak: https://www.robotshop.com/eu/en/mantis-6wd-off-road-rover-kit.html
09:41 AM veverak: there is this
09:42 AM veverak: got it!
09:42 AM veverak: anelito: https://www.pololu.com/product/1561
09:42 AM veverak: this thing seems decent enough
09:43 AM anelito: oh ok so you suggest switching to a 6wd
09:44 AM veverak: not exactly
09:44 AM veverak: I just like this chassis :)
09:44 AM veverak: https://www.pololu.com/category/88/wild-thumper-all-terrain-chassis
09:44 AM veverak: oh
09:44 AM veverak: it seems that they make 4WD version too
09:44 AM anelito: yes indeed
09:45 AM anelito: yet if you notice the pics upside down the space left for electronics is far limited
09:45 AM veverak: is there a problem?
09:45 AM veverak: I mean, it gives you the space between axes
09:46 AM veverak: 'under' the top of the bottom plate
09:46 AM veverak: and you can always "hack" it and modify it, it seems quite friendly for that :)
09:47 AM veverak: I think that https://www.pololu.com/product/1565 gives you all the space it can
09:54 AM anelito: okay thank you for the suggestion
09:54 AM veverak: anelito: I would care more about "hackability" than what it actually gives as the moment
09:55 AM veverak: the pololu stuff seems pretty hackable, the alsrobot not really :/
09:55 AM anelito: in any case I will build it myself so "hackability" is definitely not a problem
09:55 AM anelito: I just need a reliable starting design that I can then tailor to my needs
09:56 AM veverak: I see
09:56 AM veverak: anelito: than again, the pololu has nice KISS solution to suspension, I would get inspired by it in my things too