#robotics Logs

Feb 16 2018

#robotics Calendar

01:36 AM rue_: :| I cant go to sleep now, the vit B just kicked in
01:39 AM rue_: I could be awake for another 8 hours
01:39 AM rue_: designing 3d parts on this computer is WICKID FAST
01:39 AM rue_: gives me context as to just how slow those 1.4G cellery processors are
03:11 AM Jak_o_Shadows: You're using openscad yeah?
03:11 AM Jak_o_Shadows: With dxf sketches for the base shape sometimes?
06:26 AM * veverak likes qcad for that
06:26 AM veverak: (2d dxf)
08:38 AM rue_bed: as much as I can I extrude a dxf in openscad, avoiding csg saves a LOT of time
08:38 AM rue_bed: and, things come out right
08:38 AM rue_bed: I was having problems wih stuff made soley in openscad not comming out the right sizes
09:21 AM Triffid_Hunter: rue_bed: never had that issue.. openscad doesn't even have units, unit decision is up to whatever software eventually ends up assigning units. with 3d printers, that's firmware configuration as slic3r doesn't really care either although it does say mm everywhere
09:30 AM rue_: it was a problem when I tried to make a few things, then I just started using dxfs
09:30 AM rue_: also, the csg is SLOW AS ALL HELL
09:36 AM Triffid_Hunter: rue_: may want to make your DXFs have larger segments then.. never saw a segment length below 0.5mm show up in a print
09:44 AM rue_: ?, it prints ok, but its a bit short, and the elbow is weak
10:27 AM theBear: hmm... .5mm segments.. you could print a millipede
05:42 PM Jak_o_Shadows: I just don't overly like CSG. Like, it's a very low level way of building shapes
06:41 PM rue_: you like to edit the triangles by hand or what?
06:41 PM rue_: even solidworks is based on csg, I'v watched, you draw a circle, and then have it extruded, and apply it as a csg operator to your object
06:42 PM rue_: they just stopped short of calling it csg
06:42 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Nah, I mean more CSG from shapes
06:42 PM Jak_o_Shadows: closer to your dxf method, but doing that more.
06:42 PM Jak_o_Shadows: have you ever seen autodesk inventor or fusion?
06:43 PM rue_: just my buddy using solid works
06:43 PM Jak_o_Shadows: probably solidworks is similar
06:43 PM rue_: but things like cones are easy with csg
06:44 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Maybe i should have said that I think openscad is too low level
06:45 PM rue_: I really want to make an openscad knockoff that uses the povray language
06:46 PM rue_: which is SO much better
06:46 PM rue_: and have csg that actaully works
06:46 PM rue_: the csg in openscad is REALLY fragile
06:47 PM rue_: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2794690
06:47 PM rue_: see the 7th thumbnail?
06:47 PM rue_: its a solid block?
06:47 PM rue_: well the solid block is a subtractor object
06:47 PM rue_: it should never be seen
06:48 PM rue_: aka, that didn't render properly even on thingiverse
06:52 PM Jak_o_Shadows: I just think that rectangles, and other primitives, are too low-level to be adding/subtracting.
06:53 PM rue_: it can be easier to do things from extruded outlines for sure
06:57 PM SpeedEvil: https://mars.nasa.gov/news/8310/5000-days-on-mars-solar-powered-rover-approaching-5000th-martian-dawn/
07:03 PM rue_shop3: .... mars days or earth days... mars...
10:56 PM theBear: oooh, would that be a . . . RED DAWN ? hmm, that IS the name of a movie based around how much americans hate "those damned commies" isn't it ?
10:59 PM rue_shop3: what bothers me is the new click-centric thing
10:59 PM rue_shop3: why are programs suddenly requiring 5x as much clicking as they used to
11:04 PM theBear: 'cos most people don't know how to use a keyboard, or remember things, or think
11:04 PM rue_shop3: I used to be able to start a program with just 2 clicks...
11:04 PM theBear: rue_shop3, are "submini" thruhole traditonal little 1" long-ish spst relays all the same pinout ?
11:05 PM theBear: well, footprint
11:05 PM rue_shop3: no
11:05 PM rue_shop3: I'v seen the coil change between the last and second-to-last set of pins
11:05 PM rue_shop3: one is more common
11:05 PM theBear: aww, you gotta learn to patronise/humor(/white-lie) to me once in a while, just to keep my spirits up ;-)
11:06 PM rue_shop3: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacha making?
