#robotics Logs

Nov 10 2018

#robotics Calendar

12:00 AM rue_mohr: sweeeet, its converted
12:04 AM rue_mohr: haha now I have all the power of my new 2d library at my fingertips!!!
12:12 AM rue_mohr: hmm
12:12 AM rue_mohr: well, if the transformation chain took any time I'd play with optimizing it
12:12 AM rue_mohr: meh
12:13 AM rue_mohr: so then I need to work towards being able to select points and execute a drill operation
01:34 AM flav0r: yeah they are ok
01:34 AM flav0r: i just mention it coz its funny
01:39 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I was going to say that i had the clock working better
01:39 AM Jak_o_Shadows: but then i think i fried it
01:39 AM Jak_o_Shadows: dammit
01:43 AM Jak_o_Shadows: and by "it" i think i mean either the stm32, or the 3v3 voltage recgulator
01:44 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Seriously thinking about just getting a PCB made
03:35 AM flav0r: like a real clock ?
03:35 AM flav0r: make your own board !
05:05 AM Jak_o_Shadows: well, alarm clock
09:19 AM goppo: hi
09:19 AM goppo: i'm trying to detect if my dog is coming out or going into his kennel. at the moment, i have a PIR inside the kennel and one outside. the PIRs are battery powered and emit a BLE signal when triggered.
09:19 AM goppo: but sometimes my dog moves too quickly and the two PIRs get triggered with a short period apart
09:19 AM goppo: well, at least from the receiver's view, they're triggered at the same time
09:20 AM goppo: anyone know if there's better way to detect if something is moving in/out?
09:20 AM goppo: something with warmth
09:21 AM goppo: he's an anxious dog, so i'm trying to play him some classical music when he goes in to sleep
09:49 AM SpeedEvil: cameras work.
09:50 AM goppo: SpeedEvil yeah, but i don't think i can power a camera on long on batteries though
09:50 AM rue_bed2: heh
09:51 AM SpeedEvil: pressure pad under dog bed
09:52 AM goppo: unfortunately there's no bed. he just sleeps on the wood
09:53 AM goppo: he doesn't like the bed. i think he doesn't like the smell
10:27 AM rue_bed2: how about an optical break-beam
10:30 AM SpeedEvil: Pressure pad under bit of wood
11:01 AM rue_mohr: oh I thought you were looking for him to come in
11:01 AM rue_mohr: well, rf collar
11:01 AM rue_mohr: proximity
11:04 AM rue_mohr: cad/primitive/insert.cpp.o
11:04 AM rue_mohr: whats an insert?
11:09 AM rue_mohr: drat, I dont ahve the source for v3
11:29 AM Malvolio is now known as Guest3929
11:38 AM OpenSorc_ is now known as OpenSorceress
01:30 PM gartt is now known as gartttt
01:30 PM gartttt is now known as gartt
03:01 PM rue_mohr: hmm ok
03:03 PM rue_mohr: hmm how to drill a hole
03:12 PM gartt: Explosives
03:14 PM gartt: Big those are only good for very large holes
03:29 PM rue_mohr: its a CAM program
03:30 PM rue_mohr: I need to make a structure for operation details
03:30 PM rue_mohr: like drilling
03:30 PM rue_mohr: and routin
03:30 PM rue_mohr: g
03:30 PM rue_mohr: and pocketing
05:37 PM Jak_o_Ombroj: I should buy some female sockets
05:39 PM Jak_o_Ombroj: In the mean time, I think i'm just gonna swap the stm32 board
05:41 PM Jak_o_Ombroj: now, I swaer I had a spare
06:14 PM rue_mohr: your too late 11.11 has already started
06:14 PM rue_mohr: there will be no mail for the enxt 4 months
06:23 PM rue_mohr: while (scanf("%f, %f", &x, &y) != EOF) {
06:23 PM rue_mohr: // printf(" point %f, %f\n", x, y);
06:23 PM rue_mohr: drillHole(holes, pt(x, y));
06:23 PM rue_mohr: }
06:23 PM rue_mohr: sofar the operations do not embed the objects that they are applied to
06:24 PM rue_mohr: HoleOp_t holes;
06:24 PM rue_mohr: so far I just have one for doing holes, but there will be other stuff, and then i suppose a generic wrapper for them
06:25 PM rue_mohr: I'm starting with holes, cause its as simple as you can get
06:25 PM rue_mohr: and its usefull
06:26 PM rue_mohr: I have an op
06:26 PM rue_mohr: I need a name for a structure that holds an op and an object list to apply the op to
06:28 PM rue_mohr: this is new ground
06:31 PM rue_mohr: oh, naming things is the hardest part
