#robotics Logs

Dec 15 2018

#robotics Calendar

02:11 AM rue_mohr: hmm
02:15 AM rue_mohr: I suppose you dont know a straightforward way to inverse a 3x3 matrix?
02:15 AM rue_mohr: no, casue I'm all alone agai
02:17 AM zhanx: rue_mohr, you would be proud of this printer
02:40 AM rue_mohr: I think I'm the first to work out how to *just* generate an inverse matrix
02:40 AM rue_mohr: almost melted down
02:40 AM rue_mohr: gonna test, here is hoping I'm right
02:40 AM rue_mohr: for the record
02:41 AM rue_mohr: ei-hf, bi-hc, bf-ec
02:41 AM rue_mohr: di+gf, ai-gc, dc-af
02:41 AM rue_mohr: dh-ge, gb-ah, ae-db
02:42 AM rue_mohr: (its not divided by the determinant)
02:47 AM rue_mohr: signs are out....
02:47 AM rue_mohr: odd
02:48 AM rue_mohr: and the determinant looks out
02:49 AM rue_mohr: should be 18, appears to need to be 10
02:53 AM rue_mohr: aha!
02:58 AM rue_mohr: ok, that fixes the sign problems
02:58 AM rue_mohr: ei-hf, hc-bi, bf-ec
02:58 AM rue_mohr: gf-di, ai-gc, dc-af
02:58 AM rue_mohr: dh-ge, gb-ah, ae-db
02:59 AM rue_mohr: so, now why is my determinant out
03:01 AM rue_mohr: aha! the determinant IS 10
03:01 AM rue_mohr: ok SO\
03:30 AM rue_mohr: hahah, I dont have a 3x3 * 1x3 multiply fn
03:56 AM rue_mohr: YES!
03:59 AM rue_mohr: sweet, simotanious equation solving!
04:16 AM rue_mohr: m = (matrix2d_t) {1, 2, -1, 2, -3, -4, 1, 1, 1}; // ax + by + cz = d
04:16 AM rue_mohr: v = (matrix1x3_t){7, -3, 0}; // -1, 3, -2
04:16 AM rue_mohr: recipMatrix2d( &m );
04:16 AM rue_mohr: narrowMultiplyMatrix2d( &v, &m ) ;
04:16 AM rue_mohr: printf("Answer is %f, %f, %f\n", v.M[0], v.M[1], v.M[2]);
04:20 AM rue_mohr: it WOULD be cool to not be alone on this.
04:20 AM * rue_mohr gets another tea
04:22 AM rue_mohr: "to the next 10000 years of being alone!"
04:22 AM rue_mohr: , bottoms up...
04:42 AM veverak: lol
12:09 PM rue_mohr: veverak, ?
12:10 PM rue_mohr: so, I'm thinking I need a string based math superposition library
12:10 PM rue_mohr: perl seems like a good choice
12:10 PM rue_mohr: I wonder if I could make something like that actually isolate variables for formulaeeeee
12:56 PM SpeedEvil is now known as Guest73068
01:09 PM logicmoo is now known as dmiles
03:06 PM deusexmachina: anyone have resources on synthetic muscle materials?
03:07 PM rue_mohr: pneumatic muscle or
03:07 PM rue_mohr: or HASEL stuff
03:07 PM rue_mohr: deusexmachina,
03:08 PM deusexmachina: HASEL and other similar materials
03:08 PM * rue_mohr dips a potatochip in some canola oil
03:08 PM rue_mohr: uhu
03:09 PM rue_mohr: deusexmachina, are you the chap I called?
03:09 PM rue_mohr: on linkedin?
03:09 PM deusexmachina: um, no
03:09 PM rue_mohr: drat
03:32 PM deusexmachina: Where can I find someone who can supply oeano-HASEL and other DEA's preformed?
03:32 PM deusexmachina: or rather some company
03:33 PM deusexmachina: I need information on the specifications and costs
04:06 PM rue_shop3: you have to make them yourself
04:06 PM rue_shop3: there are some things lazy americans cant *just* get done for them
04:06 PM rue_shop3: actually, if you pay me enough, I'll do it
04:07 PM rue_shop3: for a $500k deposit, I'll make you two actuators, total cost only $750k
04:07 PM rue_shop3: taxes excluded
04:08 PM deusexmachina: lol
04:08 PM deusexmachina: I guess I'll have to find a basement chemist
04:08 PM rue_shop3: ah, I can sell ya oil, $40/L + shipping
04:09 PM rue_shop3: ooo I think there is still more than half a liter in the fridge
04:09 PM deusexmachina: How hard is it to make?
