#robotics Logs

Dec 11 2017

#robotics Calendar

12:50 AM rue_bed: click
12:52 AM rue_bed: the dot product compares the slopes agianst each other, the cross productswaps x and y, thus comparing them at 90 degrees against each other
12:52 AM rue_bed: I was so disspointed in myself for not understanding
07:18 AM -!- #robotics mode set to +o by barjavel.freenode.net
07:22 AM z64556 is now known as z64555
07:27 AM micmac_: what's the best robot vacuum cleaner according to you ? it seems neato's are great
07:28 AM micmac_: roomba 980 has localization too, but it's camera based, not laser scanner. I don't know what to think about it
08:18 AM AchiestDragon: you should ask the cat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SajTWY9a0e0
08:24 AM durrf: you gotta chastize your robot vacuum in front of your dog
08:24 AM durrf: so it knows its better then it
08:27 AM AchiestDragon: in all the vids i have seen of them they look like there al ment for wood/vinal floor coverings not carpets though
08:31 AM micmac_: some of them do carpets just fine..
08:32 AM micmac_: previous versions would not climb over carpets and see them as obstacles, but not recent models
08:32 AM AchiestDragon: if you have pets though some of the stories like the dog did a poo and the vac ran over it and spread it all arround the house may make you think twice
08:32 AM micmac_: no pets here
08:32 AM micmac_: yeah i read reviews about cats vomiting too..
08:33 AM micmac_: and your vacuum is dead
08:33 AM micmac_: :)
08:34 AM AchiestDragon: :) this is a robotics chan anyway , you should be building your own
08:34 AM micmac_: I have used a neato as a robotic base in the past
08:34 AM micmac_: now it's no use for cleaning though..
08:35 AM micmac_: dismembered it
08:37 AM micmac_: the laser range scanner went dead fast, maybe i was unlucky
08:40 AM AchiestDragon: yea , there a bit finicky to say the least , laser drivers that is , and the diodes last no time , not shure about the ir ranging ones but using dvd drive lasers i was only getting 10 to 20 mins use before th diodes went
08:41 AM AchiestDragon: like there chips are just desinged to fail after a set time
08:42 AM rue_mohr: you can get a roomba for the price of a new battery... which is like $500 instead of the full $1000?
08:42 AM rue_mohr: cuase, after the batteries die, nobody replaces them
08:43 AM AchiestDragon: not supporised if the bateries are $500
08:45 AM AchiestDragon: its like projection tvs , you can pick them up quite cheap s/h like £50 but it will cost you between £80 and £250 for a bulb and the bulbs only have around 1000 hrs life
08:46 AM AchiestDragon: not to mention the power consumption and annoing fan noise in the background all the time while trying to watch a film
09:04 AM rue_mohr: why, after the first 50 solder spool holders, did people keep designing solder spool holders??? (thingiverse)
09:04 AM rue_mohr: and why are none of them motorized?
09:09 AM rue_mohr: W T F
09:18 AM durrf: cause its an easy project to tackle for rookie CAD work
09:18 AM z64555: there could be a tutorial over it, even
09:18 AM durrf: i just use part of my oil hose arms to hold the spool
09:18 AM durrf: but i guess i could design something that helps hold it in place better
09:56 AM rue_mohr: no.... no I'm not going to try to drive when I'm like this
09:57 AM rue_mohr: as for the solder dispenser, I want a motorized one,
09:57 AM rue_mohr: work that out later
09:57 AM rue_mohr: dizzy -> bed
09:57 AM durrf: i seen those, where the solder comes out right above the tip
01:05 PM rue_mohr: no
01:05 PM rue_mohr: I just want a stand that will give me a little more when I ask for it
01:06 PM rue_mohr: well, disasters at work today, multiple, nobody handling anything
01:16 PM rue_mohr: ok, what can I do with a throbbing headache
01:30 PM Tom_L: give it away
01:30 PM Tom_L: will they shut down without you?
01:30 PM rue_mohr: well I already slept wioth it
01:31 PM rue_mohr: just about
01:31 PM Tom_L: small chance i might weld a couple pieces today
01:31 PM rue_mohr: between the other people who are sick and the people doing jobs WAAAAAY out of town, we have nobody left to do anyting
01:31 PM rue_mohr: tack it up!
