#robotics Logs

Nov 09 2018

#robotics Calendar

12:35 AM rue_mohr: ok, making good progress on fixing up entity interpretations in my CAM software
12:53 AM rue_mohr: Warning, unknown entity type in file, doing my best to pretend it dosn't exist.
12:53 AM rue_mohr: Warning, unknown entity type in file, doing my best to pretend it dosn't exist.
12:53 AM rue_mohr: Warning, unknown entity type in file, doing my best to pretend it dosn't exist.
12:53 AM rue_mohr: Warning, unknown entity type in file, doing my best to pretend it dosn't exist.
12:53 AM rue_mohr: ok, imports from inkscape aren't gonna happen soon
12:55 AM mrdata__: use a text editor to strip the junk out
12:56 AM rue_mohr: no
12:56 AM rue_mohr: its a valid dxf
12:56 AM rue_mohr: my library just cant handle it
12:56 AM rue_mohr: it turns out its LWPOLYLINE
12:57 AM rue_mohr: which is good, cause if something should be easy, that should be it
12:57 AM rue_mohr: yes, that kinda cool
12:57 AM rue_mohr: I thought it would be ELLIPSE, and that I cant deal with yet
01:00 AM mrdata__: you can have inkscape convert this i think
01:02 AM mrdata__: but i'm the expert on dxf <--> svg
01:03 AM mrdata__: is a LWPOLYLINE a bezier curve?
01:08 AM rue_mohr: its FROM inkscape
01:08 AM rue_mohr: no, its a series of lines
01:14 AM rue_mohr: this is the trials of writing a CAM program
01:14 AM rue_mohr: its my own dxf reading library
01:14 AM rue_mohr: just hacking in polyline now...
01:21 AM rue_mohr: :) got it
01:21 AM rue_mohr: heh, 1160 entities, and it renders ok
01:23 AM mrdata__: ok, good
01:23 AM rue_mohr: you on liux?
01:23 AM rue_mohr: linux even
01:23 AM mrdata__: sometimes
01:23 AM mrdata__: not right now tho
01:23 AM rue_mohr: ah, I'm looking for testers
01:24 AM rue_mohr: SO RUN, RUN FOR YOUR FREEDOM!
01:24 AM rue_mohr: wow, this is cool
01:25 AM rue_mohr: I'm stoked its working on a more complex file
01:26 AM mrdata__: nice
01:26 AM rue_mohr: X can draw 1100 lines pretty quick....
01:27 AM rue_mohr: I can grab the drawing, shake it to all hell, and there is no lag
01:27 AM rue_mohr: tho it didn't like when I had an oops and they were all circles
01:27 AM rue_mohr: THAT bogged it down
01:27 AM mrdata__: i recall that some stuff imports from inkscape more easily if, in inkscape, i select all the objects and convert object to path
01:28 AM rue_mohr: this is a nametag I made for my printer
01:28 AM rue_mohr: its got some ttf content
01:28 AM rue_mohr: so LOTS of ... aparently polylines
01:29 AM rue_mohr: nobody does real curves anymore
01:29 AM rue_mohr: its all about the line segment
01:29 AM rue_mohr: openGL cant draw a circle
01:31 AM mrdata__: at pixel precision, it's all a sequence of straight lines anyway
01:32 AM rue_mohr: http://paste.debian.net/1051048/
01:32 AM rue_mohr: this fn is gettin unwieldly
01:35 AM rue_mohr: I have to shake colours out of it 'next'
01:35 AM rue_mohr: and I need layers to be a table
01:39 AM rue_mohr: hahah I need to change it all over to my new 2d library
01:39 AM rue_mohr: forgot about that
01:41 AM rue_mohr: I should also add clipping, as some of the objects' overflows cause X drawing randomness
01:43 AM rue_mohr: // if(sanityBoundingPasses(EL.content[i].entity))
01:43 AM rue_mohr: drawEntity ( EL.content[i].entity );
01:43 AM rue_mohr: there, I prototyped it
02:07 AM rue_mohr: ok, so, to achive my first layer goal, I need to be able to select points and create drill operations in a gcode file
02:08 AM rue_mohr: right now I can load the dxf, display it, and select entities
02:08 AM rue_mohr: so I'm close
02:08 AM rue_mohr: need a new UI widget
02:08 AM rue_mohr: but thats ok
02:19 AM mrdata__: why colours
02:19 AM mrdata__: whats the purpose of this