04:09 PM deusexmachina: does it need very precise conditions you need a proper lab for?
04:09 PM rue_shop3: oh really really hard, its definitly not canola oil from the grocery store! nope!
04:10 PM deusexmachina: Well, I need probably 50 pounds of paeno-HASEL
04:10 PM rue_shop3: what got you into hasel?
04:10 PM deusexmachina: What do you mean?
04:11 PM rue_shop3: how did you learn about HASEL
04:11 PM deusexmachina: robotic arm arm-wrestling competitions between the local universities
04:11 PM rue_shop3: why HASEL?
04:12 PM deusexmachina: Because I in the planning stages of designing an android
04:12 PM rue_shop3: right
04:13 PM deusexmachina: And I know a ton about human anatomy and biomechanics and biological motor learning and control
04:13 PM rue_shop3: ok
04:13 PM rue_shop3: got a silicone 3d printer?
04:13 PM deusexmachina: I have a lot of money... how much do they cost?
04:13 PM rue_shop3: $750k, but only available from me
04:14 PM rue_shop3: its ok, I'm right here in canada!
04:14 PM rue_shop3: \:-}
04:14 PM deusexmachina: 750k for a 3d printer... which I could make myself at my friends machine shop for maybe 10,000
04:14 PM rue_shop3: so how many actuators do you need in total?
04:15 PM deusexmachina: every muscle in the human body, hundreds
04:15 PM rue_shop3: deusexmachina> robotic arm arm-wrestling competitions between the local universities
04:15 PM deusexmachina: rue_shop3, Yeah I'm not doing the competition, you asked where I got the idea to use HASEL
04:17 PM deusexmachina: But I am assuming paying someone to do the work for me makes more sense given the prices you are throwing at me and the amount of material I need
04:18 PM rue_shop3: hey, I can do the work for you, and I'm right here!
04:18 PM rue_shop3: how concienient
04:18 PM rue_shop3: how convienient
04:18 PM deusexmachina: Yeah, but you want to charge a lot of money for stuff
04:18 PM deusexmachina: lol
04:18 PM rue_shop3: pff, thats not a lot!
04:18 PM rue_shop3: well, if you designed it, you know what you need
04:19 PM rue_shop3: so, how many contracting and how many expanding actuators?
04:19 PM deusexmachina: All contracting
04:19 PM rue_shop3: ok
04:19 PM deusexmachina: no expanding actuators are needed
04:19 PM rue_shop3: from min and max sizes?
04:20 PM rue_shop3: I can see you thought this thru
04:20 PM deusexmachina: Well, some will be in 1-2 cm and with a few mm of diameter, some will be 2 feet and have a muscle bellies as think as 7-8cm
04:21 PM deusexmachina: I estimate a total of 50 pounds of the material total
04:21 PM deusexmachina: I mean, how many millions are we talking if I buy the raw materials and pay someone to make it for me
04:22 PM rue_shop3: I presume I can bill to your credit card, just to confirm, the first 4 digits are 1400, correct?
04:22 PM deusexmachina: lol, I don't have a credit card
04:22 PM rue_shop3: ooops, this must be someone elses credit card...
04:23 PM deusexmachina: haha
04:23 PM rue_shop3: thats ok, we can bill to it anyhow!
04:23 PM deusexmachina: Lol
04:23 PM * deusexmachina steals a CC db from some stupidly admin'd website
04:23 PM rue_shop3: well, the budget for my 12' mecha is $240
04:24 PM rue_shop3: iirc 47 axies
04:24 PM deusexmachina: I don't know what my budget is... I think I could get as much as 7 million
04:24 PM deusexmachina: I was hoping to spend under a million, but unless you're trying to massively overcharge me, that's not enough
04:24 PM rue_shop3: so, $750k is a good start for a few test actuators
04:25 PM rue_shop3: I'm not overcharging, building a new house costs a lot ya know
04:25 PM rue_shop3: I mean
04:25 PM rue_shop3: building a research muscle actuator thing
04:25 PM therealdurrf: its to house the research
04:26 PM rue_shop3: hu? well there is a lot of overhead
04:26 PM rue_shop3: not to mention material costs
04:26 PM rue_shop3: do you know how expensive potato chips are getting!