11:06 PM theBear: second to last ? i thought all those small relays had the coil at the one end where the 2 pins are parallel to the case if ya know what i mean, and well, spst there only 4 pins, so i dunno which is 2nd to last <grin>
11:07 PM theBear: fixing a big pile of liion and leadacid biggish mains switchey batt chargers for my buddy who got a bit carried away with his electric pushbike hobby in recent months
11:07 PM rue_shop3: pins are always gapped to tell which end is which
11:08 PM rue_shop3: I'v seen coil common throw throw
11:08 PM rue_shop3: and
11:08 PM rue_shop3: common coil throw throw
11:08 PM theBear: and of course i know how to workout/check a relay with a meter without thinking bout it, just ya know, waiting till i finish this cigarette and coffee before i sit down in the other room and get solder on my hands, or err, get my hands dirty, something like that
11:08 PM rue_shop3: but I get a lot of obscure stuff
11:08 PM rue_shop3: if all else fails make it a stomp switch?
11:09 PM theBear: wowee, common coil throw throw is a weird one... tho i spose you see it a lot in those big seethru or even older style removable-for-service lid ones where the moving bit goes up/down and right along the top length, vs going back/forth between a little sammich of throw/throw pads
11:11 PM theBear: heh, this guy is one of my more above than below avg. intelligence and opposite-in-foolishness friends, but even so, things like stomp switches that influence how a big 40 or 50v batt charger works are best kept amongst people like you and me, away from the masses
11:13 PM theBear: old habits die hard tho.... if it hadn't collapsed beyond any chance of recovery i woulda just popped the top off the thing and serviced it, ya know, little polish on the contacts, make sure any tiny internal wiring was still attached, then a mist of contact-protectorey stuff and pop the lid back on, unfortunately seems modern "Hongfa Relay" brand ain't made to come apart :)
11:13 PM rue_shop3: heh
11:15 PM rue_shop3: hmm I cant print the wiring harneses I need for the 3d printer
11:15 PM theBear: also, quick idiot-check... if yer got a 0.050ohm shunt, then 100mA looks like 5mV which is the same as 0.005V, and maybe lowest com. denom, 20mA would be 1mV, right ?
11:16 PM * theBear is poor at sub 1/10th decimal when it comes to ohms and volts
11:16 PM theBear: while we at it, what is a milliohm, in decimals of an ohm ?
11:16 PM rue_shop3: root@blackie2:/files/objects/reprap3# ohm -r 0.05 -i 0.1
11:16 PM rue_shop3: Wattage is: 0.000500
11:16 PM rue_shop3: Current is: 0.100000
11:16 PM rue_shop3: Voltage is: 0.005000
11:16 PM rue_shop3: Resistance is : 0.050000
11:17 PM rue_shop3: root@blackie2:/files/objects/reprap3# ohm -r 0.05 -i 0.02
11:17 PM rue_shop3: Wattage is: 0.000020
11:17 PM rue_shop3: Current is: 0.020000
11:17 PM rue_shop3: Voltage is: 0.001000
11:17 PM rue_shop3: Resistance is : 0.050000
11:17 PM rue_shop3: want a copy of ohm?
11:17 PM rue_shop3: root@blackie2:/files/objects/reprap3# ohm --help
11:17 PM rue_shop3: This program solves resistance stuff.
11:17 PM rue_shop3: -h --help is the help your looking at
11:17 PM rue_shop3: -p --power watts from load
11:17 PM rue_shop3: -i --current current thru load
11:17 PM rue_shop3: -v --voltage voltage across load
11:17 PM rue_shop3: -r --resistance resistance of load
11:18 PM rue_shop3: root@blackie2:/files/objects/reprap3# ohm -p 40 -r 5 -v 6
11:18 PM rue_shop3: You need to specify two of the paramiters
11:18 PM rue_shop3: root@blackie2:/files/objects/reprap3# ohm -p 40 -r 5
11:18 PM rue_shop3: Wattage is: 40.000000
11:18 PM rue_shop3: Current is: 2.828427
11:18 PM rue_shop3: Voltage is: 14.142136
11:18 PM rue_shop3: Resistance is : 5.000000
11:18 PM rue_shop3: ?
