#robotics Logs

Aug 12 2018

#robotics Calendar

08:05 PM rue_shop3: _unreal_, likes having a unique login for everything he accesses on the internet
08:09 PM rue_shop3: _unreal_, so, we gonna get your cnc going?
08:53 PM Sadjad: whois eryc
08:58 PM anthonyf18:
08:58 PM anthonyf18:
08:58 PM anthonyf18:
08:58 PM zhanx: "?
08:59 PM orlock: bot
09:00 PM zhanx: figures
09:00 PM orlock: Vietnam is showing mor eactivity on the fucked-botnet-computers recently
09:01 PM zhanx: haven't checked the war map in a while
09:01 PM zhanx: i a redoing my planning for the garden upgrade for this fall
09:01 PM orlock: garden warfare?
09:02 PM zhanx: kind of
09:02 PM zhanx: raising all the beds to 3" instead of 12"
09:02 PM orlock: my daughters a big fan, its a cool game
09:02 PM orlock: it looks awesome
09:02 PM zhanx: adding water pipes to each bed, running conduit
09:02 PM orlock: nice
09:03 PM zhanx: hoping to add a solar panel to power this https://imgur.com/a/P4fWNCR
09:17 PM mrdata: please put the channel mode back to +r
09:18 PM zhanx: can't it messes up the bot for some reason
09:31 PM zhanx is now known as n3249238423
09:31 PM n3249238423 is now known as zhanx
09:34 PM zhanx is now known as ID-10-T
09:34 PM eryc: cool
09:34 PM ID-10-T is now known as ID-Ten-T
09:34 PM ID-Ten-T is now known as zhanx
09:34 PM zhanx is now known as ID-1O-T
09:35 PM ID-1O-T is now known as zhanx
09:35 PM Tom_L: zhanx,
09:35 PM Tom_L: i can't figure out why the bot can't join if +r
09:35 PM Tom_L: it joins other channels with the same modes set
09:36 PM zhanx: Tom does the sasl ident?
09:36 PM Tom_L: does what who?
09:36 PM zhanx: i was tryingt to skip that
09:37 PM zhanx: if you sasl ident the bot it should join fine with +r
09:37 PM Tom_L: how do i do that?
09:37 PM zhanx: what client is it using?
09:38 PM Tom_L: i'm not sure, it's running off my server
09:38 PM zhanx: need to check it, each one is slightly different in the .config on them
09:40 PM zhanx: you might have to do a delay on it. Have it join, do an external sasl ident. then join the channels
09:42 PM zhanx: i need a bigger white board
09:47 PM theBear: according to our diversity department the new board should be at least 30% foreigners and/or those wacky new-age homosexuals that seem to be at all the press releases recently ...so it'll be more of a coloured board, or maybe a light eggshell-grey/off-white kinda thing, on a scale of 0x000000 to 0xffffff ;-)
09:47 PM orlock: Gotta blend em all together
09:47 PM orlock: and reconstitute em
09:48 PM zhanx: so how much is based on talent theBear ?
09:51 PM theBear: according to the individuals down in human resources, talent isn't a pre-requisite for board or executive postings, and also, once employed, there can be no performance related values or consequences exhibited or proven beyond a likely doubt
09:52 PM zhanx: what?
09:52 PM orlock: talent isn't a pre-requisite for board or executive postings
09:52 PM orlock: heh
09:52 PM zhanx: this is weird
09:52 PM theBear: forgedda bow dit
09:52 PM Tom_L: dun did
09:53 PM theBear: i just woke up all sideways and almost-fully dressed, my mind might take a few hours to catchup
09:54 PM Tom_L: but you did wake up
09:54 PM Tom_L: a plus
09:56 PM theBear: totally... much longer and stuff like the cream i bought last night wouldn't have made it without some fridgin'
09:57 PM theBear: fortunately most of the "treat"s i got at the late market were untouched thismorning :)
10:09 PM _unreal_: rue_shop3, I just got back from a weekend of being on my feet non stop
10:10 PM _unreal_: I'm trying to stay away for starters
10:10 PM _unreal_: Tomorow is my daughters first day of school as well
10:10 PM _unreal_: school starts early here
10:13 PM rue_shop3: _unreal_, heh, that machine is like it is because you have never had time
10:13 PM rue_shop3: I'm betting thats why it'll stay like that, drat.
