#robotics Logs

Apr 06 2018

#robotics Calendar

12:22 AM dmiles is now known as dmiles[m
12:25 AM dmiles[m is now known as dmiles
08:45 AM rue_mohr: I have a point cloud library I wrote
09:05 AM LuminaxWk is now known as Luminax
12:11 PM SpeedEvil is now known as Guest68033
01:00 PM BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil
04:50 PM climbing_up: https://www.robotshop.com/en/solid-state-tof-infrared-lidar-ce30-d.html
04:53 PM climbing_up: Is it just me or is a 320px * 20px lidar with 30 meter range for $1500 a really good deal?
04:56 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
06:08 PM SpeedEvil: That is pretty useful
06:08 PM SpeedEvil: I would buy several at 1% of that price.
07:10 PM climbing_up: SpeedEvil: Hmm are you being sarcastic? Is it expensive? Not sure I understand you
07:13 PM rue_mohr: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/VL53L0X-Time-of-Flight-ToF-Laser-Ranging-Sensor-Breakout-940nm-GY-VL53L0XV2-Laser-Distance-Module-I2C/32848271367.html
07:18 PM climbing_up: Is that comparable?
07:19 PM climbing_up: It looks like it only returns 1 dimension and only up to 2 meters
07:23 PM rue_mohr: thats right,
07:23 PM rue_mohr: real people dont ahve a budget for anything else
07:26 PM climbing_up: Oh I agree it's not cheap. That's why I didn't buy it
07:28 PM climbing_up: But it seems a lot better than other models for the price?
07:28 PM climbing_up: https://www.robotshop.com/en/hokuyo-ust-10lx-scanning-laser-rangefinder.html
07:29 PM climbing_up: This does only one line and at 10 meters
07:29 PM rue_mohr: how about a webcam and good slam software
07:30 PM climbing_up: I'd love to use that but I don't think it's possible
07:34 PM climbing_up: I need a build a depth map of a moving object with <5cm accuracy at 5 meters
07:35 PM rue_mohr: find a way for a university to pay for it, then the sky is the limit as far as budgets go
07:37 PM climbing_up: Unfortunately I don't have a university to help me :/
07:38 PM climbing_up: Maybe an engineering department would let me borrow a lidar for a bit (if they have one)
08:24 PM climbing_up: Or maybe I just need to switch to radar (ahhhh I don't know anything about radar)