06:35 PM rue_mohr: target
06:35 PM rue_mohr: optarget
06:35 PM rue_mohr: task
06:35 PM rue_mohr: ncTask
06:35 PM rue_mohr: process
06:36 PM rue_mohr: multiple operations are called a
06:36 PM rue_mohr: set
06:36 PM rue_mohr: opset?
06:36 PM rue_mohr: opSet
06:36 PM rue_mohr: you dont think the targets should be part of the operation structure?
06:37 PM rue_mohr: I'm having a hard time comming up with grounds to disagree
06:37 PM rue_mohr: ok...
06:37 PM rue_mohr: if we make it the first thing in the *_op list, a union can carry over lists
07:06 PM jadew` is now known as jadew
07:29 PM Jak_o_Ombroj: lantern battery acquired
07:29 PM Jak_o_Ombroj: now to start desinging the pcb
07:38 PM gartt: I'm weak in C, but it's such a beautiful simple language
07:47 PM z64555: it's a level immediately above assembler, so yeah
07:47 PM gartt: And can be used in anything, unlike just about any other language. Even very high level stuff, with good libraries and good organization/structure
07:47 PM z64555: goodies have been progressively adddedd to it
07:48 PM gartt: I hate added goodies
07:48 PM * z64555 frowns at his keyboard
07:48 PM gartt: Let them add goodies to C++ and Java and bloat them ever more, but not C
07:48 PM z64555: its optional bloat, it won't affect your program unless you add it in
07:49 PM z64555: and compiler makers aren't obligated to make all the features
07:49 PM gartt: Part of the reason compact simple Golang was created was to give the finger to the constant bloat in C++ and Java
07:54 PM z64555: Java's library is... extesnive, which is both good and bad
07:54 PM z64555: good in that you have a wide variety of things in the standard lib ready to be used, no need to hunt down third-party libs
07:55 PM z64555: bad in that, well, you have to sift through them, and also bad in that the solution might not be ideal to your needs
07:58 PM gartt: z64555: I don't mind extensive libraries
07:59 PM gartt: I hate language bloat
07:59 PM z64555: such as?
07:59 PM gartt: true functional programming additions just put in for example
08:00 PM gartt: Annotations have been used forever in Java, but they used to be used for simple things and now they're used as metaprogramming
08:03 PM z64555: this is where I stare blankly and act like I know everything you're saying
08:03 PM z64555: sorry
08:03 PM gartt: And I love functional programming, but I hate lack of backward compatibility in languages. That's why simple designs rule, because they're timeless
08:04 PM gartt: Like how C and C++ don't have to go through the many evolutions of garbage collection tech (and problems/bugs) and VM issues like Java
08:05 PM gartt: The cool thing about C and golang is that they're small enough to fit in your head, unlike C++ which you can code in for 15 years and still not be a pro at it
08:07 PM z64555: garbage collection/VM is not an issue of the language semantics(?), but rather an issue with how its compiled/implemented in the machine
08:08 PM z64555: it is aggrevating, though
08:08 PM gartt: z64555: That's true, but I guess since it plays a role in the actual language, it can be mixed with the actual language
08:09 PM gartt: You can't really separate Java from GC and the JVM, since without them or if they worked differently, the Java language would have to be different
08:49 PM rue_mohr: tho I'm annoyed that I cant extend a C data struct
08:49 PM rue_mohr: gcc wont have it
08:50 PM rue_mohr: so I'm ending up with this.that.other.inner.value = 2;
08:51 PM rue_mohr: frame->lines.group[i]->c->B
08:51 PM rue_mohr: it can get annoying
08:56 PM rue_mohr: #define innerLine entity.shape.line
08:56 PM rue_mohr: starts leading to trying to find shortcuts past a few layers
09:04 PM rue_mohr: I suppose this is just a hint of what its like to be the last one left in existence...
09:04 PM rue_mohr: I shoudl count myself lucky that there is atleast one other person out there alive somewhere
09:10 PM Jak_o_Ombroj: hi
09:25 PM rue_mohr: hi
11:53 PM wildlander is now known as JumpingBedsWithP
11:54 PM JumpingBedsWithP is now known as JumpBedsPyjames