#robotics Logs

Aug 19 2018

#robotics Calendar

06:46 AM _unreal_: @#$@#%@#$ need something like this for CNC MILLS https://youtu.be/2dpMNz9GAJQ
07:30 AM _unreal_: pisses me off to no end that there are no unipolar drivers for the pololu boards
09:24 AM _unreal_: made up my mind. I'm going with the RPI linuxcnc and the pololu hat with the external control pin adapters so I can use external high power motor controllers.
10:07 AM Tom_L: _unreal_, RPI isn't really fast enough to work well
10:07 AM Tom_L: sad to say
10:32 AM veverak: yup
10:32 AM veverak: but I think different arm board can be used
10:32 AM veverak: not sure which one it its
10:39 AM Tom_L: <pcw_home> Ive had one running master for about a month now and its OK but dont try to load big files with the backplot enabled
10:39 AM Tom_L: and dont play with gremlin with complex backplots full screen, you will run out of memory and come to a abrupt stop
10:40 AM Tom_L: <pcw_home> I think one of the RPI clones would be a better choice but ist a bit of work to get a RT kernel and SPI support going on them
10:41 AM Tom_L: the painful part about all the ARM SBCs is that unlike X86, every one is different in terms of booting/toolchains/low level utilities/weird proprietary blobs etc etc
10:59 AM Tom_L: _unreal_, pcw _is_ mesa
11:06 AM _unreal_: drives me nuts
11:06 AM Tom_L: he offered me a proto but i don't use RPI
11:06 AM _unreal_: to be honist the RPI is not under powered or even close...... hell look at TURBOCNC that works on a 386 20mhz pc and will run a 4 axis mill 15,000khz
11:07 AM _unreal_: who offered you a proto? and do you mean prototype?
11:07 AM Tom_L: linuxcnc will run 9 axis just fine
11:07 AM Tom_L: yes prototype and pcw who builds mesa cards did
11:08 AM Tom_L: you'd likely have to tweak the kernel on another arm board
11:08 AM _unreal_: !@#!@$~!@$ florida mosquito's. got one in the room and it keeps bouncing off my legs. doesnt byte just keeps bounching
11:09 AM _unreal_: its just the BS amount of overhead that is in linuxcnc
11:09 AM Tom_L: not really
11:09 AM Tom_L: like what?
11:10 AM _unreal_: for example the zipitwireless original has only 2mb of flash, 16mb ram and a 90mhz ARM cpu. and they built a linux distro for it.
11:10 AM _unreal_: Tom_L, gui and hardware drivers and the list goes on.
11:11 AM _unreal_: there are so many services running in the background that are killing the system.
11:11 AM _unreal_: the kernel is bloated as well
11:12 AM _unreal_: I've skimmed threw it.... I dont profess to be a linux expert but I know my way around the coolaid stand
11:13 AM Tom_L: maybe it's not for you then
11:13 AM _unreal_: an other linux build for example..... was "jailbait" debian based for the "iopener" computer fit on a 16mb sandisk that was built onto the motherboard
11:14 AM Tom_L: it's running on dozens of commercial machines and probably hundreds of hobbyist machines
11:14 AM _unreal_: What I'm saying is that I'm suprised that I have not seen a more stripped down build of linuxcnc for rpi......
11:15 AM Tom_L: there is a branch i think targeted for Arm
11:15 AM Tom_L: linuxcnc doesn't support it, they have their own support
11:15 AM _unreal_: ARG.... and Tstorm going on
11:15 AM Tom_L: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/machinekit/w9poGXTfzYI
11:15 AM Tom_L: machinekit
11:16 AM Tom_L: You are not going to find Machinekit any easier if you don't have the technical knowledge.
11:16 AM Tom_L: There is no distro to install and the full images available are for BBB and Rpi 2-3 only.
11:18 AM _unreal_: I'm suprised I have not seen anybuilds based on QNX
11:18 AM _unreal_: closed source I know but would be nice. qnx is RING 1
11:18 AM Tom_L: these are volunteer efforts. feel free to start one
11:18 AM _unreal_: :)
11:18 AM Tom_L: the source is readily available
11:19 AM _unreal_: OMG this mysquito is going to drive me nuts its flying 100mph
11:20 AM _unreal_: just bounch bounch.
11:24 AM Tom_L: i was just concerned as a commercial machine you may not be happy with an Arm
11:27 AM _unreal_: Tom_L, I'm looking at these https://www.amazon.com/Tinker-board-RK3288-1-8GHz-Mali-T764/dp/B06VSBVQWS/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1534695894&sr=1-4&keywords=udoo&dpID=51XkGSoKSyL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
11:45 AM _unreal_: I do appreciate the concern Tom_L