01:31 PM rue_mohr: I learned to always tack first
01:32 PM rue_mohr: how the hell does a person know if a headache is from dehydration
01:33 PM Tom_L: drink plenty and see if it goes away
01:33 PM rue_mohr: thats not a practical solution
01:33 PM Tom_L: certainly is
01:34 PM rue_mohr: like having a function do a recursive call with its params abckwards, its not gonna work out
01:34 PM rue_mohr: a) there is no telling how much to drink
01:35 PM Tom_L: ok, i got 30 min before i have to leave again. gonna go mock up the Z axis drive
01:35 PM rue_mohr: b) there is a b, but I'm having mental difficulty right now and I lost it
01:36 PM rue_mohr: ok, I'm trying to set up hardware to etst my pid thing
01:37 PM rue_mohr: I need an avr, an rc filter, and the digital scope and the isp programmer
01:37 PM rue_mohr: and some deskspace
01:37 PM rue_mohr: which I think is just under this harddrive
01:48 PM rue_mohr: NEWDTY = KP*(ERRX) + KI*PERDT*(CMNDVX - (ADRCX + ADRCXM1)/2)
01:48 PM rue_mohr: + (KD/(6*PERDT))*((ERRX - ERRM3X) + 3*(ERRM1X - ERRM2X))
01:48 PM rue_mohr: + OLDDTY;
01:48 PM rue_mohr: interesting
01:48 PM rue_mohr: like, why not?
01:58 PM rue_mohr: oh their integrator is... different
02:01 PM rue_mohr: google needs a "must contain the literal words" setting
02:09 PM theBear: yeah, there's no question they streaminlining/tuning everything for near-tards at google these days.... simple relevant terms have been of no use whatsoever for years now, but if you try to word it like maybe forest gump in that movie might do, kinda like a child asking an adult a simple non-complex question, you might have a chance
02:11 PM rue_mohr: I tried to google how to get google to look up the words you want to search for and there were no relivent hits
02:12 PM rue_mohr: (did I go thu all 10000? no)
02:14 PM Phreaked: add + to the words you want to specify
02:14 PM Phreaked: so +robot
02:14 PM Phreaked: or whatever
02:14 PM rue_mohr: missing: robot
02:14 PM rue_mohr: 345789639875345 hits
02:15 PM rue_mohr: https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjhsuaC44LYAhUT-2MKHXOKBuwQFggpMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fneosmart.net%2Fblog%2F2016%2Fon-the-growing-intentional-uselessness-of-google-search-results%2F&usg=AOvVaw1AaGYtWNiY6lTw150JZgJA
02:16 PM theBear: oooh, you saying the long lost art of punctuating/magic-charactering web searches is back, and even goole seem to pay attention at least a bit ? mmm, i missed that for almost 2 decades now :-P
02:20 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Z_Slide1.jpg
02:20 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Z_Slide2.jpg
02:20 PM Tom_L: bak later
02:22 PM anonnumberanon: oh you received the parts? cool
02:29 PM rue_mohr: theBear, they kept turning it off
02:29 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, nice
02:30 PM rue_mohr: thats quite an alignment puzzle too
02:32 PM rue_mohr: I suggest building everyting with ~0.5mm spacers
02:32 PM rue_mohr: that way you have room to play
02:38 PM rue_mohr: cat with a mission? no, but she's a high emissions cat!
02:39 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, keeping the angle iron where you want it will be a trick
02:40 PM rue_mohr: Id prolly, tack the outside, flare it out just a bit, and tack the inside (it'll pull in) I'm learning the art of how much the pull is
02:40 PM rue_mohr: I might space it off a bit to give me room for screwups
02:41 PM rue_mohr: (trying to stretch hot welds isn't fun)
02:41 PM theBear: heh, i didn't even know cats enjoyed smoking the herb, letalone that they could be succesful erm, secret agents or other persons whose job is basically completeing a series of missions
02:41 PM rue_mohr: huh, alien definition of mission there I think
02:52 PM theBear: i was using mission impossible, the (i assume) terrible modern remake with that scientologist dude (jumped on oprahs couch one time... you know) was my only reference material :)
02:57 PM rue_mohr: wow, 2 hours just vaporized on me
02:57 PM rue_mohr: it was 11:00 and I was considering making lunch, but it was too early
02:57 PM rue_mohr: now its 1
02:58 PM theBear: heh, welcome to my world
03:00 PM rue_mohr: I have no idea how screws and breadboard components end up all over my desk, as I dont do that stuff on this desk
03:00 PM rue_mohr: this keyboard is starting to jam up
03:01 PM rue_mohr: which has me thinking, once again, about taking an old keybaord (IIe?) and building a new layout with the old keyswitches
03:02 PM rue_mohr: hey, wtf, happened to the freaking microswitches I was getting for making a keybaord?
