#robotics Logs

May 28 2018

#robotics Calendar

12:58 AM rue_mohr: hi me!
01:39 AM rue_shop4: hi!
01:39 AM rue_shop4: the printer is doing great!
01:50 AM rue_mohr: sweet!
01:50 AM rue_mohr: how did we end up being the last ones in existance?
01:50 AM rue_mohr: hey hey hey, want to go on a kickery?
01:51 AM rue_mohr: anyone who hasn't talked in 3 days?
01:51 AM rue_mohr: deal1
01:51 AM rue_mohr: !
01:51 AM -!- #robotics mode set to +o by ChanServ
01:58 AM rue_mohr: 37, thats was a lot of dead wood
01:58 AM -!- #robotics mode set to -o by rue_mohr
02:09 AM joga: cool...
02:10 AM rue_mohr: kinda
02:10 AM joga: ...not
02:10 AM rue_mohr: its cooler when people talk
02:21 AM mrdata: wow
02:21 AM mrdata: so many lurkers
04:04 AM polprog: remember im here as well
08:43 AM Plazma: why the mass kick?
08:49 AM theBear: yo ! anyone got a table or formula for phases vs mag-poles on a bldc style motor ?
09:21 AM rue_mohr: Plazma, it clears out the people who never talk
09:21 AM rue_mohr: a bit
09:22 AM rue_mohr: which I think are just random bots
09:22 AM theBear: yet somehow missed me <cheeky grin>
09:22 AM rue_mohr: if you try to get them to reply, they wont
09:22 AM rue_mohr: theBear, I didn't kick the people I know are real
09:22 AM theBear: i know <grin> justbeing cheeky, running mis-information to keep everybody on their toes, as i tend to do
09:23 AM Plazma: rue_mohr: ah fair enough, i just tend to learn passively and try to absorb what i can
09:23 AM rue_mohr: oh good
09:23 AM rue_mohr: I'm still alsleep sorry
09:23 AM rue_mohr: Plazma, ask more questions
09:23 AM theBear: heh, i'd be a hypocrit to EVER hold that against a person
09:23 AM Plazma: rue_mohr: i do not really have any at this time
09:23 AM Plazma: but if i do i will
09:23 AM rue_mohr: Plazma, remember that when everyone does that, nothing is said
09:24 AM rue_mohr: asking questions _IS_ contributing
09:24 AM theBear: rue_mohr, you know obscure stuff... REALLY thin silicone/similar tubing, maybe 1-2mm o-d (much smaller than garden-tool fuellines), where might you get that ?
09:24 AM Plazma: I'm well aware :) I'm just busy with my dayjob and grad school.. i am planning on taking robotics next spring though
09:25 AM rue_mohr: theBear, aliexpress
09:25 AM rue_mohr: Plazma, you will never have time
09:25 AM Plazma: accurate
09:26 AM theBear: so i guess it's time to drop outta grad school, maybe even quit yer job <cheeky grin>
09:26 AM z64555: why would you do such a thing
09:27 AM theBear: to build robots, i was implying, in a poor attempt at abstract humor
09:28 AM z64555: these days papers are as important as experience. :(
09:28 AM Plazma: theBear: haha
09:28 AM z64555: social connections of course are always important
09:28 AM Plazma: i have the same type of humor so i though tit was clever
09:28 AM theBear: often more-so, which may to a small extent explain the number of useless <insert-profession-here> persons in modern society
09:29 AM z64555: that's its own can of worms, before computers the excuse was to have more people to shuffle the papers around, but now nobody knows for sure :/
09:30 AM z64555: anyway, more robot talk. I keep forgetting where I saw that package of 10 servos for sale for like, $20 or so
09:30 AM theBear: indeed, it really is like quicksand trying to keep up with such subtleties of the modern business world
09:30 AM theBear: moving goalposts on moving ground
09:30 AM theBear: i wouldn't recommend anyone worries about the situation tho, just the nature of being part of a society
09:31 AM theBear: gar ! misplaced my tiny red silicone man ! what will stop my pen rolling away when i put it back down ?!?!?
09:31 AM theBear: fwoof ! found him
09:32 AM z64555: I need to get into making some test bots to test various control algorithms, for platforms such as inverted pendula, mouse cars on a map, armatron, those sort of things