02:20 AM mrdata__: here i thought this was running cnc
03:05 AM rue_bed2: its a Gcode generator for cnc
03:05 AM rue_bed2: aka CAM
03:06 AM rue_bed2: I jjust want the colours so they match the drawing
03:07 AM rue_bed2: a higher priority is to divide things up into layers
05:10 AM flav0r: HEY HEY !
08:45 AM z64555: rue_mohr: OpenGL never really could draw an actual curve, plus the GPU's have been optimized out the wazoo for vertices and line segments
08:47 AM z64555: If you have a closed form equation for a spline, such as a bezier, you can easily adjust the increments to T to adjust the apparent smoothness of the curve
08:47 AM z64555: ...but you knew that already
09:04 AM rue_mohr: but its sad/stupid that they dont have a library for it even
09:04 AM rue_mohr: why does everyone who wants a circle have to write their own function for it!!!
09:05 AM rue_mohr: thats like a gui not having a textbox, and everyone having to make their own graphics frame and render text to it
09:05 AM z64555: maybe its so easy to do that people think there doesn't need to be a library for it?
09:05 AM z64555: or at least percieved to be as such
09:07 AM rue_mohr: na, its about 20 lines of code
09:07 AM rue_mohr: SDL has sdlprimitives
09:21 AM z64555: 20 lines isn't a whole lot, when talking about PC programs
09:25 AM rue_mohr: and EVERY program that wants to draw a circle needs to cough up its own 20 lines
09:26 AM rue_mohr: instead of them just being in a library
09:29 AM rue_mohr: along with the 20+ lines required for all the other things
09:39 AM z64555: coders get paid by the hour, lol
08:35 PM Jak_o_Shadows: So tx is working
08:35 PM Jak_o_Shadows: my usb->serial tx is also working
08:35 PM Jak_o_Shadows: so it's probably my solder job
08:40 PM Tom_L: yeah probably
08:40 PM Tom_L: :)
09:10 PM rue_mohr: 8-| arbshape doesn't care what 2d library its using...
09:44 PM rue_mohr: ok, arbshape is converted, but
09:44 PM rue_mohr: it looks like that library wans't actaully finished, or ready for use
09:44 PM rue_mohr: which is halarious
09:45 PM rue_mohr: anyhow I can see that I shoudl add transforms for it, so that I can do transforms to abitrary shapes
09:45 PM rue_mohr: tho it seems to me that using a matrix is a direction,
09:45 PM rue_mohr: because then ic an perform arbitrary transforms to arbitrary objects
09:46 PM rue_mohr: and before we know if, nobody knows whats really happening
09:47 PM rue_mohr: yes, its kinda funny that my dxf library uses the arbshape library, but didn't care that I just changed it from 2d.c to 2d2.c
09:48 PM rue_mohr: which is a dependency of the arbshape library
09:48 PM rue_mohr: ok
09:48 PM rue_mohr: so, I need to import my arc functions to 2d2
09:48 PM rue_mohr: and then I should start looking at transforms for arbitrary objects
09:48 PM rue_mohr: but, at some point I should stitch in the matrix stuff
09:49 PM rue_mohr: I wonder if the matrix stuff should just append on the functionality of the 2d library, so that I dont always have to have all that matrix stuff in there
10:06 PM Jak_o_Shadows: come to think of it, it is possibly more likely to be a wiring tahat I am using for testing
10:08 PM flav0r: HEY HEY !
10:10 PM rue_mohr: horse horse!
10:12 PM flav0r: dude im soldering like crazy
10:12 PM flav0r: well the last few hours
10:12 PM flav0r: take a GUESS at some of the components !
10:15 PM flav0r: theres no way you can guess dude
10:15 PM flav0r: ZH CONNECTORS !
10:17 PM rue_mohr: heh
10:17 PM rue_mohr: they fit eh?
10:17 PM zhanx: ?
10:17 PM zhanx: oh zh, i need to edit those alerts
10:19 PM rue_mohr: heh
10:19 PM zhanx: well i have it on z since that is what you use alot rue_mohr
10:21 PM rue_mohr: :)
10:21 PM rue_mohr: hmm, I dont have an arc rotate...