10:14 PM _unreal_: you try being a full time single father
10:14 PM theBear: went to a sunday morning swapmeet/bootsale thing with a buddy that goes every week for work-related buying, first time in maybe 20 years and i was right into 'em when i was young.. for a long time would visit at least two every sunday alone, anyway, lotta walking/shuffling with my retard criipple-leg poor little toes, and a couple areas near to toes, but it was worth it, got a ton of cool stuff for silly cheap and most of the pain isn't technically
10:14 PM theBear: pain so much as feelings in err ghost body parts, or err, whatcha-sposed-ta-callit
10:15 PM m71222:
10:15 PM m71222:
10:15 PM m71222:
10:15 PM m71222:
10:15 PM m71222:
10:15 PM m71222:
10:15 PM m71222:
10:15 PM m71222:
10:15 PM _unreal_: ghost body parts?
10:15 PM m71222:
10:15 PM theBear: dude, talk louder !
10:15 PM m71222:
10:16 PM theBear: yep, like that dude's lips and voice-box, apparently
10:16 PM _unreal_: theBear, My area we have a place called the "swap shop" fort lauderdale florida
10:16 PM _unreal_: ITS HUGE
10:19 PM theBear: wowee, i can barely imagine such a thing ! tho even our biggest cities/states ain't got the kinda population to make a lotta things like that work well or at all, and here is far from one of the biggest
10:20 PM _unreal_: did you google maps it?
10:21 PM _unreal_: rue_, ?
10:21 PM orlock: We have a few places like that but they are mail order
10:22 PM theBear: lol, i was gonn'er say ! gmaps the shop !!?!? there are shops big enough for that to be helpful or informative at all ?!?!
10:23 PM theBear: wait, what ? places like that and mail order ? we talkin like ebay or classified ads, but without even landline phone technology being used, for some reason ?
10:24 PM rue_shop3: yea, were gonna see if its bearable
10:24 PM _unreal_: rue_shop3, did you ever look at the links I sent?
10:24 PM _unreal_: for the mp4301
10:24 PM rue_shop3: casue the logger gets locked out if we +r the channel
10:24 PM rue_shop3: which links
10:25 PM rue_shop3: oh dude, no point in sending me datasheets, I know chip
10:25 PM rue_shop3: s
10:25 PM rue_shop3: I have all the datasheets on the shop server
10:25 PM _unreal_: I msg
10:26 PM rue_shop3: not my point tho, your machine excited me, I'd be cool to see you using it
10:26 PM _unreal_: rue_shop3 I have an unipolar board setup with the mp4301 http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/toshiba/3062.pdf I have never finished setting it up for current control
10:26 PM _unreal_: rue_shop3 My motors are 1.4A, 1A, 1.2A I do need to get the current control setup correctly using those chips that are on a PCB I built and I can have my CNC operational in a heart beat.
10:26 PM rue_shop3: yea, no current control etc, yea
10:27 PM rue_shop3: you *cant* do it cause you dont have time
10:27 PM rue_shop3: and if it was done, youd have no time to use it
10:27 PM rue_shop3: I didn't see that, I'm sorry.
10:27 PM _unreal_: rue_shop3 input of 12V and I dont know the motor winding resistance off the top of my head. shit and as I expected its not posted on the motors ether
10:28 PM rue_shop3: I got too excited when I saw it was almost exactly the upgrade I was gonna do to my '97 machine
10:28 PM _unreal_: OMG my eyes are flairing up again from sunblock.... @#$@#$ dog pissed on the floors again. fam just washed the floor with bleach, and its really bugging my eyes and I'm trapped in this room till the @$#%@# floor drys
10:29 PM _unreal_: so rue_shop3 I believethose chips can be setup as current limiting
10:29 PM _unreal_: i'm just not sure exatly how?
10:29 PM _unreal_: they are already mounted to a PERF board
10:30 PM rue_shop3: ugh....
10:30 PM _unreal_: they came from an old dot matrix printer. few I should say
10:30 PM rue_shop3: LM393
10:30 PM rue_shop3: which you dont have...
10:30 PM _unreal_: comparitor?
10:31 PM orlock: theBear: https://www.oatleyelectronics.com/ for example
10:31 PM orlock: surplus electronics sales
10:31 PM rue_shop4: LM339 would work too
10:31 PM theBear: don't get me started on oatley and how they only ever seemed to exist on paper
10:32 PM orlock: _unreal_: That could be the chlorine gas
10:32 PM _unreal_: both
10:32 PM * rue_shop4 is sad, he needs something to get obsessed on
10:32 PM rue_shop4: whats OCD if you dont have a target!?
