#robotics Logs

Mar 29 2018

#robotics Calendar

11:38 AM veverak: what to choose
11:42 AM veverak: bullet
11:42 AM veverak: ode
11:42 AM veverak: something else?
02:31 PM z64555: libs, I presume?
02:49 PM veverak: sure
03:02 PM z64555: I was replying to your earlier rhetorical question
03:03 PM z64555: "What to choose: Bullet, ODE, or something else?"
03:04 PM veverak: yeah, they are libraries
03:08 PM z64555: ok.
03:08 PM z64555: Just to make sure. :P
10:32 PM esch: hey everyone, I'm working on a capstone project with a denso 6 axis arm controlled via labview with vision. Trying to wrap my head around how to best calculate an approach vector from a point
10:35 PM esch: right now the end effector wants to stay perpendicular to the work surface, which limits the inward and outward range considerably. I can change this behaviour if I manually input an approach angle, but since I am getting the X, Y, and rZ from vision manually setting an approach angle isn't really possible, and so far I've only really bothered with rY
10:38 PM esch: in my head it makes sense to manually move the end effector to it's max effective range to pick up an object and save that data, then again for the min effective range, and then some math wizardry to figure out in between
10:40 PM esch: anyway, thanks in advance for any tips/advice/knowledge, sorry if my terminology is bad