04:26 PM deusexmachina: lol
04:26 PM therealdurrf: house staff have all kinds of unions and theres all these labour laws...
04:26 PM deusexmachina: I know that students in university are able to afford 5ish arm muscles for their competitions
04:27 PM rue_shop3: its not like you can just make htem from helium baloons and conola oil
04:27 PM deusexmachina: You also don't have rigid specifications and quality control since you're just making it at home
04:28 PM * rue_shop3 tucks the clothes iron behind his back
04:28 PM rue_shop3: our equipment is of the highest quality!
04:28 PM deusexmachina: heh
04:28 PM deusexmachina: I don't know any chemists personally to make it
04:29 PM rue_shop3: I'm do chemistry all the time!
04:29 PM rue_shop3: matter a fact
04:29 PM * rue_shop3 goes to get another tea
04:29 PM deusexmachina: Can you make me pure MDMA?
04:30 PM deusexmachina: 78% purity, the amount you get without the extra few dozen steps to remove byproducts of synthesis
04:30 PM rue_shop3: no, I'm fresh out of A7n4O2
04:30 PM deusexmachina: I don't know what that is
04:30 PM rue_shop3: no, I'm fresh out of A7N4O2
04:30 PM rue_shop3: important material
04:30 PM deusexmachina: All I know, is I haven't done MDMA in years because every time I buy it, and use a test kit, it's not pure
04:31 PM deusexmachina: So I just stopped buying it
04:31 PM rue_shop3: sorry again, typoe today, geez
04:31 PM rue_shop3: no, I'm fresh out of Ar7N4O2
04:31 PM deusexmachina: still don't know what that is:P
04:31 PM rue_shop3: and the stores dont have Kr6Pb3Rn anymore
04:32 PM rue_shop3: so I cant just substitute
04:32 PM deusexmachina: unless those are code names for chemicals to synthesize it in a non-typical method which is recently invented, then I don't get it
04:33 PM deusexmachina: I would remember the precursor names if you said them
04:34 PM rue_mohr: its a test chemical, its makes chemistry processes really easy to check
04:36 PM rue_mohr: chemicals
04:37 PM deusexmachina: ahh
04:37 PM deusexmachina: okay
04:38 PM rue_mohr: under some conditions it works as a catalyst
04:38 PM deusexmachina: anyways, back to this muscle material... If you want to take 100k + all material and equipment costs I would consider it, but you'd need to be in Toronto, where I can get you access to labs for no cost
04:39 PM rue_mohr: the ass end of canada? no...
04:39 PM deusexmachina: Ahh
04:39 PM rue_mohr: I'm in BC, where its nice out
04:39 PM rue_mohr: hmm, well I'm in a part thats nice out right now
04:39 PM deusexmachina: cool
04:39 PM rue_mohr: yes, about 7c
04:39 PM deusexmachina: I don't like going outside so I don't care about the weather
04:40 PM rue_mohr: are you going for a 1:1 scale android?
04:41 PM rue_mohr: I suppose I should invest a few bucks and put some HASELs on the shelf
04:41 PM rue_mohr: oo, the store is still open...
04:41 PM rue_mohr: well, I do need a new axe handle...
04:41 PM deusexmachina: 1:1 scale, yes
04:42 PM rue_mohr: I was going to save it to later, but you know, if you leave these zombies just roaming around for long it just gets worse
04:42 PM rue_mohr: 1:1 is expensive, like I say to get down to 240 I had to scale 'er up to 12'
04:42 PM deusexmachina: expensive is a relative term
04:43 PM deusexmachina: It needs to seem human based on visual appearance, so I can't scale it down any more
04:43 PM deusexmachina: It's going to be a young body
04:44 PM deusexmachina: like a 8-10 year old size
04:44 PM deusexmachina: for the skin and filler tissue to serve the same visual purpose as fat provides
04:44 PM rue_shop3: oh damn, the labels came off the electrolite bottles, now I dont know which is which
04:45 PM rue_shop3: oh your going for REALLY small!