10:32 PM _unreal_: Thats what I'm saying my eyes where already irritated from the sunblock. now they just swabbed the floor with bleach water OMG.....
10:32 PM orlock: theBear: Huh? I'm, sure i've ordered from them before.. what do you mean?
10:32 PM _unreal_: I just want to wash my face and I'll be fine
10:34 PM _unreal_: rue_shop3, right now I just need to figure out the resistor network for those chips. so I can set the current limiting. and I will have a 4phase unipolar driver board setup
10:35 PM theBear: the places i talkin bout are more open to the public in general, everything from new electronics and jewellery and random variety store kinda stuff, thru tyres and tyre-changing on the spot new or used, whitegoods, bric-a-brak, stuff from recent liquidations, power tools, random metal widgets, very vintage cameras, pushbikes, vintage calculators and consoles, everything you can imagine and most of it cheap, effectively all if you know what the stuff
10:35 PM theBear: you like is worth and ain't no stooge :)
10:36 PM orlock: theBear: yes, we have similar in victoria, they rotate through different town halls each weekend
10:36 PM orlock: mainly PC hardware
10:36 PM orlock: not quite what you describe though
10:37 PM theBear: orlock, just in the 90s before and shortly after internet started being used commonly here, they never seemed to answer mail or phonecalls, or they would answer an email or two then disappear when you send an order thru, no doubt just some coincidence mixed with both the sporadic-ness and bluster of youthful social and mental development painting a more sinister picture <grin>
10:38 PM orlock: yeah
10:38 PM orlock: i dont remember if i ever ordered from them - i think i did?
10:39 PM theBear: mmm, i went to the pc ones a lot when i was yuounger and doing a lotta pc this and that, for example at one stage they had a whole megabyte stick of 80 or 90ms ram for just over sixty dollars each ! cheapest in town
10:40 PM theBear: they sure used to list a bunch of cool and/or interesting products in the old ads, both regular kinda electronics stock and one-offs/disposals kinda odd bits
10:40 PM * orlock used to end up with all sorts of shit from them
10:41 PM orlock: i managed to get rid of most of it though, yay
10:46 PM theBear: teh main camera guy (with a stall at least) said there's a couple regular camera specific ones in nearby council halls in current times, i think one monthly and maybe one quartely... cameras ain't really my thing, but i quite like the subject, from the fine mechanicals and fancy chemistry related stuff thru to how different materials bend and change light and even composition kinda things, plus i inherited some old camera stuff recently, and i
10:46 PM theBear: got fond memories of sending off my little 110 catridges outta the futuristic looking sleek tiny camera i had as a kid to the fancy lab across town c/o the local pharmacy 'cos it was such an exotic and rarely used spy-cam grade standard/format
10:47 PM rue_shop3: _unreal_, the 4301 or one of the other ones?
10:47 PM rue_shop3: _unreal_, do you need a step/direction translator?
10:50 PM _unreal_: 4301
10:50 PM theBear: dagnabbit... that new cheap generic white gap filler for the goop gun machine got me again on the wrist zone where my watch goes :-( i not sure i ever dealt with another substance that does so much damage/distress over a short but not while-u-wait (therefore cause can be long gone before effect, thus unnoticed/unstoppable) to the external skin area.... jsut a smear of water with a tiny bit of the stuff in it and it looks like maybe a poison bush or
10:50 PM theBear: light sandpapering kinda ouchy a day or two later :(
10:51 PM _unreal_: my ardunio's can do the phase control
10:51 PM _unreal_: rue_shop3, I just need to get that chip setup. there are 3 of them on a PERF board
10:52 PM _unreal_: I've already tied wires with all the proper attachments for wires onto the perf...
10:52 PM rue_: if your using the 4301, you need a comparitor to do the current control
10:52 PM rue_: unless you just use resistors
10:52 PM _unreal_: I just need to setup a resistor network on the BASE pin's to set the bias
10:52 PM theBear: hehe, so in other words, about as much choice as yer average circuit or electronic concept <grin>
10:53 PM theBear: ^^ you're welcom
10:53 PM theBear: e
10:53 PM rue_: _unreal_, no, you dont partially-drive those chips, they would just burn up
10:54 PM _unreal_: ?