11:46 AM _unreal_: Tom_L, I'm kind of torn between What direction to take. My main need is to be able to manually jog the machine. I.E. hand controlling the machine for cutting stuff thats to simple to do in cad and to complicated for people who dont know cad at all...
11:47 AM Tom_L: i do that alot on mine
11:47 AM Tom_L: https://www.ebay.com/itm/CNC-Manual-Pulse-Generator-MPG-6-Terminal-5V-60mm-for-engraving-handwheel/122298610827?hash=item1c7990b48b:g:UcUAAOSwurZZJ~8c
11:47 AM Tom_L: i use that
11:47 AM _unreal_: What I'd really like is a setup where I have a computer station setup going to a smart pulse generator
11:48 AM _unreal_: something that I can just turn the the pulse generator on and JOG with a pendent and getting location feed back etc.....
11:48 AM Tom_L: lcnc will do that
11:49 AM Tom_L: on screen axis as well as access to it
11:50 AM _unreal_: What I'm saying is I want to do a setup where I use an arduino, or stm32 for example. and can just power that and the motor drivers. and jog the machine around. OR power up the computer for full control
11:51 AM Tom_L: you've somewhat made up your mind so i'll stop pushing linuxcnc
11:52 AM _unreal_: I'm leaning linuxcnc
11:53 AM _unreal_: My problem is that when I get this machine finished the people who would benifit using it the most are also computer morons
11:53 AM _unreal_: at the yacht company that I work for
11:53 AM Tom_L: those types have no business running cnc machines
11:53 AM _unreal_: we build, modify fix etc...... boats, luxary yachts anything boats
11:53 AM _unreal_: no argument
11:54 AM _unreal_: I'm doing a lot of research trying to find anything prebuilt that fit my desired construct
11:54 AM Tom_L: the guy from Fl is in linuxcnc if you care to visit
11:54 AM _unreal_: fl?
11:54 AM Tom_L: you're in Florida right?
11:54 AM _unreal_: OH OHOH ya
11:55 AM _unreal_: didnt know you ment florida
12:06 PM rue_shop4: so, interesting night of trying to hack the hackers
12:06 PM rue_shop4: they dont immediatly attack a machine
12:06 PM rue_shop4: theres over 6 hours of being online req'd to be seen
12:12 PM weyland|yutani: rue_shop4, what did they do to you o glorious rue_AI
01:31 PM rue_shop3: so, the motor on this drillpress is 8A
01:31 PM rue_shop3: the 1/4hp motor is 5A
01:33 PM Tom_L: more poop to twist your arm off
01:54 PM rue_shop4: so, my guess is that this new motor is 1/2
01:54 PM rue_shop4: ok
05:15 PM rue_shop3: ok, so, stripping down the drillpress to turn into a cnc
05:16 PM rue_shop3: it'll be some work
05:22 PM Tom_L: ok, i got the mill trammed again after adding the risers to Z
05:32 PM Tom_L: you're up for the task..
06:09 PM _unreal_: rue_, which one did you get?
06:15 PM rue_shop3: I got two
06:15 PM rue_shop3: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/shop/p1100621.jpg
06:16 PM rue_shop3: I need to focus on xy slide then
06:17 PM rue_shop3: the left one I'm goig to use as a drilpress, its prety nice, I realdy fixed it up
09:51 PM rue_shop3: I still need heat for the house in winter
09:52 PM rue_shop3: maybe I'm just getting frantic
10:45 PM rue_shop4: _unreal_, more sodlering on the pcb for the motor driver
10:45 PM rue_shop4: I'm a ways from testing cause I need that sequence gen too
10:45 PM rue_shop4: which will take me like 1/2 of coding (but 2 hours to set up for)
10:47 PM _unreal_: rue_, I'm about to spend an other $150 on stuff
10:48 PM _unreal_: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07G243CRR/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A3UCASNNG2EZ1E&psc=1
10:48 PM _unreal_: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06VSBVQWS/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
10:52 PM orlock: i've been trying to justify spending $30 on adjustable linear bearings for a month now :-\
10:53 PM _unreal_: I just spend $150 2min ago
10:54 PM _unreal_: adjustable linear bearings
10:54 PM _unreal_: ?
10:54 PM orlock: _unreal_: yeah, like normal linear bearings but with a slot so you can clamp them together a bit
10:55 PM _unreal_: got a link?
10:55 PM orlock: LM8UUAJ
10:55 PM _unreal_: orlock, I'm still trying to decide on exactly what kind of rails I should buy
10:55 PM orlock: one of the reasons i havent jumped yet is i'm unsure in supplier differences
10:56 PM orlock: supplier/manufacturer
10:56 PM orlock: some look like they are just LM8UU bearings that have been dremelled
10:57 PM _unreal_: orlock, do you have the rods already/
10:57 PM _unreal_: ?
11:11 PM orlock: not always, depends on the device
11:11 PM orlock: usually makes things easier
11:11 PM orlock: Doh