#robotics Logs

Feb 03 2018

#robotics Calendar

12:21 AM mrdata: thrown away because he wanted to install shiny new ones, maybe?
12:24 AM mrdata: when the old ones still worked as well or better??
12:37 AM rue_shop3: no, they were doing a reno, everything that was there, nomatter how new was removed
12:37 AM rue_shop3: killed my policy
12:37 AM rue_shop3: er
12:37 AM rue_shop3: killed by policy
12:37 AM rue_shop3: where did thebear go?
01:27 AM rue_: there was something I got that had a check valve in it that I took out
01:42 AM rue_: the first peice I sent ya there was 16 hours, but it had been a 1.5mm bit, changed it to a 1/8" bit and sped it up, now at 3hrs
01:49 AM Tom_L: ok they didn't come in right using mm
01:49 AM Tom_L: you're gonna have to convert them to inch for me
01:49 AM Tom_L: A12 says it's 34" wide
01:50 AM rue_: 25.4x larger than it should be...
01:50 AM Tom_L: i wonder if i can scale it
01:50 AM Tom_L: lemme try that
01:51 AM rue_: 0.03937
01:53 AM Tom_L: 1.369 wide now
01:53 AM Tom_L: i forgot i could scale stuff
01:53 AM Tom_L: i hardly ever use it
01:53 AM rue_: :)
01:56 AM Tom_L: i can probably work with most of these
01:56 AM Tom_L: C3 is ~4" long?
01:57 AM Tom_L: funny some came in ok and some didn't
01:57 AM rue_bed: sounds right
11:04 AM vinnandi: Hi, do you have any experience with IMU's? Can anyone recommend me an IMU with excellent library support? I'm making a robot that is going to be operating in a known landscape and I want to track where he is located so that it knows which action to take, if there are other sensors I should consider I would appreciate recommendations!
11:10 AM robotustra: vinnandi, how are you going to integrate IMU data?
11:10 AM robotustra: I played with 2 IMU, BMX-055 and BMO-055
11:11 AM robotustra: both are pretty good
11:11 AM vinnandi: I wanted to track the change in position from the start
11:11 AM robotustra: yeah, you'll get acceleration which you'll integrate
11:11 AM vinnandi: so the robot will always start in the same place relative to it's landscape and then I want to make up for any hardware inconsistency by tracking the position
11:11 AM robotustra: what method?
11:11 AM vinnandi: ah I'm not that far yet
11:12 AM vinnandi: just in the idea phase
11:12 AM vinnandi: but I'm studying mathematics so I want to nerd out on the tracking part I just want the output of the IMU to be consistent
11:12 AM robotustra: because it your sensors noisy or you'll drive too fast - you'll collect big error in position
11:13 AM robotustra: if*
11:13 AM vinnandi: yep. I think the thing won't be fast it is much more important to be precise, really worried about a noisy sensor that's why I thought I'd ask
11:13 AM vinnandi: I'm looking at this one atm: https://www.tindie.com/products/ozzmaker/berryimuv2-accelerometer-gyroscope-magnetometer/
11:13 AM robotustra: how many sensors do you want?
11:14 AM vinnandi: probably two
11:14 AM vinnandi: I haven't really looked into cameras yet but that may be an option as well
11:16 AM robotustra: https://www.adafruit.com/product/2472
11:16 AM robotustra: this one is pretty stable
11:16 AM robotustra: at least it does not collect error with the time
11:16 AM vinnandi: looks really good!
11:17 AM robotustra: if I put it for 24 h - it does not drift
11:17 AM vinnandi: that's perfect
11:17 AM robotustra: some other sensors does drift
11:17 AM vinnandi: I'm also thinking what SBC has low power requirements?
11:18 AM robotustra: what is SBC?
11:18 AM vinnandi: single board computer
11:18 AM robotustra: ah
11:18 AM vinnandi: I'd like to go a step up from arduino and have a full OS
11:19 AM robotustra: depends on what are you going to do on this sbc
11:20 AM vinnandi: interface with sensors and some motors etc lol
11:20 AM vinnandi: I think the key is having some pins and low power reqs
11:21 AM vinnandi: but I dunno I'm more of a software guy
11:22 AM robotustra: there is already board like beaglebone blue
11:23 AM vinnandi: whoa
11:23 AM robotustra: it has IMU on the board already
11:23 AM vinnandi: yeah and motor control and all sorts of stuff
11:23 AM robotustra: and power IO
11:24 AM rue_bed: nothing like waiting for memory to swap while your plane crashes
11:24 AM robotustra: rue_bed, what?
11:31 AM z64555: its a jab at bloatware
11:32 AM z64555: embedded systems that use flash memory (8/16 bit systems) use a paging system
11:33 AM z64555: were only like, 64KB or so is available of the 256K or w/e
11:33 AM z64555: and it takes several ms (vs. us) for said pages to load
11:35 AM robotustra: you mean BBB is shit?
11:35 AM z64555: althought its not really applicable if you do it right, which is to keep the critical attitude controls on an ISR or section of memory that isn't on the flash
12:24 PM tttb2 is now known as tttb
04:43 PM i-make-robots: anyone here experienced with xbee and xbee uno shield?
05:09 PM z64555: i am, marginally
05:09 PM z64555: what did you want to know?
05:09 PM z64555: :/
05:10 PM z64555: unfortunately I need to nap for a bit. I'll try to catch up in a few hours
05:28 PM tehBear is now known as theBear
06:02 PM rue_: i-make-robots, you have to be ready for an answer when you ask a question
06:03 PM rue_: people wont be here if you ask and leave
06:08 PM robotustra: he is too egocentric to wait for answer
06:09 PM robotustra: or he just want to get attention with his questions, the answers to which are not critical
06:19 PM i-make-robots: i waited for someone to reply, they didn't, so i left. goes both ways.
06:20 PM i-make-robots: robotustra, I don't know what your problem is, but please don't project on me.
06:20 PM i-make-robots: it fills me with pity, i remember being young and angry at everything.
06:28 PM rue_shop4: teply took less than 15 mins
06:28 PM rue_shop4: see the topic?
06:28 PM rue_shop4: geeesh
06:32 PM robotustra: why I don't care
08:57 PM malcom2073: Lol wow, and to think: If you had asked your question instead of asking to ask, you would've had an answer by now
09:00 PM z64555: pretty much
09:31 PM rue_bed: I wonder how much commercial firmware someone could find software delays in irqs
09:32 PM rue_bed: that might be a sentence, I might still be asleep
09:35 PM z64555: yeah I can't even piece that together
09:45 PM Jak_o_Shadows: nah, that's a sentence. The answer is probbaly "loads"
11:33 PM mrdata: rue_bed, check ##chemistry if youre around, please
11:41 PM anonnumberanon: feb 6th Falcon Heavy test hopefully
11:41 PM anonnumberanon: it's good to be alive right now
11:41 PM anonnumberanon: very good