03:02 PM rue_mohr: arg, I thiknk only one of them arrived and I didn't persue
03:05 PM rue_mohr: ah jun 17
03:05 PM rue_mohr: 2015!?!?!
03:05 PM rue_mohr: no no
03:06 PM rue_mohr: may 18
03:58 PM jason_ is now known as Guest82335
04:35 PM Tom_L: rue_mohr, i'm gonna try to have the surfaces milled flat after welding too
04:35 PM Tom_L: we'll see what happens
06:28 PM rue_mohr: I expect they will pull in about 1/8" at the corners
07:16 PM tttb2 is now known as tttb
07:37 PM rue_mohr: hahahahas\
07:37 PM rue_mohr: I been keeping this memo recorder around for a long time thinking all I needed was a standard microcassette for it
07:38 PM rue_mohr: and it dosn't take a standard one
07:41 PM rue_mohr: ok, goal is 30 mins
07:41 PM rue_mohr: 8kHz, 8 bit will do
07:41 PM rue_mohr: mono
07:41 PM * rue_mohr raises a brow in theBear direction
07:42 PM rue_mohr: 64k/sec
07:42 PM rue_mohr: er, 8kB/sec
07:42 PM rue_mohr: 480k/min
07:43 PM rue_mohr: 29M/hr
07:43 PM rue_mohr: hu
07:43 PM * theBear beats some brows against the fence
07:43 PM rue_mohr: so a 32M card would be fine?
07:43 PM theBear: that's how i get the dust outta them
07:44 PM rue_mohr: Id ont know if I can get anything under 4G
07:44 PM theBear: umm, ya know, take kb/second, multiply by 60 for/minute, again for/hour, you got it
07:44 PM rue_mohr: does that feel right to you, half a hour of 8Khz 8 bit mono on a 32M card?
07:44 PM rue_mohr: er one hour
07:45 PM theBear: also these days it probly smaller lighter and all round much fancier tech to use a sub $40 android fone you got lying around, perhaps due to a screen or battery problem, or just ya know, being able to afford slightly better than cheapest-in-town for yer everyday fone
07:45 PM rue_mohr: no,
07:45 PM rue_mohr: there is no recording software that has toe ability to pause without starting a new recording
07:45 PM rue_mohr: everyone forgot how to do that
07:46 PM anonnumberanon: oh
07:46 PM anonnumberanon: i almost forgot
07:46 PM anonnumberanon: you were looking for a 7" screen
07:46 PM rue_mohr: and I bought one
07:46 PM anonnumberanon: for how much
07:47 PM theBear: and i can't tell... 8k/8bit*1 takes me back to days when noone i knew could afford a hd at all, including parents/family.... actual a-d/d-a "sound cards" were very rare amongst cheapy gm-on-a-chip and similar synth (think chiptunes tech) ones, and 1.2 or 1.44mb on a single disk wasn't unheard of, but it sure wasn't around in your present day machines
07:50 PM rue_mohr: mmm resistros
07:51 PM rue_mohr: parallel part sound cause who had the $$$ for a soundblaster
07:54 PM theBear: heh, i shoulda known, of course you're old enough to know about those.. the old "diy Disney SoundSource" not-a-printer :)
07:55 PM theBear: and man, could those xt and few-mhz main clock early 286/at systems make those parports sing, with their perfect timing and thorough noise shaping techniques ! didn't sound like a cat going thru a fax machine at all
07:58 PM theBear: i got my first sb model 1.5 for $15 i think, tho it included the set of 3 "ComputerMusicSystem"/"CMS" almost-synth chips that it and another weird old card i got somehow could use for a little more musicality in times of such low processing power, which sold for at least that much alone... and of course this was late in the game, long after the first win3.x (noone ever saw win286 or win386.... i'm not even convinced they ever existed, but i am
07:58 PM theBear: convinced that 3.0 and later windowzez were the one that suddenly made pc's gui like all the other arch's had been for yuears :)
08:01 PM rue_mohr: the pc speaker driver (the one that used pwm) wasn't that bad, aside from 100% cpu usage)
08:02 PM rue_mohr: I think win1 was like a text-dos thing
08:02 PM rue_mohr: er, nope
08:03 PM rue_mohr: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/4e/Windows1.0.png
08:03 PM rue_mohr: it was like amiga
08:04 PM rue_mohr: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5b/86/e3/5b86e3d5866ef888ae9f7384a05405c0.png
