#robotics Logs

Aug 18 2018

#robotics Calendar

12:03 AM rue_shop4: ugh
12:41 AM rue_shop4: _unreal_, this driver is becomming something you can hurt someone with
01:23 AM z64555: it has that many plugins?
08:35 AM _unreal_: rue_, What I'd like to do is get this home cnc up and running so I could use it to mill a clad pvc board to make a fully functinal driver board using those a3936sed 3 phase servo motor drivers
08:36 AM _unreal_: the board that they are mounted to SUCKS because only one motor chip is fully implimented the others are run in dumb mode
11:17 AM _unreal_: BLEEP!!! cnczone.com is down
03:35 PM _unreal_: so tired... been working on pulling all the boards off the fence on the side of the house. fence is falling down and needs to be rebuilt and brought upto code
03:35 PM _unreal_: anyone know of a site dedicated to building your own MPG pendent?
03:35 PM _unreal_: arduino based maybe?
04:16 PM SpeedEvil: What?
04:16 PM SpeedEvil: Do you mean a pedometer?
04:53 PM _unreal_: pedometer? SpeedEvil read closer
05:22 PM z64555: what's an MPG pendent, and what is it used for
07:18 PM Tom_L: z64555 to count steps for a cnc
07:18 PM Tom_L: in manual mode
07:19 PM z64555: ah, "Manual Pulse Generator"
07:21 PM z64555: sounds like its a fancy square wave pulse generator, but there may be other things involved on the signal
07:30 PM _unreal_: z64555, mpg pendent stands for "manual pulse generator"
07:30 PM z64555: er, yes, I did find that out. thank you
07:31 PM _unreal_: I was reading logs
07:31 PM _unreal_: I dont think I would call it a square wave pulse generator. because the frequency changes and can be dynamic
07:31 PM _unreal_: then again
07:32 PM z64555: rectangular pulse generator, or simply just a pulse generator, then
07:32 PM z64555: any decent PWM module on a uC should work
07:43 PM rue_: I'm ok, I have no bobcat, but two drillpresses
08:24 PM Tom_L: i'd rather have the bobcat
08:29 PM Tom_L: did you get that one you showed?
08:31 PM Tom_L: z64555, https://www.ebay.com/itm/CNC-Manual-Pulse-Generator-MPG-6-Terminal-5V-60mm-for-engraving-handwheel/122298610827?hash=item1c7990b48b:g:UcUAAOSwurZZJ~8c
08:51 PM rue_: yes, and antoher one
08:51 PM rue_: the other one I got HAS the intermeditate pulley
08:51 PM rue_: the one I showe in the listing is 2.25" larger than the one I use now (depth)
08:52 PM rue_: and I can move the intermediate spulley to it
08:52 PM rue_: 8-|
08:52 PM rue_: I have to make decisitons...
08:56 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/shop/p1100621.jpg
08:56 PM rue_: Tom_L, the left is the $75 listed one, the right was $50 at a garage sale
08:57 PM rue_: the right has the intermediate pulley for low low speeds, but its base broke at some point and someone cast an epoxy one
08:57 PM rue_: :/
08:57 PM rue_: the left one is the large one, if I drill one hole it can take the intermediate pulley
08:58 PM rue_: its got the pivot and turn table, and its coolant friendly
08:59 PM rue_: I really like the left one for a shop upgrade, one major snag being that its waay higher than my bench is set up for
08:59 PM rue_: WHY do they put slots in the base of a drillpress...
08:59 PM rue_: there is someting I dont know
09:00 PM z64555: its so you can attach stuff to it
09:00 PM z64555: like a vise
09:00 PM z64555: or a one or two-axis bed
09:01 PM z64555: Also gives you a different clamping options
09:02 PM z64555: Like if you needed to drill a hole in a pipe, you can stick some pipe straps on there, slide the pipe in, then tighten down the straps and get trucking
09:02 PM rue_: no, I think its more dastardly than that
09:03 PM rue_: I suspect an old trick of some kind
09:03 PM z64555: the holes save hardly any weight
09:03 PM rue_: the rotating tables make a lot of sense, you can use R-theta to put a hole anywhere in a peice bolted down on the table
09:04 PM rue_: so you dont have to play with where the vise it
09:04 PM rue_: is
09:04 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/shop/p1100621.jpg
09:04 PM rue_: the left drillpress also has a light under it, which the right one has the hole for, but its been plated over
09:08 PM rue_shop3: I would bet if I look, the drillpress I use now has the casting provision for the 3rd pulley
09:10 PM rue_shop3: the handles are 10" higher than the one on the drillpress I use not
09:10 PM rue_shop3: now
09:43 PM _unreal_: rue_, What is all the crap on the base of the photo of the 2 drill pressed . the drill press in the right hand side of the photo. looks like solder or something at he base
09:45 PM _unreal_: The gray/silver one in the photo from a glace looks to be the better choice.
09:47 PM _unreal_: rue_, the height is NOT an issue. you :( can cut the vertical TUBE to fit the size you need
09:54 PM _unreal_: ok 10 min later of tickle tourchre of my daughter... so whats new happening etc..?
09:56 PM Tom_L: rue_shop3, so fix up the left one
09:56 PM Tom_L: it seems more 'ready to go'
09:56 PM _unreal_: the lft one is the better choice
09:56 PM _unreal_: especially at a $25 difference go for the left one
09:56 PM _unreal_: your talking a $250 tool at one point in time
09:57 PM _unreal_: or one that has massive damage
09:57 PM Tom_L: the slots are for T bolts to hold a vise or other fixture
09:57 PM _unreal_: hell ignore what I say and listen to Tom_L at least
09:57 PM Tom_L: he don't listen to anybody
09:58 PM * _unreal_ palm to face