11:18 PM theBear: holy carp ! i look the other way for a minute and you pull a 'theBear' :)
11:19 PM theBear: hmmm, assuming ohm isn't some open/public project that i can likely get quicker by just typing a line locally, yeah, it couldn't hurt
11:19 PM rue_shop3: yea I wrote it
11:20 PM rue_shop3: might be on github...
11:20 PM theBear: damned highschool calc i woulda got eeerrrrm, '94 i spose, finally ran outta battery a week or two back, so now i ain't got a handy calcalator on my workbench :-(
11:20 PM rue_shop3: I have circle, but not ohm, ok
11:21 PM theBear: meh, i bet it ain't too much code, maybe try dcc or throw me a link or whatever yer easy/standard approach to such things is, then if that don't work 1st try (i recall i often have dcc issues due to very long periods of not using it and various things changing around me) jsut /msg it to me :)
11:21 PM rue_shop3: oh its prolly already on my site
11:21 PM theBear: circle ? sin = opp/hyp cos = adj/hyp tan = opp/adj ?
11:22 PM rue_shop3: you tell it anything and it tells you everything, radius, diameter, circumfrance, area, ...
11:22 PM rue_shop3: http://ruemohr.org/%7Eircjunk/programming/c/ohm.tgz
11:22 PM rue_shop3: bingo
11:23 PM rue_shop3: tell me if it gives you any lip
11:24 PM theBear: oooh nice one ! and things like circles are easy, i'm au-fait with real-world measurements, it's just those multi-decimal-places sub ohm/volt/amp numbers that throw me, both a lack of any regular exposure, and erm, i dunno, i think i'm just bad at all those mega/milli/kilo/etc words/multipliers, specially when two of them are the same abbreviated like MA kA mA
11:25 PM theBear: heh, i'll be sure to do that
11:25 PM rue_shop3: should be just gcc *.c
11:28 PM theBear: ahh, works better when you typing in a terminal on the same machine you just landed the files
11:29 PM rue_shop3: ehehe
11:29 PM rue_shop3: hah, its just sending me all your porn now...
11:29 PM rue_shop3: :)
11:29 PM theBear: ooh, no it's fancy, it's got one of those classic no-nonsense but covers all the angles rue makefiles
11:29 PM theBear: lol
11:29 PM theBear: you gonna need a bigger computer to hold that
11:30 PM rue_shop3: oh it does have the makefile too
11:30 PM rue_shop3: damn
11:30 PM rue_shop3: fancy project
11:33 PM rue_shop3: !?! I think the glass on my printer bed isn't flat.
11:35 PM theBear: yeah ? that's erm, pretty hard to achieve unless something real weird happened to it in a previous life
11:35 PM theBear: or i spose if whatever supporting it allowing/making it to flex
11:36 PM rue_shop3: actaully, you would be surprized how not-flat window glass is
11:36 PM theBear: https://imgur.com/a/mKd9S here's some glass that is probly warped that i own.... bothered to drag and drop like a caveman (still ain't fixed the domainname for my loungeroom server,) so i figure i might as well make good use of it
11:36 PM rue_shop3: mirrors work well, they have to make sure their flat
11:38 PM rue_shop3: wtf
11:38 PM theBear: actually you'd be surprised how much i worked as not just a regular glazier, but a double glazier and even a fancy schmancy projector-room and crazy-jobs rich-dude-glase-ier :-) tho i spose it ain't all been that fancy for a lotta years, tho i know at least around this country that even cheap post-2k produced generic float glass is damned flat
11:39 PM rue_shop3: 1/10mm variation is annoying on a 3d printer
11:40 PM theBear: mmm, i can see that
11:40 PM rue_shop3: 1 print layer is just 0.2mm
11:41 PM rue_shop3: my buddy had a peice of glass that was hopeless
11:41 PM rue_shop3: it must have had like .4-.5mm warp
11:41 PM rue_shop3: we were both like "WTF" holding rulers up to it
11:43 PM theBear: anyway, i gotta finish these chargers while i still relatively on my err, roll :)
11:43 PM theBear: i see yer soon :)
11:44 PM * rue_shop3 sets aside some spare rolls for bear
11:51 PM rue_: what I like about 3d printers and cnc machines, it sitting back while still being productive
11:58 PM theBear: heh, i can appreciate that