08:04 PM rue_mohr: looks like by 2 they were getting a better hang of it
08:05 PM theBear: pc speaker driver ? man, that was years later that you had enough speed/time to modulate that sucker past the standard hw-assisted beeps
08:06 PM theBear: i actually quite liked desqview for a while back then.... much lower resources and more ascii/ansi-art "windows" than proper pixel-based widgets, and it didn't mind attempting something like "real multitasking/processor-time-share" on a pre 386dx machine :)
08:08 PM theBear: heh, and again, those are just blurry pictures.. they coulda been pre-adobe-shop'd from amiga or some bbc thing maybe, with i dunno, a sharp scalpel and some clag paste and such <grin> the question i ask tho, is if you ever met anyone who claims convincingly that these things ever existed, then or anytime before/after then <cheeky grin>
08:08 PM Guest82335 is now known as jason___
08:10 PM rue_mohr: yea, I think it spread as 3
08:14 PM theBear: heh, way back before all that i inherited an old ms mouse, original ver 1.0 i assume, big arkward thing that kinda plastic-squeeked whenever yer press a button down... even with the one or two dos programs that knew what a mouse is, early autocad something and err, soemthing else. aa animator maybe, but even with those, the thing was a useless novelty ! so arkward and jumpy and without use that you woulda thought they could NEVER take off
08:15 PM theBear: heh, at the same period i suppose that elsewhere amiga and maybe amstrad too, had nice sleek low profile mice, kinda similar shape to the first compact apple mice, that one with the GIANT rectangle single button on top and a \___ (upside down) kinda profile to em
08:16 PM theBear: heh, pc's were damned arkward back then thinking about it.... you had to know a bunch of basic dos stuff to make em do ANYTHING, were constantly swapping between floppies to keep the supply of fresh data for whatever there
08:39 PM rue_mohr: I cant remmeber the name of the old menu program I used to have dos boot to
08:40 PM rue_mohr: demu?
08:47 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Welding/Z_Column_tack1.jpg
08:47 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Welding/Z_Column_tack2.jpg
08:47 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Welding/Z_Column_tack3.jpg
08:47 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Welding/Z_Column_tack4.jpg
08:48 PM Tom_L: rue_mohr, what am i doing wrong on those welds?
08:49 PM rue_mohr: maybe more heat?
08:49 PM rue_mohr: thats stick right?
08:50 PM rue_mohr: you should be (on my welder) up around 50A on that stuff
08:50 PM rue_mohr: and your spot welding , so 75-80A
08:50 PM Tom_itx: wirefeed
08:50 PM rue_mohr: np, you can reflow them
08:50 PM rue_mohr: oh, hmm
08:50 PM rue_mohr: what guage?
08:50 PM Tom_itx: if it were stick i wouldn't be asking
08:51 PM Tom_itx: probably 1/4"
08:51 PM Tom_itx: .030 wire
08:51 PM rue_mohr: too small
08:51 PM Tom_itx: it's stuck good, it jus looks like crap
08:51 PM rue_mohr: you cant get any penetration
08:51 PM rue_mohr: it looks like your gas is defuct too
08:51 PM Tom_itx: no, you can do that with .030 just fine i'm sure
08:52 PM rue_mohr: close to the end of the bottle?
08:52 PM Tom_itx: no
08:52 PM rue_mohr: 1/4"+!?
08:52 PM Tom_itx: how much gas should i be using?
08:52 PM Tom_itx: i never could figure that out
08:52 PM rue_mohr: no, ,.... did you clean those?
08:52 PM Tom_itx: best i could
08:52 PM rue_mohr: ah
08:53 PM Tom_itx: sanded all the paint off
08:53 PM rue_mohr: no I mean did you clean off the welds
08:53 PM Tom_itx: tried to get most of the rust
08:53 PM Tom_itx: with a brush
08:53 PM rue_mohr: they did flare out on ya didn't they
08:53 PM * rue_mohr squints
08:54 PM rue_mohr: I think it looks cold
08:54 PM Tom_itx: i can turn it up but my practice welds, that's what i came up with for heat that looked the best
08:55 PM Tom_itx: wire feeding too fast?