10:54 PM rue_: there are 3 limits, voltage, current, and power
10:54 PM rue_: if you were to partially drive them you would exceed the power/channel rating
10:55 PM rue_: your two chioces with those chips for current limiting are a) big-ass resistors in series with each phase b) pulsed current control using something like a LM339
10:56 PM rue_: I can easily design a circuit you cant make :(
10:56 PM _unreal_: I thought I read that those chips have internal power clipping
10:57 PM bjs15:
10:57 PM _unreal_: unless I'm mixing soemthing else
10:57 PM _unreal_: I read
10:57 PM rue_: no, those are just a darlington driver array
10:57 PM _unreal_: I may have some lm339's on hand
10:57 PM theBear: to imagine what exceeding the power/channel rating might feel like, imagine if you were just hangin' out in some random irc channel and <insert omniscient/potent faith-based being(s) here> joined it and just was like, "'sup ?"
10:59 PM _unreal_: rue_, maybe I'm confusing something else I read I thought they where opamps
10:59 PM _unreal_: ok then lm339 PWM
10:59 PM rue_: hmm, shall I draw a circuit...
10:59 PM _unreal_: sure
11:00 PM rue_: I have 45 mins left to live
11:00 PM _unreal_: unless you know of a dirt cheap unipolare driver online
11:00 PM _unreal_: :S 11:59 here
11:00 PM _unreal_: sigh.... my daughter has her first day of school tomorrow
11:00 PM rue_: apparently so many people are using the unipolar ones, that they are cheaper
11:00 PM rue_: but thts $12ea
11:01 PM rue_: ooo first day, ouch
11:01 PM _unreal_: I havent seen any of those $4 drivers like you posted
11:01 PM rue_: hopefully she will get some sleep
11:01 PM _unreal_: but those were bipolar
11:01 PM _unreal_: she's IN bed
11:01 PM _unreal_: I'm not
11:02 PM _unreal_: but I do need to crash soon. I only just got to wash my face like 10 min ago do to eye irritation blaa blaa blaa
11:02 PM _unreal_: lm339 how comlicated a circuit?
11:03 PM rue_: its nore complex than that other driver that already has all the stuff in it
11:03 PM rue_: the 44xx?
11:04 PM rue_: _unreal_, whats the motor current? 1.5A?
11:04 PM _unreal_: I posted before
11:04 PM rue_: whats your supply voltage?
11:04 PM rue_: yea, well, tell me again...
11:04 PM rue_: otherwise I'll spend 5 minutes that I could be making your circuit searching for a value in the log
11:05 PM _unreal_: power supply can be 12 or 24v I have 2 supplies, i'd prob choose the 12v for this one. and use the 24v for the big cnc I'm building at work
11:05 PM _unreal_: rue_shop3 My motors are 1.4A, 1A, 1.2A I do need to get the current control setup correctly using those chips that are on a PCB I built and I can have my CNC operational in a heart beat.
11:05 PM _unreal_: thast what I posted before
11:06 PM _unreal_: I dont know the ohm's off the top of my head
11:07 PM _unreal_: I'd have to pull plugs apart to start mettering them out
11:07 PM _unreal_: and I'm about to go to bed do to time at night ERR morning
11:08 PM _unreal_: if you have any interest in 3 phase servo brushless motors rue_ let me know there is a boat were working on that has a @#$@#ed sat.... and I may be able to get the mtoors/driver
11:08 PM _unreal_: and with that I have to go to bed
11:09 PM rue_: well get the driver and dont take it apart
11:09 PM rue_: :)
11:10 PM rue_: _unreal_, have any 74ls06?
11:11 PM _unreal_: I may, I do have 74ls08's
11:12 PM _unreal_: 2 sitting in front of me
11:12 PM _unreal_: and a 74hc14
11:12 PM rue_: the avr can do open collector too, but 7406 would make sure nothing got mixed up
11:12 PM rue_: Tom_L, did I tell you I obtained the cold rolled flatbar for the sliders on the new cnc?
11:14 PM anticrisis:
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11:15 PM -!- #robotics mode set to +b by rue_
11:23 PM Pixelz23:
11:42 PM rue_: the spam is funny you know, its exactly what happened with #avr, but on a network level
11:47 PM theBear: hehe, it's funnier when i think that