09:32 AM theBear: mouse cars on a map ? wtf are they ? sound effing cool to me
09:32 AM z64555: I call them mouse cars, but they're like little toy RC cars being driven by a computer
09:33 AM z64555: The "map" is some area on the ground, which has its layout known (or unknown) to the computer
09:33 AM z64555: and the goal of course is to get the mouse car to the cheese
09:36 AM theBear: hmm, doing a maze kinda map, or just generic map ? long long ago a kinda short-term tech/robotics/art-related teacher dude i had for a little while due to an awesome school program that ran for a bit, he had a exhibition all of his own stuff in the local forward thinking/alternative kinda proper art-gallery (state-run, widely known beside state galleries, anyway) where he had a tiny little robotic "mouse" and a little sonic beacon-tower, and a BIG
09:36 AM theBear: box filled with little foam cubes.... the robot mouse learned how to better/faster build its little home pile thingy (near the beacon) as it went along, until there were no loose cubes left and someone had to reset it, ya know, jumble the cubes a bit, maybe move the beacon
09:37 AM theBear: that was kinda cool... just the concept of the little dude doing his thing towards his own goal and seeing it happen, plus this was very early 90s, so any kinda robot was kinda exciting
10:21 AM z64555: generic map, maze/obstical course is common "challenge" maps while clear field maps are good for initial tests
10:21 AM theBear: mmm, mouse cars... i like the term, i'm adopting it
10:22 AM z64555: :)
12:34 PM veverak: hmm
12:34 PM veverak: I want to create a system out of multiple small PCBS
12:35 PM veverak: these are connected with an bus (i2c) - 5 pins total (GND, SCL, SDA, VCC, RST)
12:35 PM veverak: how to prepare it, so I have minimum work with wiring?
12:35 PM veverak: I mean, adding connector and making wires with connectors between each board is slow nad not exactly required
12:36 PM veverak: I was thinking of making holes for 2.54mm pins, sticking wires through them, and burn the insulation with soldering iron
12:36 PM veverak: (at the place where is the pin), than soldering
01:08 PM SpeedEvil: IDC sockets are hella easier
01:09 PM SpeedEvil: 2*3 IDC socket, connected to cables, which plug into pins on the board
01:16 PM polprog: yeah IDC in a style of a backplane
01:16 PM polprog: extrwme case you can just run a long ribbon and clamp the boards on, kinda like vampire taps
01:16 PM polprog: extreme*.
01:38 PM veverak: I see, thanks!
01:40 PM veverak: oh
01:40 PM veverak: they have them without connectors
01:40 PM veverak: just plastic thingie that goes on PCB and it holds the wirse
01:41 PM veverak: *wires
01:41 PM veverak: nice, thanks :)
06:48 PM durrf is now known as newjerseyfan2011
06:49 PM newjerseyfan2011 is now known as sports`ball
08:46 PM rue_mohr: I keep feeling like I need to file a flight plan before I go anywhere in my truck
08:52 PM zhanx: well tie downs are important
08:58 PM orlock: yay
08:58 PM orlock: work won some manufacturing hall of fame awards
08:58 PM orlock: (again)
09:00 PM orlock: for high growth, biotech and pharmecuiticals
09:04 PM zhanx: nice
09:04 PM zhanx: congrats
09:11 PM rue_mohr: zhanx, printer?
09:12 PM zhanx: rue_mohr: life got in the way
09:13 PM zhanx: only late work tomorrow
09:13 PM zhanx: i would be working on it now, but left my drill at the in laws
09:23 PM rue_mohr: maybe I'll finish my new machine first
09:23 PM rue_mohr: hmmm
09:23 PM rue_mohr: I'll owrk hard on it tonight
09:24 PM rue_mohr: maybe after a nap
10:55 PM rue_shop4: I'm short one bearing
10:55 PM rue_shop4: one of the sellers shipped me the wrong thing
10:55 PM rue_shop4: I have 2 packs of a *slightly* wrong bearing
11:13 PM -!- #robotics mode set to +o by ChanServ
11:26 PM -!- #robotics mode set to -o by rue_mohr