08:55 PM rue_mohr: I'm not well practised with wirefeed
08:55 PM rue_mohr: tig and stick
08:55 PM Tom_itx: i'm not either
08:55 PM Tom_itx: give me a stick and i'm good
08:55 PM rue_mohr: no, splatter, so that bit went well
08:55 PM rue_mohr: what the gas, nitrogen or co2
08:55 PM Tom_itx: not alot anyway
08:56 PM Tom_itx: so far they're still flat
08:56 PM rue_mohr: the co2 adds carbon
08:56 PM Tom_itx: i think i'm using tri mix
08:56 PM rue_mohr: and those look like they have a healthy dose of carbon
08:56 PM rue_mohr: hmm
08:56 PM rue_mohr: wait, dosn't tri have oxygen in it?
08:56 PM Tom_itx: i'm not sure
08:57 PM rue_mohr: trimix is for stainless?
08:57 PM Tom_itx: In the metal fabrication industry, argon is used to create an inert gas shield during welding. Argon is frequently blended with carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen (H2), helium (He) or oxygen (O2) to enhance the arc characteristics or facilitate metal transfer in Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW or MIG).
08:57 PM rue_mohr: ah, which trimix is a good question
08:57 PM Tom_itx: i'd have to go look
08:58 PM rue_mohr: I think there is more than one thing going on
08:58 PM rue_mohr: I presume you were welding outside, so 5c out today? thats a huge heatsink and you need to hype the current for a spotweld, I dont think .03 can take enough
08:59 PM Tom_itx: no, in the garage
09:00 PM rue_mohr: 1/4" should be .035 or .045 according to unreliable internet source
09:00 PM Tom_itx: it's not quite 1/4 but close enough
09:00 PM rue_mohr: .05 wire can take 235A?
09:00 PM rue_mohr: ok...
09:01 PM Tom_itx: i'm not sure what my feeder will feed either
09:01 PM rue_mohr: what current were you at?
09:01 PM Tom_itx: it's on the larger feed spool now
09:01 PM Tom_itx: i'm not sure
09:01 PM rue_mohr: hmm
09:01 PM Tom_itx: it's just numbers on a dial
09:02 PM rue_mohr: this says 140A.. again a bead takes less thana spotweld
09:02 PM rue_mohr: whats the machines max rating?
09:02 PM Tom_itx: 175
09:02 PM rue_mohr: and the dial was at ___ out of ___
09:03 PM rue_mohr: and the high_med_low switch?
09:03 PM rue_mohr: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/49/dd/e1/49dde1569221feac455daf826e2f88a3--service-design-vbs-.jpg
09:04 PM rue_mohr: and the orange light was flashing, not a short flash, but a long flash ?
09:05 PM rue_mohr: the best part has to be the half a missing label on the left "I have no idea what those ones are for"
09:06 PM Tom_itx: 48/100 feed and 6/10 voltage
09:07 PM rue_mohr: Tom_itx, I'd do the spot welding at about 50% of max, given my stick welding numbers
09:07 PM Tom_itx: that's about where it's at
09:07 PM rue_mohr: yea, hmm
09:07 PM Tom_itx: i can turn the gas up a bit and see
09:07 PM Tom_itx: i've never known where that's supposed to be set really
09:08 PM rue_mohr: push the power by 20%
09:08 PM Tom_itx: leave the feed alone?
09:08 PM rue_mohr: dunno
09:08 PM rue_mohr: I recon that depends on the burnoff rate
09:08 PM rue_mohr: there's a pwm factor in there too, as the wire breaks the arc
09:08 PM Tom_itx: so far everything i've done i've had to turn the dials down a bit from what they suggest to get a decent weld
09:09 PM rue_mohr: I'd come and play, but your not next door
09:09 PM rue_mohr: and I have a cold.
09:10 PM rue_mohr: where t f is my remote prescence robot?
09:10 PM rue_mohr: :/ I suppose striking a welding arc might mess up a wifi connection.
09:11 PM * rue_mohr goes to strike the arc and does the funkey chicken
09:11 PM Tom_itx: i spend a good hour or more mounting the angle
09:11 PM Tom_itx: it's as straight as i can get it
09:11 PM Tom_itx: i used a mic
09:12 PM rue_mohr: wonderfull
09:12 PM rue_mohr: carefull with those tho, I suspect those tacs are brittle
09:12 PM rue_mohr: nothing like having it tacked perfectly and then having them break off when you least need it
09:13 PM rue_mohr: I had that vise within 1 thou TWICE
09:13 PM rue_mohr: which was pretty good cause I was compensating for warpage to have it end up there
09:17 PM Tom_itx: i'm thinking i may just run like 2" beads and space them out a bit
09:17 PM Tom_itx: what do you think?