04:45 PM deusexmachina: :(
04:45 PM rue_shop3: does that mean you need low voltage actuators? aka ~500v instead of the normal ~10kv
04:46 PM deusexmachina: I don't know... I'm an AGI developer, not a robotics engineer... I don't even know basic circuitry diagrams
04:46 PM rue_shop3: ooh
04:46 PM deusexmachina: But I have 2 friends who does robotics
04:46 PM deusexmachina: They want to help, and I don't have to pay them
04:47 PM rue_shop3: slaves eh? thats a hard price to beat
04:47 PM rue_shop3: I'm out of potato chips and canola oil, back in a while
04:47 PM deusexmachina: But I have the medical and physics and neurology knowledge to design a human body
04:47 PM rue_shop3: hang out!
04:47 PM deusexmachina: I used to be studying to become a doctor
04:48 PM rue_shop3: excellent! tell me the actaul surface area of the cerebelum compensated with all the fisure areas!
04:48 PM deusexmachina: I can't
04:48 PM deusexmachina: I studied over 10 years ago
04:48 PM rue_shop3: heh
04:48 PM deusexmachina: I never knew that I don't think
04:48 PM rue_shop3: ok, I broke the question
04:49 PM rue_shop3: back later!
04:49 PM deusexmachina: I just did my bachelor, I was studying for the MCAT but never went to med school
04:49 PM deusexmachina: okay later, thanks for your input and information
05:37 PM * rue_mohr has a potatochip
05:38 PM rue_mohr: I wonder what that conversation would have been like if the fellow I invited who is developing HASEL stuff had been here
05:38 PM deusexmachina: I have a computer
05:38 PM rue_mohr: you do?
05:38 PM deusexmachina: Yeah, a whole entire computer
05:39 PM rue_mohr: thats impressive
05:39 PM rue_mohr: what are you going to do with it?
05:39 PM deusexmachina: build skynet
05:39 PM rue_mohr: you know, if your clever you can play games
05:40 PM rue_mohr: I know this guy
05:40 PM deusexmachina: My best system, doesn't have any video output ports
05:40 PM deusexmachina: lol
05:40 PM deusexmachina: I have to use a serial connection to get a terminal
05:40 PM deusexmachina: I also don't have that system yet, because I only ordered it last week
05:41 PM deusexmachina: 2.12 petaflops of CUDA
05:42 PM rue_mohr: he found this game called Thermonuclear War
05:42 PM deusexmachina: lulz
05:42 PM rue_mohr: had to hack a system to get access to play it ho
05:42 PM rue_mohr: tho
05:42 PM deusexmachina: can I play it on a headless server?
05:43 PM rue_mohr: well, he said that in the end, tictactoe was a better game
05:44 PM rue_mohr: wikipedia is up to $2.75
05:44 PM deusexmachina: lol
05:44 PM deusexmachina: I don't donate to wikipedia because they don't use their donations to verify data by fact checkers
05:45 PM rue_mohr: I got some hasel supplies, and an axe handle...
05:45 PM deusexmachina: nice
05:45 PM rue_mohr: it would be nice if they had some usefull information too
05:45 PM rue_mohr: I'v never seen so much useless information about anything
05:46 PM deusexmachina: I posted a SHIT LOAD of physiology related data on wikipedia when I was in university
05:46 PM rue_mohr: did someone else take it down for you?
05:46 PM deusexmachina: Probably, since physiology is a field that has a 6 year lifespan for theories before they are improved or changed
05:47 PM deusexmachina: like, my information is outdated
05:49 PM rue_mohr: well, its gonna take a while to prep these hasel supplies
05:49 PM * rue_mohr has another potatochip
05:49 PM rue_mohr: which puts me back looking for isomalt
05:51 PM deusexmachina: bleh
05:51 PM rue_mohr: bleh?
05:54 PM deusexmachina: I am having trouble with some github repo and a model I downloaded
05:54 PM deusexmachina: well multiple github repos combined
05:55 PM rue_mohr: hmm did you use the computer for it?
05:56 PM deusexmachina: I am just trying to figure out how to deal with these things in combination
10:10 PM BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil