#robotics Logs

Jun 04 2018

#robotics Calendar

12:19 AM mrdata: spacex launching now, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hcM5hqQ45s
12:23 AM mrdata: ish
01:09 AM rue_shop3: https://www.nutsvolts.com/uploads/wygwam/NV_0901_Marston_FIG4.jpg
03:06 AM Atomsk is now known as ace4016
03:22 AM rue_mohr: and unlike most schematics on the internet IT WORKS
03:46 AM Jak_o_Shadows: ahaha
03:46 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I think I'm going to try and put the force sensors/strain gauges as an integral part of my quad
03:46 AM Jak_o_Shadows: In the mean time, I'll just 3d print blocks for it though
03:54 AM rue_bed: $10 ea?
03:55 AM Jak_o_Shadows: $2 I thought I found them for
03:55 AM rue_bed: those things are blooming expensive
03:55 AM rue_bed: show me what you find, I developed a method of kinda force sensing with piezo elements
03:55 AM rue_bed: they aren't really cheap either
03:56 AM * rue_bed tries not to fall asleep on the keyboard
03:56 AM Jak_o_Shadows: $2.86 / one: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Digital-Electronic-Scale-1Kg-Weight-Weighing-Sensor-Load-Cell-DC-3V-12V/32874069436.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.30.202c6c635EzrfN&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_2_10152_10065_10151_10344_10068_10130_5722918_10342_5722818_10547_10343_10340_10548_10341_5722618_10696_10084_10083_10618_10307_5722718_10131_10132_10133_10059_100031_10103_5722518_10624_10623_10622_10621_10620,
03:56 AM Jak_o_Shadows: searchweb201603_1,ppcSwitch_4&algo_expid=4568bcd4-51c2-4d7d-951a-1c102c340bd1-4&algo_pvid=4568bcd4-51c2-4d7d-951a-1c102c340bd1&priceBeautifyAB=0
03:56 AM * Jak_o_Shadows wonders if there is a trick to copying sensible aliexpress links
03:57 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Admittedly, that is without the chip to make it readable
03:57 AM Jak_o_Shadows: So call it $3.5 each
03:58 AM Jak_o_Shadows: But force sensitive resistors are just as expensive
04:40 AM rue_bed: just copy up to the ?
04:43 AM Jak_o_Shadows: that makes sense.
05:42 AM veverak: http://squirrel.veverak.org/Screenshot%20from%202018-06-04%2012-06-29.png HAHAHA
05:42 AM veverak: collision model done
05:43 AM veverak: and no, it's nut just hull() over the parts
06:36 AM Jak_o_Shadows: What are you using for the simulation side of things?
06:38 AM veverak: propably Gazebo
06:38 AM veverak: or ODE | Bullet directly
06:38 AM veverak: Jak_o_Shadows: my motion planning parses the STL files and creates custom structures to do ocllision checking and for motion planning
06:38 AM veverak: OcTrees for the win!
06:40 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I quite like the idea of ODE | Bullet directly
06:48 AM veverak: it sounds reasonable
06:48 AM veverak: however I have URDF definition of the robot anyway
06:48 AM veverak: and it's easy to insert that to Gazebo
06:48 AM veverak: and Gazebo also talks with ROS directly
06:51 AM Jak_o_Shadows: URDF is some kind of kinematic description?
06:53 AM veverak: yup
06:54 AM veverak: big ass XML file
06:57 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Hmm. Surely there's a URDF -> bullet joints script then?
06:59 AM veverak: maybe?
06:59 AM veverak: Jak_o_Shadows: things is
06:59 AM veverak: Jak_o_Shadows: with gazebo, I provide URDF file, and it can fake all sensors/motors/things
06:59 AM veverak: so your robot SW should not be able to detect it runs in simulation
06:59 AM veverak: thing is: why to setup this manually when there is a piece of SW that does that for me?
07:00 AM veverak: -> try that SW, than try manuall way
07:00 AM Jak_o_Shadows: yeah. But gazebo & ROS has a bit of a learning curve in itself
07:00 AM Jak_o_Shadows: but you're right
07:03 AM veverak: and I know ROS
07:03 AM veverak: :)
07:49 AM Jak_o_Shadows: aha
07:49 AM Jak_o_Shadows: fair enough
05:11 PM zhanx: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/04/microsoft-buys-github.html
05:18 PM Snert_: Witness ye The End OF GitHub
07:46 PM rue_mohr: there is no point in taking any of my work down, but I wont put more up
07:46 PM rue_mohr: maybe I'll come up with something for my website for access to my project source for people
07:47 PM rue_mohr: I paid $12 for a li-ion from china AND I GOT THE WRONG BATTERY (my fault) AAAARRRRGGGGG
08:08 PM Tom_L: someone self hosted github, is that still a thing?
08:13 PM Tom_L: why is google sporting the canadian leaf today?
08:14 PM Tom_L: Tom Longboat.. whoever he was
08:14 PM Tom_L: must be old... all the pics are b&w
08:18 PM orlock: github?
08:18 PM orlock: or git?
08:18 PM orlock: rue_mohr: thats not a wrong battery, it's the start of a new project - you just dont know it yet!
09:19 PM rue_mohr: no its supposd to be for my camera
09:19 PM rue_mohr: I could have paid $5 for soemthing that was useless, but I paid extra to make sure I got a real batttery7
09:22 PM orlock: and it's the wrong sort or not a real battery?
09:44 PM rue_mohr: at that price it'll be real, its just the wrong one
09:44 PM rue_mohr: if you pay real money, you get real stuff
09:45 PM rue_mohr: most people just cant get over that if you dont pay real money, you get junk
09:49 PM Tom_L: my experience, alot of the ones from china don't last as long
10:03 PM rue_mohr: did you ever pay a lot for any of them
10:04 PM rue_mohr: like, almost full north-america prices
10:04 PM Tom_L: i paid more than minimum but not usa prices
10:05 PM rue_shop4: yea
10:05 PM rue_shop4: if you up around 3/4 of north american prices you start to get the real stuff
10:05 PM Tom_L: ones marked OEM seem to last a bit longer than generic
10:17 PM Tom_L: did you fix your tube bender?
10:22 PM Tom_itx: https://www.designboom.com/technology/flyability-gimbal-drone-resistant-collisions-02-10-2015/
11:13 PM rue_shop4: oh yea, yea, It was the gear bolts went .... wrong
11:22 PM rue_shop4: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-50-PCS-Glass-sealed-precision-thermistor-MF58-50K-B-value-3950-5-NTC-503J/32229545090.html
11:22 PM rue_shop4: ya know, those look at LOT like those "screw ball diodes" that didn't make any sense