09:17 PM Tom_itx: instead of a long continuous bead
09:18 PM Tom_itx: less warpage that way
09:19 PM ferdna: can i replace a GBU1005 with a GBU1006?
09:36 PM Tom_L: rue_mohr, it's argon 75% co2 25%
09:38 PM theBear: ooh, here's a question... what's up with those notes on mig welders that yer sposed to reverse yer terminals/polarity when you go from normal to gas-shield or back agian ?
09:39 PM Tom_L: yeah you're supposed to do that
09:39 PM Tom_L: i wouldn't use "normal" anyway. it spatters too much
09:39 PM Tom_L: the flux core stuff
09:41 PM Tom_L: ok, 20 cu ft/hr on the gas
09:42 PM Tom_L: DC positive on the electrode
09:43 PM Tom_L: i'll go check to make sure i didn't switch that at one time and forgot about it
09:46 PM Tom_L: nope, it's positive electrode
09:46 PM theBear: i had very little mig experience, even less than regular stick stuff, but umm, why either way round for most pos/neg ? is it a galvanised-iron/dead-leaky-old-mem-battery/pots lines kinda electroplatey/electrocorrodey thing or what ?
09:47 PM Tom_L: i'm not sure
09:47 PM Tom_L: i do know you reverse it for flux core wire
09:47 PM Tom_L: and some other metals
09:47 PM Tom_L: i don't know which ones
09:48 PM Tom_L: so everything is set right except i'm not sure where the gas regulator is set right now
09:52 PM theBear: i bet it's somewhere between yer handset bit, and the gas bottle <grin>
10:11 PM Tom_L: it could be the rust
10:11 PM Tom_L: i got off what i could
10:11 PM Tom_L: might try hitting it with an angle grinder a bit
10:13 PM theBear: mmm, all welding loves a good ankle biter session to ya know, damage-control and generally inspect/improve with time
10:14 PM Tom_L: my problem is most of the welding i've done was stick and i got a mig now
10:14 PM Tom_L: i know how to weld, just having issues with this mig
10:14 PM Tom_L: from what i can see so far, it's probably the rust
10:15 PM rue_mohr: note sure
10:15 PM rue_mohr: not
10:15 PM Tom_L: or excessive gas
10:15 PM Tom_L: i've got the right gas
10:15 PM Tom_L: the polarity is right
10:15 PM Tom_L: http://www.esabna.com/euweb/mig_handbook/592mig10_7.htm
10:15 PM theBear: mmm, i been exposed to a few low to mid quality and size/age migs recently, everything from gas shiels to effing wire-feeds constantly jammed this way thatr
10:16 PM Tom_L: i'll grind up a couple test pieces tomorrow and dial up the heat a bit more and see what happens
10:19 PM Tom_L: it's just the shits when you only get a short time in the evening to do anything
10:30 PM rue_mohr: yea
10:30 PM rue_mohr: I think you cleaned the metal fine
10:31 PM Tom_L: i'll check the gas flow tomorrow
10:32 PM Tom_L: and maybe dial up the heat some
10:32 PM Tom_L: i've got a spare tank
10:33 PM Tom_L: i'll as a guy tomorrow, he's a pretty good welder
10:33 PM theBear: i can run off the smell of an oily rag, if that helps
10:45 PM z64555: found a drill bit in the parking lot today, somebody's gonna miss it
10:46 PM z64555: it looks like one of the yellow coated ones you get from DeWalt, and it appears to have been sharpened, too
10:51 PM theBear: the old sharpened drill eh ? err, whaddya use them for ?
10:52 PM orlock: http://explosm.net/comics/3929/ - relevant
10:52 PM z64555: The bit, not the drill
10:53 PM orlock: z64555: read link
10:53 PM z64555: yes, I agree with blue shirt
10:54 PM z64555: er, in the 4th panel
10:54 PM z64555: he seems to confuse terms, too
10:55 PM z64555: wait a minute
10:55 PM * z64555 gets glasses
10:55 PM * z64555 sips coffee
10:55 PM z64555: green shirt, actually